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    posted a message on [1.3.2 & Newer Version] Level Up Survival !
    Bump :) imma try your map xD
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [32x][1.4.5+] Junk Jack v1.9 (Updated December 12th, 2012)
    1.4 please :)

    my favourite pack xD
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    Hey, i rented a server here 1 month ago, the 1 gb plan. It is for my private server with my friends. And i have to say, i am really satisfied with the service.

    The price is really cheap, but we never got any lag. Even though we live so far away (In Indonesia). The server runs flawlessly.

    I would reccomend this to anyone who wants to start a server.
    Posted in: Other hosts
  • 0

    Quote from Eryan

    If you want a vanilla or bukkit server, then yeah as soon as you pay for it you have access to your multicraft panel where you can start, stop, restart the server and choose what type of jar you want to use.

    If you want to use a jar that you custom modded then you have to have them start the server the first time. For us that only took 2 hours.

    But again if you just want vanilla or bukkit then yeah server set-up is instant I believe.

    alright thanks for the info :)
    Posted in: Other hosts
  • 0

    Hey, just want to ask a question. Is the setup instant ?

    I mean, if i pay will i get the server right away ? thanks
    Posted in: Other hosts
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    posted a message on Looking for a server to play on [Details inside]
    Quote from noggin

    hi, funtania meets your standards.


    for protective purposes, we have whitelist up right now but are removing it soon.

    we are 60 slot 24/7 dedicated with new map.

    send me ign


    thanks. my IGN is NichoMarpaunk
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for a server to play on [Details inside]
    Hello, i am currently have no server to play on.

    I am looking for a server that :
    - Have small - medium sized community (20 - 40 players online)
    - Have an active, organized forum
    - Have a simple gameplay (not too modified, i prefer real Minecraft feel)

    If you have any information, please reply to this post (Please do not PM)

    Thanks :)
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Server admins, how do you keep hosting servers ?
    Quote from FreezingFlame


    what ?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Server admins, how do you keep hosting servers ?
    Quote from haders

    To be honest, i'm a bit sick of my server, and i haven't even finished getting it ready to advertise yet. From the start i did it as a business model, cleverly planning out costs etc, and making sure i would be able to cover it until i could get donations. People giving you money dosen't make the server a "Money machine" as long as you aren't being ridiculous (I.E charging people 5$/month to play etc)

    well, to be honest, i know some tricks that can turn it into a money machine...

    if you do it "business style", target underage kids (<15), give them special "powers" for paying, make nice GFX for the packages, do promotion (discounts), etc etc

    i got arround $600 in the first month of opening the server. but then things started go out of control, the donators are overpowered and it blocks me from adding this and that. For example, quests, i have problem adding that because it will cause imbalance. Donators can fly and finish quest in 5 minutes.

    Well, at that time i still have the desire to host a server, and not thinking yet about "what i got back". So i revamped the donation system, no more overpowered donators, but less donations.

    I am really confused right now, i have like 100% lost my interest, but i still have the responsibility to host it.

    But, i'm not getting anything back and no one an blame me for resigning.

    Will selling the server to a trusted person be a good way ?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Server admins, how do you keep hosting servers ?
    Well, this is my personal experience i want to share, and i am a bit confused right now because i am starting to loose interest in all of this, but my server is already pretty big.

    Started hosting my server 6 months ago. Started out as a small, 8 - 10 players server. I build it up, advertising, making sure everything is right, fixing bugs, choosing staff members, making custom plugins, etc.

    I spend lots of my free times maintaining my server.

    When the server down, i try to get it backup
    I fix bugs when they founded
    I make custom plugins for it
    I choose my staffs
    And basically everything to keep my server enjoyable

    6 months i started getting sick of this, i do everything for my server, but i don't get anything back, not even a penny.

    Not to mention when there is any problem ppl will throws it on us (admin & staffs).

    I mean, i can very easily make the server as "money machine" if i wanted to, but i realized that making that money machine out of someone's game is just immoral.

    I really wanted to "resign" from hosting my server, but it has grown to a pretty big server with 25 - 35 players online during peak time, and hundreds of registered users.

    No one can blame me for that anyway, i am a voulenteer and i never get paid.

    If i resign i will probably join a more "professional" community as i am pretty confident in my administrating skills.

    I am really confused right now on what to do.

    So, server admins, how do you keep hosting servers ?

    If you want to know my server, here is it http://www.kakuscraft.com/
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Minecraft API Discussion - Sat, 20:00 CEST, #minecraftdev on Esper
    Quote from King Korihor

    While not directly a part of the API itself, I do think it ought to get into the discussions about mods in general and how they apply to Minecraft.

    One thing I would love to see added is something like an app store where mod developers can showcase their wares in-game or through an official interface provided by Mojang. It could still be optional for mod developers, but it would allow players of Minecraft to pick and choose among the various mods. Developers could either release for "free" or charge for mods, depending on how popular they are or how much a developer wants to get their mod delivered.

    I don't mind if Mojang gets a cut of the action, so it would be a big win for them as well.

    This folds into the API discussion as it is only through a formal API system that such a store could really be developed. Downloading and automatically installing various mods can be made much easier with an official API (even though this could be done without an API).

    this will be epic
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft API Discussion - Sat, 20:00 CEST, #minecraftdev on Esper
    lol so the API isnt even started yet ?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Status of Minecraft Servers
    Quote from mikeambrose3

    Spout sucks. (In my opinion) Just leaving my words here.

    someone gonna call you retarded :/
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Status of Minecraft Servers
    Quote from PandazNWafflez

    If you read my post, £ != $.

    Go. Away.

    Spout. Is. NOT. A. Minecraft. Software.

    Until people in this thread understand that, they can get lost.

    How can Spout have more blocks when it doesn't replicate Minecraft? It can't. The Vanilla plugin provides Minecraft functionality, but the whole point is that it's Vanilla so there are no extra blocks.

    I am now going to report any posts after this one that don't read the OP.

    And so Tekkit has more blocks than default Spout. Default Spout Client allows you to play what will be hundreds of games when it is done. All of which are customizable by plugins.

    Tekkit is also going to die with Bukkit, so nobody cares anyway.

    Furthermore, if anyone is here to troll, go off topic, or insult Spout / The API / Bukkit in a not constructive way, I will report them and request their post deleted.

    From now on, this thread is on topic.

    Discuss the OP. Stop being trolls.

    you are the one who should get warned and reported. basically you were calling every people that do not know what spout is "Retarded"

    all of this spout vs bukkit vs mojang vs minecraft vs api is just speculations for now. we do not have the rights to judge before we see the real product.

    spout is great, yeh.

    But in my opinion people who supported spout seems to be like arrogant. Spout has more features yes, but it doesent make bukkit a failure.

    I go on spout forums and bukkit forums and i can see spout fans, and a dev from spout throwing hate at bukkit.

    You can be vocal yes, but i do not think it is the right way.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Multicraft - The Minecraft control panel
    FInally, succesfully installed multicraft xD

    Really worth my money <3
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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