While not directly a part of the API itself, I do think it ought to get into the discussions about mods in general and how they apply to Minecraft.
One thing I would love to see added is something like an app store where mod developers can showcase their wares in-game or through an official interface provided by Mojang. It could still be optional for mod developers, but it would allow players of Minecraft to pick and choose among the various mods. Developers could either release for "free" or charge for mods, depending on how popular they are or how much a developer wants to get their mod delivered.
I don't mind if Mojang gets a cut of the action, so it would be a big win for them as well.
This folds into the API discussion as it is only through a formal API system that such a store could really be developed. Downloading and automatically installing various mods can be made much easier with an official API (even though this could be done without an API).
- NichoMarpaunk
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Member for 12 years, 8 months, and 17 days
Last active Fri, Mar, 29 2013 02:39:44
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King_Korihor posted a message on Minecraft API Discussion - Sat, 20:00 CEST, #minecraftdev on EsperPosted in: Mods Discussion -
DragonHeroBlaze posted a message on Fix the purchase system, please.Hello.Posted in: Legacy Support
I firmly believe the purchase system for Minecraft needs to be improved.
I, along with many others, have tried and failed to purchase Minecraft.
Let me share some statistics with you about Minecraft purchases.
These stats were given to Lardman by Marc and is only a rough estimate. Therefore, the stats are not entirely accurate.
Roughly 9960 out of 10000 purchases go through.
6257373 purchases have gone through recently. (99.6%)
Therefore, 21530 additional purchases (.4%) have not been successful.
Multiply that by the amount in each purchase, $26.95 or 20 Euros.
Consequently, Mojang is missing out on $677253.50, or 502600 Euros.
Keep in mind that these stats are based on a rough estimate.
It is apparent that many people are, in fact, having problems with the purchase system.
The fact that any people at all are having problems is a problem in itself that shouldn't be ignored.
With the popularity of Minecraft, everybody should be able to buy it, with little to no problems.
What exactly are the problems?
First, the text sometimes bugs in the form and in the error message making it impossible to read or fill out.
Second, errors occur often leading to either a false-positive transaction with funds deducted, or no transaction at all. The transaction that does deduct funds doesn't work because a confirmation email is never sent out, and even emailing Mojang your transaction ID hardly does anything because as of June 15 they are responding to emails from April 14.
Third, most of the payment methods listed don't even work or require a ton of personal info to be given(for cases such as paypal and moneybookers) and still don't work.
Please inform me if there are even more problems than this and I'll be happy to add them to the list.
My own problem has to deal with using a Visa credit card to buy Minecraft in Texas, United States of America. I just get an error and get forced back to the merchant. If the support staff can fix anything regarding the problems I've listed (and the problem of my own) it would be a very good occurrence. -
Mellowed posted a message on Unacceptable Downtimes.Posted in: DiscussionQuote from fancybutts
Hey, hey kid. Open a book. Go outside. Do something. Vidja gaems aren't the only thing in the world. Or do you flip your lid when it rains because nature owes it to you too?
Way to ignore the whole issue, you troll (or jackass).
No one has stated they have nothing else to do. The point is, we are paying for a product we do not recieve. -
bacon_avenger posted a message on How can I get more people to stay on my server?Posted in: Server Support and Administration
I say it's their own fault myself, but I value quality over quantity.Quote from Typical_Name
Sigh... I just had to ban someone because they asked to be admin :/. A pity, he seemed like a really nice guy. It's very clearly stated in our rules that you can't ask for staff positions on your first day of joining (I use this as a basic test to screen out people who don't bother to read our rules).
Should I make a mandatory tutorial zone where people read the rules, or is it their own fault if they get banned?
What would you rather have, a server full of derping players who take all your time, or a server with less players but appreciate a quality and well run/organized server that don't need babysitting?
I really don't quite understand what the draw/drive is for so many people to have a 'big server'...
It can't be the money, as most servers don't make a dime, few break even, and even less actually turn a profit.
It all reminds me of the early eighties where everyone wanted 'da web hits, just to say they had that many. -
ChickenNuggster posted a message on Few Questions about the Modding APIThe idea of modding will be the same but It will link the modder and Mojang. It basically makes it so they don't have to update as often or at all. Question to number I'm not sure watch Minecraft Mondays. Third right now very easily you can add items and blocks if you would like to learn I would be happy to help. Hope This Helped you.Oh forgot number three yes, you can do that right now many don't due to it's unusfulness.Posted in: Discussion - To post a comment, please login.
well, to be honest, i know some tricks that can turn it into a money machine...
if you do it "business style", target underage kids (<15), give them special "powers" for paying, make nice GFX for the packages, do promotion (discounts), etc etc
i got arround $600 in the first month of opening the server. but then things started go out of control, the donators are overpowered and it blocks me from adding this and that. For example, quests, i have problem adding that because it will cause imbalance. Donators can fly and finish quest in 5 minutes.
Well, at that time i still have the desire to host a server, and not thinking yet about "what i got back". So i revamped the donation system, no more overpowered donators, but less donations.
I am really confused right now, i have like 100% lost my interest, but i still have the responsibility to host it.
But, i'm not getting anything back and no one an blame me for resigning.
Will selling the server to a trusted person be a good way ?
this will be epic
you are the one who should get warned and reported. basically you were calling every people that do not know what spout is "Retarded"
all of this spout vs bukkit vs mojang vs minecraft vs api is just speculations for now. we do not have the rights to judge before we see the real product.
spout is great, yeh.
But in my opinion people who supported spout seems to be like arrogant. Spout has more features yes, but it doesent make bukkit a failure.
I go on spout forums and bukkit forums and i can see spout fans, and a dev from spout throwing hate at bukkit.
You can be vocal yes, but i do not think it is the right way.
wtf, your source is from a random member posting in team avo's forum about the release date without any facts backint it up ?
that can not be a legit/trusted source.
and why did you call him retarded ? Tekkit has more blocks right now then spout. I know spout can make unlimited blocks but it is currently have less blocks than tekkit.
where did you get these informations ?
at this page http://www.minecraft...coming_features it says 2 things :
1. The release date of 1.3 is unknown
2. The modding api will be at 1.4 not 1.3
Can you give me the link to the info you got ?
Also, if you think that is stupid if people choose bukkit over spout, then you must be on the "Spout Side".
The reason people choose bukkit over spout is :
1. No custom client needed
2. Plugins. Mostly large servers with tons of plugins that only compatible with bukkit.
I don't see nothing wrong when people won't download custom client. It is very normal. Can't call them "Lazy" for that.
And about the "BukkitBridge" i think you are overboasting it. It is not worth to be boasted yet until we really see the proofs of bukkit plugins running on that bridge.
i never heard any plugin that does this :/
You still alive ? Cheers Bros is my first ever multiplayer server xD
Bring it back up, is aggresivedoughnut still arround ?
Anyway, back on topic.
Basically what craftbukkit++ done, is optimizing bukkit server. It uses mainly the growth and leave decaying system, correct me if i am wrong.
You can see the http://forums.spout.org/threads/craftbukkit.938/
Lastly, if cheers bros back up please do tell me
Why do you want to become a Member on Edencraft?:
I really enjoyed the server. And i wan't to build some creations on EdenCraft
Real Age:
Do you Enjoy this server?:
Yes, I DO, the community is so friendly and welcoming !
Whats your favorite block in Minecraft?:
Umm, lol this is an odd question, but i'm gonna say "sandstone" for this :/
Tell us something about yourself:
Well, 16 years old, normal teenager. I live in Indonesia, search near singapore and Malaysia at the world Map :P. I love minecraft and i currently own a pretty big server (no, don't worry it is for indonesians only, i won't be your competitor).
I also love music and i love making noteblock creation in minecraft, for example you can see here
Where did you hear about the server?:
The Minecraft Forums
Thank you !
As we all know, minecraft currently updating like crazy. Frequent updates and it breaking world saves.
I, as server owner suggesting that mojang slow the updates down. We can't even enjoy our map for 3 full months before another update comes out and brake it.
Make it like, the 1.7.3 to 1.8 transition.
Also, too much updates can be boring. For example, jungle and ocelots, was very interesting when 1.2 comes out. But now ? it is not interesting at all.
If you slow down the updates it can also bring more "excitement" and people will remember that update for longer time.
/suggestion end