Use an iron hoe, click on a block and things will happen, check the commands for more details.
edit: For what I know the tool you want is "selection rectangle": click on two blocks and it will create a 3d rectangle
the command to use the tool is:
/voxel tool 2
Yeah, I figured out how to do it before you responded, but I had to go to bed before, I had the chance to log on! But can you add a command that tells the item ID of the block your holding, and also when you tap a blick with a hoe, it says "Block selected!" Or maybe a little icon to make it look less rebundant!
Bug: he drops porkchops, looks like a pig in multiplayer, and he makes pig noises. Re-logging in the gamrle will turn all steves into pigs with lits of health.Bug: he drops porkchops, looks like a pig in multiplayer, and he makes pig noises. Re-logging in the world will turn all steves into pigs with lots of health.
Don't quit! Never give up
You have to learn more! You can't learn how to make code in few weeks. It is something you practice your whole life. Go and learn more! I used Math.random in that code I posted before you can learn about Math.random here and that site will teach you much more!
Don't give up! Never give up!
You're TRYING to make me angry, and you're TRYING to make me feel stupid!!
I'm not even old enough to understand the basics of this crap, and I never will! I dont HAVE THE TIME FOR YOUR GAMES!! ALL I WANTED IS A SIMPLE SCRIPT LINK!! why the hell does life have to be so difficult for me?!I don't want to learn about math. Random. All I want is to impress my little sister by showing her that I can add steves to my game in multiplayer
This is just an example I put together, there is no download, learn from it
I have no idea what's going on in this!! I know there will be no villagers in minecraft pocket edition, and I thiught I would have a chance, but I was WRONG! I GIVE UP AND I QUIT!!
I am. Looking for a mod script for the latest version!
I want it to have a mob that has a player model. (char. Png)
I don't want intro have any animal sounds, JUST PLAYER.
Also, I need it to work in multiplayer because it's not really a custom mob. The last steve mod i got was ok at first glance, but then i played with it on my local server, and ťmooing and dropping what a cow would drop when killed. Because he was a player's MODEL but with something else of a COW. I want a PLAYER MODEL with NO SOUNDS, and also looks like a steve in multiplayer.
And last, typing /spawn steve will spawn him.
If I get a successful script, I need it to be downloaded like a WEB ADDRESS in block launcher, NOT on my post, because MOST PEOPLE CAN'T EVEN SELECT spaces on a keyboard!
Yeah, I figured out how to do it before you responded, but I had to go to bed before, I had the chance to log on! But can you add a command that tells the item ID of the block your holding, and also when you tap a blick with a hoe, it says "Block selected!" Or maybe a little icon to make it look less rebundant!
. Link?
You're TRYING to make me angry, and you're TRYING to make me feel stupid!!
I'm not even old enough to understand the basics of this crap, and I never will! I dont HAVE THE TIME FOR YOUR GAMES!! ALL I WANTED IS A SIMPLE SCRIPT LINK!! why the hell does life have to be so difficult for me?!I don't want to learn about math. Random. All I want is to impress my little sister by showing her that I can add steves to my game in multiplayer
I have no idea what's going on in this!! I know there will be no villagers in minecraft pocket edition, and I thiught I would have a chance, but I was WRONG! I GIVE UP AND I QUIT!!
I want it to have a mob that has a player model. (char. Png)
I don't want intro have any animal sounds, JUST PLAYER.
Also, I need it to work in multiplayer because it's not really a custom mob. The last steve mod i got was ok at first glance, but then i played with it on my local server, and ťmooing and dropping what a cow would drop when killed. Because he was a player's MODEL but with something else of a COW. I want a PLAYER MODEL with NO SOUNDS, and also looks like a steve in multiplayer.
And last, typing /spawn steve will spawn him.
If I get a successful script, I need it to be downloaded like a WEB ADDRESS in block launcher, NOT on my post, because MOST PEOPLE CAN'T EVEN SELECT spaces on a keyboard!
Thank you.