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    posted a message on [16x][1.6.6] Assassin's Craft [WIP]
    Hey! Well, I'm a tad late. I was just working on a new adventure map of mine, and the armor you wear is a big part of the storyline. My question is, since Painterly doesn't have anything that'd fit my needs, I found your textures for the leather armor would fit PERFECTLY.

    So, my question in short: Would you mind if I took the leather armor skin from your pack, put it in my map's texture pack, and credited you? Thanks in advance! ^_^
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Single Player Commands [V4.9] - Official Download [SPC] [+NoClip]
    Um, help?

    I use WorldEdit for most of my mapping and build projects. However, in the latest release, I'll go ahead and tell you: The wand positions are NOT FIXED. Whenever I set two positions, it randomly generates a random axis too far in a random direction. I can set a flat cuboid of 10 blocks by 10 blocks, and it'll randomly turn into a 10x10x30 tower. Help? :Notch:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Giving villagers weapons and armour!
    Maybe a specific GUI for villager interaction? Maybe walk up to him, right click, and a menu pops up. You select "I want to trade," and he trades you an amount of ore or ingots for weapons and armor. Or, you can access his Gift Inventory, and directly modify what stuff you want to give him. That way, if you get a new piece of armor for him, you could just walk up, pick the second option, and pop it in there.

    Supported. :rolleyes:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Jungle Structures
    I was thinking maybe something like what the Yogscast did in their spotlight of the jungle. Maybe tribal villages, with houses literally inside the leaves. Heck, we could have a new type of villager and have Jungle Villages. :iapprove:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Minecraft 1.1 Stronghold Seed, right next to spawn!

    I have been looking for an End Portal in 1.1 for SO LONG. THANK YOU. :iapprove:
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Garrys Mod
    Does 2077 hours of play time and 20 out of 25 achievements mean I have no life? Honestly, I think it might. :mellow:

    So, yes. Insanely fun game. :lol:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Dream idea for a new minecraft mob
    Quote from WhatsFast

    Try more creaps and wierdos mod. They have mummies.

    What that guy said. More Creeps and Weirdos is an amazing mod. As far as mummies go, they've got Mummies, Baby Mummies, plus a whole other slew of sand mobs that even spawn in their own pyramids. With treasure.

    I'm pretty sure that'd be what you're looking for. :rolleyes:

    Plus, if you don't want everything else in the mod, it's all customizable. You could have vanilla Minecraft just with mummies if you wanted.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on PS3 HELP!!!!
    If a PS3 can't read discs, it's pretty much done for. There could be a way to fix it. I'd suggest maybe taking it to get looked at, or at least Googling the issue. A Minecraft forum probably isn't the best place to start for a PS3 issue. :P

    Good luck, though. ;)
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on ULTRA NETHER CHALLENGE
    So, we do absolutely nothing and post how long the forces of Minecraftia's nature decided to keep us alive? Um... it's got potential, anyways.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on divide by zero? you get infinity!
    Zero can't be divided. It's not even a number. It's actually just a concept, based on the idea of nothing. "Nothing" can't be divided. :Skeleton:
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Shows that you hate with all the rage that exists in your body.
    Well, I actually quite like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I don't see what all the flaming is about. It's a show that a lot of people, including myself, like to watch. Sheesh. <_<

    Anyways, on-topic, I basically hate every reality show out there, seeing as how "reality" is a term for "horribly-faked." Besides, half of the "reality" shows out there are about rich idiots being melodramatic about silly things.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Should minecraft become free to play?
    Quote from Inde97

    That whole arguement is *completely* unfounded in any sort of graspable truth. And like I said before, if you don't want new players, a server can be whitelisted.

    Very true, actually. It just seems like the whole network of griefers in Minecraft have resulted in prejudice against new players. But, it is a fact, not many people who get on the internet use common sense, logic, or intelligence. A lot of them probably have it, they just choose not to use it. Whai u think ppl tlk leik dis? :mellow:

    But, I still hold my position that if they want to play they should pay. It's too big of a game with too many features constantly growing and expanding that I think making it free would be illogical. If someone wants to play an amazing game with a huge community and constantly growing mods, I think they should just cough up $20. :Pig:

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Should minecraft become free to play?
    Quote from epicAaron29

    It already IS free to play :biggrin.gif: Just download it off a website

    Um. That's called "pirating." It's illegal. :mellow:

    Anyways, I think we have our answer. It would screw up the SMP community and result in frustration and ragequits from the veterans of Minecraft. Of course, they already have the PCGamer demo. We can't just give them some crap version of Minecraft. If Mojang wants to make sales, we can't give them what they're not gonna get.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on A use for villagers
    Nah, maybe something like a mix. You could go in and make friends with them and play games and trade. On the other side, you could go in and threaten to take over the dang place. If they surrender, you get the survivors as slaves. Then you could set them to do a specific task around your house. You could chain them to posts and things so they wouldn't run away. :rolleyes:

    That actually sounds pretty cool.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Should minecraft become free to play?
    No way. Notch and the rest of Mojang work too hard on this game not to get $20 of bill payment for each purchase. This is his living. Companies like Blizzard can make their games free to play because they're already freaking rich. Mojang is still small, and needs to grow some. If Minecraft is free, they'll never grow.

    Besides, like the above comments say, the millions who already paid would be ticked. Of course, I bought it in alpha. :rolleyes: It was cheap back then.
    Posted in: Discussion
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