PixelMap is a mapper to efficiently read, parse and output one or a set of top-down images of any Minecraft world. It has been efficiently written for speed and portability.
GUI Windows 1.21 64-bit: exe zip
GUI Linux 1.21 64-bit: deb rpm zip
CLI Windows 1.21 64-bit: zip
CLI Linux 1.21 64-bit: deb rpm zip
Source: https://git.aposoc.net/McTwist/PixelMap
- Efficient in both CPU cores and memory consumption
- Minecraft Worlds:
- Java Edition Alpha Level Format (Infdev to Alpha to Beta 1.2)
- Java Edition Region Level Format (Beta 1.3 to 1.1)
- Java Edition Anvil Level Format (1.2 and beyond)
- Bedrock Edition (post-pocket edition)
- Custom color format for each block
- Modes: cave, heightmap(gray/color), slice, gradient, solid, night
- Standard, custom worlds and single dimensions
- Output image: full, map
- Info about world (Click on seed to copy)
- Able to generate image of any world (As long as there is memory available; 15GB world has been tested)
Example Output
15GB world, 269MB 31232x31232 PNG
Block Color format
############################################# # PixelMap script - BlockColor example file # ############################################# # Script language created to increase usability # and future updates of block colors in # Minecraft. # # This line is a comment and can be placed # anywhere in the file and will ignore all # characters til next line occurs. # # All whitespaces like space and tab, will be ignored. # # It currently supports block ids and damage # values and namespace ids vlues, hexadecimal and # rgb/argb color. # # Usage # <block_id[:<damage_value>[...]]|namespace_id>[ ...] = <hex_color>|<r g b[ a]> [# comment] # # Examples # 0 = f0ffff # 1 2 = 69ff00ff # 3:1 = 127 127 127 # 3:2 = 50 127 128 129 # minecraft:air = 255 255 255 0 # # Advanced showoff # 1 2:3 2:4 5:23 67 = 456789 # Assign everything
PixelMap, being the library, the CLI and GUI tool, is licensed under GPLv3.
Third-party libraries are bound through their respective licenses, but not directly to PixelMap.
Also, friend of mine installed Windows 8 on his laptop; now whenever he unplugs the charger when it's turned on, the machine restarts. Not even kidding. I know that's a highly uncommon issue, but still. Windows 8 BSODS for me constantly, on both my laptop and desktop. I like some of the new features in it, but for gaming Windows 7 is far better. I've also heard about people getting lower FPS on games after upgrading to it.
So, people who pirate things- stop, you're hurting the industry. People who are trying to stop it- you are also hurting the industry. (Oh, also, if you pirate things, you have no right to complain about SOPA/PIPA/Web censorship/whatever because those people are the reason that this whole thing came up)
People... please stop being this way. You're not helping our communities already bratty stereotype.
If you like that terrain gen, there is a modification to get it back. Or, you could just revert back to that version! Personally, I way prefer the new terrain gen, it looks like some effort went into making that a solid piece of code.