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    posted a message on [HOT] Darth377's ADVANCED MODS: LATEST: Nightmare MiniMod! Can YOU survive in this harsh environment?
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on LucasMCPE_br mods CreepersAndMore v0.4
    Make them spawn naturally. That's the only way I will play this mod. Sorry, that's the only way I like my new mobs mods. I'll plus one for you.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on [Update!]Generated Structures Mod![More trees!][Tall grass and lava pools!][Houses]
    Ha, I don't really understand the concept of it. You blew my mind when you told us how to do it. I'd do far worse than anyone else.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Help! Requesting a food mod!
    How long do you think it will take? I would like to have it in a link once its finished. I will maybe go through trouble of my bad internet--to post a download of it and give full credit to you. It would help everyone who also wants items like this.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on [Update!]Generated Structures Mod![More trees!][Tall grass and lava pools!][Houses]
    Never mind. I figured out how to do it! It's a decent mod. The problem is that some of the structures looking of ugly. Some of them spawn in water too.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on [Update!]Generated Structures Mod![More trees!][Tall grass and lava pools!][Houses]
    I hate this mod simply because I can't find yhe root folder. I don't have root!!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Thecactigods modscripts! [NEW] No Projectile Gravity, Laser mod, and mob fireworks! 20 mods!
    I got an error in the Mushroom block script. Same in the stackable snow one. Make sure you fix it. I showed the mushroom one below. I'm too lazy to copy the snow one too! xD

    Error occurred in script: Mushroom Blocks.js
    org.mozilla.javascript.WrappedException: Wrapped java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable (Mushroom Blocks.js#4)
    at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.throwAsScriptRuntimeEx(Unknown Source)
    at org.mozilla.javascript.MemberBox.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at org.mozilla.javascript.FunctionObject.call(Unknown Source)
    at org.mozilla.javascript.Interpreter.interpretLoop(Unknown Source)
    at script.selectLevelHook(Mushroom Blocks.js:4)
    at org.mozilla.javascript.Interpreter.interpret(Unknown Source)
    at org.mozilla.javascript.InterpretedFunction.call(Unknown Source)
    at org.mozilla.javascript.ContextFactory.doTopCall(Unknown Source)
    at org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.doTopCall(Unknown Source)
    at org.mozilla.javascript.InterpretedFunction.call(Unknown Source)
    at net.zhuoweizhang.mcpelauncher.ScriptManager.callScriptMethod(ScriptManager.java:186)
    at net.zhuoweizhang.mcpelauncher.ScriptManager.selectLevelCallback(ScriptManager.java:223)
    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable
    at net.zhuoweizhang.mcpelauncher.ScriptManager.expandTexturesArray(ScriptManager.java:717)
    at net.zhuoweizhang.mcpelauncher.ScriptManager$NativeBlockApi.defineBlock(ScriptManager.java:1706)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
    ... 11 more
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Help! Requesting a food mod!
    As long as it has what i requested, I will love it. I could restore Hp without my sister knowing. I hope I haven't caused you any trouble.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on Help! Requesting a food mod!
    Has it been fixed? I found a bug in one of my food mods. When I ate the food, it restored no HP. (it was the risk mod)
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on Help! Requesting a food mod!

    I thought you guys were friendly, but obviously I thought the absolute wrong thing. You don't even know me, and you tell me to do it myself? What kind of evil creature tells me to do something as "easy" as changing the item drops, but I can't even remove the "script" button from the Vogel Dagger mod? I can barely change the name yet make a custom item as easy as you guys can simply do what i request. I'm too young and not smart enough to even understand what you guys do. It's impossible for me to do something as hard as this, even if I try. Why would I think that you guys have enough time to think? Every time I need a simple task done, everyone tries to get me to learn how to do something or do it myself, people always make a big deal out of stuff. You and these forums are going down the drain. I hate living life angry. It's easy for the experts to make me the simple mod, not me. Think first instead of guessing i'm an expert modder.

    But I think I have already downloaded your mo'food mod. Easy obtainable fish and golden apples from a tree is not my thing. I love the rotten flesh though and just want it to be altered to have what I requested. Also, it's not a good idea for them all to restore 10 hearts, that's too OP.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on Help! Requesting a food mod!
    Like I said before, I need the exact Things that I said IN THE POST!! is it that hard for someone to make me a simple mod?!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on Help! Requesting a food mod!
    It doesn't do exactly what i want though. I want those mobs to drop to drop the items that I specified in this post!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on Help! Requesting a food mod!
    I need help with a food mod.

    It just adds mire mob drops Incluude:

    Edit it so pigs ALWAYS drops 1-3 porkchops instead of 0-2

    MODPE item "rotten flesh" from zombies and zombie pigmen. Drops 1-2. Restores 3 hearts.

    Skeletons drop MODPE iten Golden apples. Restores 5 and a half hearts.

    Creepers have a small chance to drop raw fish. Raw fish restore 3 health and you can cook it by tapping it on a furnace. (or putting it in a furnace if it's possible) cooked fish restores 4 and a half hearts.

    Please do it for me, I would greatly appreciate it!!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on [HOT] Darth377's ADVANCED MODS: LATEST: Nightmare MiniMod! Can YOU survive in this harsh environment?
    Tesring the super sprint one!Testing the super sprint one!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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