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    posted a message on Memory problem! (OMG)

    Windows 10 Home AMD FX(tm)-6100 Six-Core Processor

    64 bit operating system and 64 based processor

    NVIDIA GeForce GT 610, that's it right?

    I don't even know if that's good or not.

    Also majesty, I had no problem when I had around 90 mods.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Advent of Ascension NEW TEXTURES!

    Good times, eh?

    I have improved a bit and also made some harvestcraft improvements while I made this one back then, Then made more harvestcraft ones yesterday.

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Memory problem! (OMG)

    I have 110 mods installed, what's your record? xD

    I decided to get 1.12.2 after not playing in 2-3 years, I used to play on 1.7.10. (The golden days of minecraft for me)

    I miss thaumcraft, hunger overhaul, All the thaum addons for tinkers and such, aether, nevermine, zeldaswordskills, legend items, chocolatequest, etc..

    Can't find 1.12.2 for those mods.

    Anyway, I have allocated the most memory I can as possible, so what do I do now?

    I go in task manager. Memory: 91-99%. CPU, 99%. Disk, 99%. Disk is messed up and I tried to fix it, to no avail so I'll just leave the disk as is.

    I went to settings, advbanced blah blah, and set the java variable to -Xmx5000m because the game actually runs on that.

    Am I using too much or too little, because it's 90+%.

    I have 8 gigs of ram, roughly 10-30% when MC isn't open.

    (Was only 10% before soft-rebooting my PC..)

    So, when I'm in my game, long story short, the game has a lag spike like once a minute or two, (Journeymap also says something about not being able to find villagers, may have to do with MCA installed.)

    Every time the lag spike happens, the sound system crashes.

    (Luckily I have dynamic surroundings or It wouldn't tell me or reboot it)

    I pressed F3 to see how the memory is going, it goes from like 50% all the way to 93% and goes back down.

    The thing is, the lag spike doesn't happen when it goes to 93% and resets, it just randomly happens..

    Any idea what to? I'm no expert :/

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on I CAN'T Connect to Servers.


    All of them don't work except for 2 of them.


    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Why do people never make mods for 1.8?

    I guess he has mods that aren't being worked on anymore.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Decided to play minecraft again for a little. Now I have an error? (Please respond ASAP)

    I downloaded minecraft launcher, downloaded the 1.11 version, clicked play, and it worked.

    I wanted a mod to put on it, so I got magic launcher.

    I always used magiclauncher. I had like literally over 50 mods, but since I got asperger's syndrome and bad memory, I literally just threw all of that behind. All of my worlds, I don't remember any of it now. I haven't played since 1.7.5. Or 1.7.2. or something idk.

    Now when I test the newest magic launcher (1.3.4 right?) I get the following error:

    *** MagicMinecraftLauncher 1.3.4 ***
    LCP: ;bin/jinput.jar;bin/lwjgl.jar;bin/lwjgl_util.jar;C:\Users\Debbie\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.11\1.11.jar
    McVersion: 1.11
    MainClass: net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at magic.launcher.Launcher.main(SourceFile:188)

    I put the mod on and it says it isn't compatible either. (even though it says 1.11)

    Don't blame me; I haven't played this game in a while.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on New Splashes!

    I love fooling around with splashes.. Come look at a few I made hehehe

    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on Help me with this? (Shaders)

    my bad, I didn't mean to put this in the MCPE..

    Can a moderator move it?


    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Discussion
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    posted a message on Advent of Ascension NEW TEXTURES!



    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Headcrumbs - Celebrities heads as dungeon loot + heads for all the mobs you can think of!

    The Celebrities show up as Steves. Same with their heads. I have the latest forge for 1.7.10..

    I mean, Steve is a handsome guy and all, but steve is my main skin. I'm not fond of killing myself. And why are they hostile?

    (Re-Post, I might get bashed, but if I hadn't stated it was a re-post, it would have probably went unnoticed, because nobody is paying attention to our issues with Steve heads.)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Advent of Ascension NEW TEXTURES!

    anybody there?

    Here, have some more looks

    Anima stone, Observing eye, The heart crystal, coral stone (Looks weird, I know) and the staring eye..

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on This is Ironic

    You know how there are lagless shaders?

    What is ironic is, it's not lagless


    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders [compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 via OptiFine]




    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mob Dismemberment for EVERY MOB!! (Mods included)

    Is there a dismemberment that works on all mobs—including ones from mods?

    If they could do something similar to that, like the "Shatter" mod, they should be able to un-ghostify those pieces, and make it different..

    I just have the urge to chop off an arm of a little maid or something.. Are there any mods that can do things like that? If not, maybe it's about time to have a death animation mod other than mobs unrealistically flying away.

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders [compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 via OptiFine]

    The bloom disgusts me.

    No bloom version pl0x.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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