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    posted a message on Multiplayer is coming, need of a sturdier material?
    Going to just randomly suggest that instead of nerfing everything you consider tool damage instead. For example removing a block damages a tool 16/32 times as much as normal if done by an intruder inside the radius, this means anyone intending to smash everything up will either need a large supply of pickaxes or choose where they dig better. True it wont stop a determined player but if your going to make breaking in near impossible/incredibly slow you might as well stick to creative play in the first place.

    To give this a lil perspective using the values on the wiki at 32x damage.
    wood/gold pickaxe = 2 uses
    stone pickaxe = 3 uses
    iron pickaxe = 5 uses
    diamond pickaxe = 33 uses

    But honestly instead of crazy obelisks and such you could probably make a modded furnace which accepts gold/diamond blocks for a number of hours of protection that required refilling and just did a default distance of for example 96 blocks, the block itself also invincible until it runs out of power which also makes it possible to siege a place by blocking off their supplies preventing it from being refilled, you might even consider a rule of the block needing to be placed high up to prevent it being hidden underground and other things like preventing it from being over filled for days on end.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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    posted a message on Mineserver a C++ Minecraft Server (Open Source) Functional
    I take back my dumb comments, I don't even know why I didn't see it before and for some reason I was over complicating the entire thing for no reason forgetting the extra 1 is expanding on the base 36 to make 64 from '1r'.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Mineserver a C++ Minecraft Server (Open Source) Functional
    Quote from ReDucTor »
    Actually both are base36

    Then why does all my world saves have 64 folders? Plus with the way that it's saving you would have a separate file for every folder which is not the case which you can find out for yourself by playing single player and walking in a single direction for a long time and examining how its structured.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Mineserver a C++ Minecraft Server (Open Source) Functional
    Quote from trigg »
    Quote from Neko_Baron »
      std::string infile = mapDirectory+"/"+base36_encode(modulox)+"/"+base36_encode(moduloz)+"/c."+

    You wont be ever able to copy in a normal server map because its always going to be looking in the wrong folders, the folder locations should be base64 but the file name is base36, it's getting the file name right but looking in the wrong place for it.

    Erm... Worked for me?

    Well its defiantly not the same folder format so I can't see how you could have lucked out and had it looking in the right place, have to admit I haven't looked over the entire code yet but I can defiantly say it wont save in the same format as a normal server, and folders don't save with a - symbol either since the folders are in a loop of 64 always.

    Quote from nicklozon »
    Since there is no map generation, I copied over a map generated with the regular minecraft server. It seems to be quite glitchy though and if you move more than a few blocks, it tries accessing files that don't exist.

    This also makes sense in the same context.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Mineserver a C++ Minecraft Server (Open Source) Functional
      std::string infile = mapDirectory+"/"+base36_encode(modulox)+"/"+base36_encode(moduloz)+"/c."+

    You wont be ever able to copy in a normal server map because its always going to be looking in the wrong folders, the folder locations should be base64 but the file name is base36, it's getting the file name right but looking in the wrong place for it.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on List of Helpful Admin Software
    This topic isn't a place for biased opinions, it's to give people a free choice so get over it.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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    posted a message on Official statement about the MCAdmin issue
    Quote from msleeper »
    But I have to agree, I'd never use anything made by a furry either.

    Then you'd better turn off your PC then forever just in case your already running something made by one already.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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    posted a message on Do Not use MCAdmin! (Explanation)(Back Door Dev Mode)
    I think this would be a cool time to mention that most of MC# was coded by a gay furry, and at one point a certain straight self confessed Christian co coder added in a server crashing command for them self via the IRC bot which was extremely unsecure and exploitable. Bet all you people using MC# months back never knew that existed eh? Thankfully it was removed and never released since some one removed it the instant they saw it.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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    posted a message on Vanilla Server Software Altering Size of Map
    make a larger map in omen or any other similar map generator tool and replace the .dat.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Torch Lever
    Quote from Spinja »
    Uhhh, if someone wanted your stuff badly enough, why wouldn't they go around hitting all of the torches in a base, with one of them possibly being a lever leading to your goodies?

    Because you would wire the rest of the torches levels to traps/TNT.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The last swing
    From the stream recap thread.
    Did you know that the very last use of tool does not give a resource?
    Yes I know, it's going to be fixed the next update.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Torches
    The only problem I could see with torches wearing out would be continually deleting and replacing them before they run out, granted that would be an extremely tiresome job to do.
    A possible more interesting idea would be for snow and rain when a weather cycle is implemented to randomly douse torches that are in range of the SUN light generated by the map so people cant just put a single block above a torch. This of course would mean that any torches in a cave would remain unaffected and you would need to think of an interesting reason for them to be doused, such as a creeper aimed at destroying torches of something.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on The last swing
    Of of any tool you might be using, I find it quit funny that a certain bug still in the alpha remains unfixed. When a tool is on the brink of breaking you will NOT get the resource from destroying the block with a tool! So if your not paying attention and swing the last hit of your iron pickaxe into the only block of diamond you've ever found prepare to cry as the game denies you of your reward.

    Please can we bring attention to this absurdly silly small bug and get it fixed, it may only be 1 block but it doesn't make sense that you don't get it from using a tool.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on New crafting suggestion: Buildable Spawn Points
    Quote from radonschism »
    just add cloning stations to the game :tongue.gif:

    A ton of games already use this style of re spawning.

    Only issues being is do you force some one to the nearest spawner or let them choose by going to them to avoid spawning in hostile towns randomly ect. Plus I doubt it would make sense to allow anyone to craft one since maps would be littered with them in the end so it would work better as an operator set point, so hopefully they're made in useful locations instead of every 50 blocks down a cave.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Need help with rules.
    Nice unhelpful reply, you might want to consider a custom server that supports multi map. You can then set a map to the side for them, some custom servers will let you disable certain ranks from building on maps. Its fairly common for servers to set side a map for operators and such, if people cant understand a map set to the side for a player you might as well go ahead and ban em.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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