fill free to see what is wrong. the sword class one its own is the one i made its own ItemSword Class (speed change works but the sweep attack is gone). all the ones in the slot1 folder just extends the minecraft ItemSword. (can't changes speed But sweep attack works)
i want to be able to change the speed and keep the sweep attack.
i have been having problems with modding tool attack speeds in minecraft 1.11.2. I was able to edit all the tools successfully, but swords here is the codes i have been having a problem with
* Gets a map of item attribute modifiers, used by ItemSword to increase hit damage.
public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getItemAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot equipmentSlot)
Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> multimap = super.getItemAttributeModifiers(equipmentSlot);
if (equipmentSlot == EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND)
multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_DAMAGE_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", (double)this.attackDamage, 0));
multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", -2.4000000953674316D, 0));
return multimap;
this code is located in the ItemsSword. here is what i have tried and no success
1. i copped the ItemsSword and put it in its own class edited the code above. it changes the speed but the sweep attack dose not work and game dose not think my item it is a sword.
2.i put the code above in my items base class and even with the @Override it didn't work. i think it is to do with super.getItemAttributeModifiers(equipmentSlot) because my item base class is extends ItemSword and it pulls the same code in that class making mine not work. i have tried replacing super to Item but i get an error
i had no problems editing the other tools because they extends ItemTool which sword just extends Item
Thanks for the code.1 thing you need to know if you want to add properties. thay have to be in a different classes.just extend the defalt tool/armor class.
code for 1.7.2
public boolean getIsRepairable(ItemStack par1ItemStack, ItemStack par2ItemStack){
return Custom.Item == par2ItemStack.getItem() ? true : super.getIsRepairable(par1ItemStack, par2ItemStack);
hey dude just want to know if this mod is supported with sphax
also if i can make a vid on it. Want to make this my first mod review =]
sorry no it only has the default minecraft texture pack but i want to make a sphax and faithful texures.
review wise you heave to send a link to this forum for download
Hey, I am planning on doing a mod review of this mod. Except that I couldn't figure out where you are supposed to get the gems from. I tried looking through the creative inventory, but I couldn't find a block that drops the gems and I didn't see a crafting recipe for them in your pictures. If you could tell me how to get the gems I would be more than happy to do a mod review of this mod.
I made it that the gems will have a chance of dropping if you look at the recipe pics you can tell what gems drop form what ore
One issue i noticed, the durability of steel armor is the same as iron, it should be increased to be directly inbetween iron and diamond and the durability on the sword should be like 500-600
steel is in the middle of iron and silver i know durability make the items OP so i just increased the efficiency on the armor and tools of steel. silver is 500
1. Download Forge Installer (1.8.8 version)
2. Run Minecraft at least once and close Minecraft. (Note if you have Skip this step).
3. Run the Forge Installer, and hit OK and forge will be installed.
4. Run Minecraft, and there will be a profile Forge. (Note If you have a different version of forge already installed create a new profile, and under use version for the version you installed.)
5. Run Minecraft when it gets to the main menu quit the game.
6. Put the my mod zip/jar file in the mods folder in your .minecraft, or custom location you made.
7. Start Minecraft and done.
Texture Pack Compatibility
Faithful 32x32 Texture Pack Download
MetalGemCraft Faithful 32x32 Patch works on all mod versions Download
1.Download both texture pack and patch
2.Open both with 7zip
3.Copy the assets folder for the patch to the texture pack
4 put the Texture pack in the resourcepacks folder in your .minecraft
Mod Compatibility
to make this mod works with the Tree Capitator mod, but you need to add the axe ids the the axe ID list in the Tree Capitator's config. Copy every thing inside the spoiler. in 1.7.10 an think it is automatically updated, but i will sill leave the IDs
1. Silver can be use to make all the items iron can make.
2. Super compressed tin and copper blocks have been removed from the older 1.7.2 version. Convert them back before updating.
3. Silver Shears have been add can be use 500 times.
4. Mithril has a base damage of 20.
5. You can make a anvil with 7 Bronze Blocks, 3 Silver Blocks and 4 Silver Bars, or, 7 Mithril Bars shape as iron.
6. You can make a hopper with 5 Bronze Blocks & 1 chest, or 5 Silver Bars & 1 chest same shape as iron.
7. All tools but Wither tools and armor can be repaired at a anvil with there base marital. To repair wither sets you need an identical item to repair it. This is not a bug it is done on purposes
8. Made the wither shard block less rare to find.
9. Added tin buckets works with only water. Don't know if it will work in a dispenser
10. Cleaned up a lot of the Java code.
Known Bugs
1. If you have enchanted a tool then put a gem on it. It will remove the enchants. (Note. Enchant after you added the gem.)
2. Can't add a gem to a damaged tool must be fully repaired
3 in 1.6.2/1.6.4 and repair tools ore armor at a anvil but an same item will work
Metal Craft this adds alot of ore Tools and Armor
this mod win inclued
I have up dated this mod to 1.6.2 and 1.6.4. it is done click here the see the new post
Copper Tools √
Copper Armor √
Bronze Tools √
Bronze Armor √
Silver Tools √
Silver Armor √ Steel Tools √ Steel Armor √ Mithril Tools x Mithril Armor x Adamantite Tools x Adamantite Armor x Cobalt Tools x Cobalt Armor x Titanium Tools x Titanium Armor x
Gems For improving tools and armor x
1. Download Forge7.8.0.684 Universal.
2. Download 7Zip or WinRar if you haven't already.
3. Go to your minecraft.jar Search %Appdata% click on Roaming, click on .minecraft, click on bin.
4. Open your minecraft.jar with 7zip or WinRar.
5. Open Forge Universal zip file with 7Zip or WinRar.
6. Copy all the contents in the forge file in to your minecraft.jar.
7. Run minecraft when it gets to the main menu quit the game.
8. Put the my mod zip file in the mods folder in your .minecraft folder.
9. Start minecraft and done
this adds alot of ore Tools and Armor
this mod win inclued
Copper Tools √
Copper Armor √
Bronze Tools √
Bronze Armor √
Silver Tools √
Silver Armor √ Steel Tools √ Steel Armor √ Mithril Tools x Mithril Armor x Adamantite Tools x Adamantite Armor x Cobalt Tools x Cobalt Armor x Titanium Tools x Titanium Armor x
Gems For improving tools and armor x
1. Download Forge7.8.0.684 Universal.
2. Download 7Zip or WinRar if you haven't already.
3. Go to your minecraft.jar Search %Appdata% click on Roaming, click on .minecraft, click on bin.
4. Open your minecraft.jar with 7zip or WinRar.
5. Open Forge Universal zip file with 7Zip or WinRar.
6. Copy all the contents in the forge file in to your minecraft.jar.
7. Run minecraft when it gets to the main menu quit the game.
8. Put the my mod zip file in the mods folder in your .minecraft folder.
9. Start minecraft and done
This adds new items tools and armor to you mincraft game
This mod makes it that you can mix iron ore and coal to make steel.
The tools has max uses is 500 and it is a little faster than the iron set.
The tools use iron ingots instead of sticks for the handle.
To make this mod work with the Tree Capitator Mod add 3334 to the axeIDList in the config file
More Fuel Mod
This mod makes it that you can use more items to use as fuel.
Anything that mite look flammable will work as fuel, &
here is my full code of my mod so far
fill free to see what is wrong. the sword class one its own is the one i made its own ItemSword Class (speed change works but the sweep attack is gone). all the ones in the slot1 folder just extends the minecraft ItemSword. (can't changes speed But sweep attack works)
i want to be able to change the speed and keep the sweep attack.
i have been having problems with modding tool attack speeds in minecraft 1.11.2. I was able to edit all the tools successfully, but swords here is the codes i have been having a problem with
* Gets a map of item attribute modifiers, used by ItemSword to increase hit damage.
public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getItemAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot equipmentSlot)
Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> multimap = super.getItemAttributeModifiers(equipmentSlot);
if (equipmentSlot == EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND)
multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_DAMAGE_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", (double)this.attackDamage, 0));
multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", -2.4000000953674316D, 0));
return multimap;
this code is located in the ItemsSword. here is what i have tried and no success
1. i copped the ItemsSword and put it in its own class edited the code above. it changes the speed but the sweep attack dose not work and game dose not think my item it is a sword.
2.i put the code above in my items base class and even with the @Override it didn't work. i think it is to do with super.getItemAttributeModifiers(equipmentSlot) because my item base class is extends ItemSword and it pulls the same code in that class making mine not work. i have tried replacing super to Item but i get an error
i had no problems editing the other tools because they extends ItemTool which sword just extends Item
I hope anyone can help me with this problem
code for 1.7.2
public boolean getIsRepairable(ItemStack par1ItemStack, ItemStack par2ItemStack){
return Custom.Item == par2ItemStack.getItem() ? true : super.getIsRepairable(par1ItemStack, par2ItemStack);
sorry no it only has the default minecraft texture pack but i want to make a sphax and faithful texures.
review wise you heave to send a link to this forum for download
I made it that the gems will have a chance of dropping if you look at the recipe pics you can tell what gems drop form what ore
steel is in the middle of iron and silver i know durability make the items OP so i just increased the efficiency on the armor and tools of steel. silver is 500
This mod adds a lot of new ores tools, armor, and able to socket gems to tools to make them more powerful
I will always keep this mod up to date.
To Socket gems just put the tool and gem in the crafting table
Metal Gem Craft 1.8.8 Forge:
Metal Gem Craft 1.8, Forge:
Metal Gem Craft 1.7.10, Forge:
Metal Gem Craft 1.7.2, Forge:
Metal Gem Craft 1.6.4, Forge:
Metal Gem Craft 1.6.2, Forge:
All Mod Downloads - Mod Mirror
1. Download Forge Installer (1.8.8 version)
2. Run Minecraft at least once and close Minecraft. (Note if you have Skip this step).
3. Run the Forge Installer, and hit OK and forge will be installed.
4. Run Minecraft, and there will be a profile Forge. (Note If you have a different version of forge already installed create a new profile, and under use version for the version you installed.)
5. Run Minecraft when it gets to the main menu quit the game.
6. Put the my mod zip/jar file in the mods folder in your .minecraft, or custom location you made.
7. Start Minecraft and done.
Texture Pack Compatibility
Faithful 32x32 Texture Pack Download
MetalGemCraft Faithful 32x32 Patch works on all mod versions Download
1.Download both texture pack and patch
2.Open both with 7zip
3.Copy the assets folder for the patch to the texture pack
4 put the Texture pack in the resourcepacks folder in your .minecraft
Mod Compatibility
to make this mod works with the Tree Capitator mod, but you need to add the axe ids the the axe ID list in the Tree Capitator's config. Copy every thing inside the spoiler. in 1.7.10 an think it is automatically updated, but i will sill leave the IDs
; metalgemcraft:CopperAxe; metalgemcraft:CopperAxeRuby; metalgemcraft:CopperAxeTopaz; metalgemcraft:CopperAxeAmber; metalgemcraft:CopperAxeEmerald; metalgemcraft:CopperAxeSapphire; metalgemcraft:CopperAxeAmethyst; metalgemcraft:CopperAxeRainbow; metalgemcraft:BronzeAxe; metalgemcraft:BronzeAxeRuby; metalgemcraft:BronzeAxeTopaz; metalgemcraft:BronzeAxeAmber; metalgemcraft:BronzeAxeEmerald; metalgemcraft:BronzeAxeSapphire; metalgemcraft:BronzeAxeAmethyst; metalgemcraft:BronzeAxeRainbow; metalgemcraft:SteelAxe; metalgemcraft:SteelAxeRuby; metalgemcraft:SteelAxeTopaz; metalgemcraft:SteelAxeAmber; metalgemcraft:SteelAxeEmerald; metalgemcraft:SteelAxeSapphire; metalgemcraft:SteelAxeAmethyst; metalgemcraft:SteelAxeRainbow; metalgemcraft:SilverAxe; metalgemcraft:SilverAxeRuby; metalgemcraft:SilverAxeTopaz; metalgemcraft:SilverAxeAmber; metalgemcraft:SilverAxeEmerald; metalgemcraft:SilverAxeSapphire; metalgemcraft:SilverAxeAmethyst; metalgemcraft:SilverAxeRainbow; metalgemcraft:MithrilAxe; metalgemcraft:MithrilAxeRuby; metalgemcraft:MithrilAxeTopaz; metalgemcraft:MithrilAxeAmber; metalgemcraft:MithrilAxeEmerald; metalgemcraft:MithrilAxeSapphire; metalgemcraft:MithrilAxeAmethyst; metalgemcraft:MithrilAxeRainbow; metalgemcraft:NetherIronAxe; metalgemcraft:NetherIronAxeRuby; metalgemcraft:NetherIronAxeTopaz; metalgemcraft:NetherIronAxeAmber; metalgemcraft:NetherIronAxeEmerald; metalgemcraft:NetherIronAxeSapphire; metalgemcraft:NetherIronAxeAmethyst; metalgemcraft:NetherIronAxeRainbow; metalgemcraft:WitherAxe; metalgemcraft:WitherAxeRuby; metalgemcraft:WitherAxeTopaz; metalgemcraft:WitherAxeAmber; metalgemcraft:WitherAxeEmerald; metalgemcraft:WitherAxeSapphire; metalgemcraft:WitherAxeAmethyst; metalgemcraft:WitherAxeRainbow; metalgemcraft:IronAxeRuby; metalgemcraft:IronAxeTopaz; metalgemcraft:IronAxeAmber; metalgemcraft:IronAxeEmerald; metalgemcraft:IronAxeSapphire; metalgemcraft:IronAxeAmethyst; metalgemcraft:IronAxeRainbow; metalgemcraft:GoldAxeRuby; metalgemcraft:GoldAxeTopaz; metalgemcraft:GoldAxeAmber; metalgemcraft:GoldAxeEmerald; metalgemcraft:GoldAxeSapphire; metalgemcraft:GoldAxeAmethyst; metalgemcraft:GoldAxeRainbow; metalgemcraft:DiamondAxeRuby; metalgemcraft:DiamondAxeTopaz; metalgemcraft:DiamondAxeAmber; metalgemcraft:DiamondAxeEmerald; metalgemcraft:DiamondAxeSapphire; metalgemcraft:DiamondAxeAmethyst; metalgemcraft:DiamondAxeRainbow
; 5279; 5280; 5281; 5282; 5283; 5284; 5285; 5286; 5320; 5321; 5322; 5323; 5324; 5325; 5326; 5327; 5350; 5351; 5352; 5353; 5354; 5355; 5356; 5378; 5379; 5380; 5381; 5382; 5383; 5384; 5415; 5416; 5417; 5418; 5419; 5420; 5421; 5422; 5454; 5455; 5456; 5457; 5458; 5459; 5460; 5461; 5493; 5494; 5495; 5496; 5497; 5498; 5499; 5500; 5523; 5524; 5525; 5526; 5527; 5528; 5529; 5564; 5565; 5566; 5567; 5568; 5569; 5570; 5571; 5604; 5605; 5606; 5607; 5608; 5609; 5610; 5611
Update Log
2. Super compressed tin and copper blocks have been removed from the older 1.7.2 version. Convert them back before updating.
3. Silver Shears have been add can be use 500 times.
4. Mithril has a base damage of 20.
5. You can make a anvil with 7 Bronze Blocks, 3 Silver Blocks and 4 Silver Bars, or, 7 Mithril Bars shape as iron.
6. You can make a hopper with 5 Bronze Blocks & 1 chest, or 5 Silver Bars & 1 chest same shape as iron.
7. All tools but Wither tools and armor can be repaired at a anvil with there base marital. To repair wither sets you need an identical item to repair it. This is not a bug it is done on purposes
8. Made the wither shard block less rare to find.
9. Added tin buckets works with only water. Don't know if it will work in a dispenser
10. Cleaned up a lot of the Java code.
Known Bugs
1. If you have enchanted a tool then put a gem on it. It will remove the enchants. (Note. Enchant after you added the gem.)
2. Can't add a gem to a damaged tool must be fully repaired
3 in 1.6.2/1.6.4 and repair tools ore armor at a anvil but an same item will work
Other Info
Default Minecraft Tools Sets
Wood: HarvestLevel 0, Durability 59, Efficiency 2, Damage 0
Stone: HarvestLevel 1, Durability 131, Efficiency 4, Damage 1
Iron: HarvestLevel 2, Durability 250, Efficiency 6, Damage 2
Gold: HarvestLevel 0, Durability 32, Efficiency 12, Damage 0
Diamond: HarvestLevel 3, Durability 1561, Efficiency 8, Damage 3
Default Minecraft Armor Sets
Lather: DamageFactor 5, DamageReduction: (Helm 1, Chestplate 3, Lags 2, Boots 1)
Chain: DamageFactor 15, DamageReduction: (Helm 2, Chestplate 5, Lags 4, Boots 1)
Iron: DamageFactor 15, DamageReduction: (Helm 2, Chestplate 6, Lags 5, Boots 2)
Gold: DamageFactor 7, DamageReduction: (Helm 2, Chestplate 5, Lags 3, Boots 1)
Diamond: DamageFactor 33, DamageReduction: (Helm 3, Chestplate 8, Lags 6, Boots 3)
MetalGemCraft Tool Sets
Copper: HarvestLevel 1, Durability 175, Efficiency 4.5, Damage 2
Bronze: HarvestLevel 1, Durability 200, Efficiency 5, Damage 2
Steel: HarvestLevel 2, Durability 350, Efficiency 7, Damage 2
Silver: HarvestLevel 2, Durability 500, Efficiency 7.5, Damage 2
Mithril: HarvestLevel 3, Durability 10, Efficiency 7.5, Damage 20
Nether Iron: HarvestLevel 4, Durability 250, Efficiency 12, Damage 3, Fire on Hit 2 Ticks (Only on Swords)
Wither: HarvestLevel 5, Durability 3000, Efficiency 16, Damage 5, Wither on Hit 7 Ticks (Only on Swords)
MetalGemCraft Armor Sets
Copper: DamageFactor 5, DamageReduction: (Helm 1, Chestplate 3, Lags 2, Boots 1)
Bronze: DamageFactor 10, DamageReduction: (Helm 2, Chestplate 4, Lags 3, Boots 1)
Steel: DamageFactor 15, DamageReduction: (Helm 3, Chestplate 6, Lags 5, Boots 3)
Silver: DamageFactor 22, DamageReduction: (Helm 3, Chestplate 6, Lags 5, Boots 3)
Mithril: DamageFactor 4, DamageReduction: (Helm 5, Chestplate 10, Lags 8, Boots 5)
Nether Iron: DamageFactor 15, DamageReduction: (Helm 3, Chestplate 8, Lags 6, Boots 3)
Wither: DamageFactor 66, DamageReduction: (Helm 3, Chestplate 8, Lags 6, Boots 3)
Gems add the following to tools
Topaz: Efficiency 1.2, Damage 1
Amber: Efficiency 2.5
Ruby: Damage 2
Emerald: Durability 250, Efficiency 1.2
Amethyst: Durability 250, Damage 1
Sapphire: Durability 500
Prismatic: HarvestLevel 1, Durability 1000, Efficiency 4, Damage 5
Things Added
Copper Tools
Bronze Tools
Steel Tools
Silver Tools
Mithril Tools
Nether Iron Tools
Wither Tools
Wither Armor
Gems For improving all tools but hoes
this mod win inclued
I have up dated this mod to 1.6.2 and 1.6.4. it is done click here the see the new post
Copper Armor √
Bronze Tools √
Bronze Armor √
Silver Tools √
Silver Armor √
Steel Tools √
Steel Armor √
Mithril Tools x
Mithril Armor x
Adamantite Tools x
Adamantite Armor x
Cobalt Tools x
Cobalt Armor x
Titanium Tools x
Titanium Armor x
Gems For improving tools and armor x
This mod uses Forge7.8.0.684 Universal
Minecraft 1.5.2
MetalCraft v1.3 Download
1. Download Forge7.8.0.684 Universal.
2. Download 7Zip or WinRar if you haven't already.
3. Go to your minecraft.jar Search %Appdata% click on Roaming, click on .minecraft, click on bin.
4. Open your minecraft.jar with 7zip or WinRar.
5. Open Forge Universal zip file with 7Zip or WinRar.
6. Copy all the contents in the forge file in to your minecraft.jar.
7. Run minecraft when it gets to the main menu quit the game.
8. Put the my mod zip file in the mods folder in your .minecraft folder.
9. Start minecraft and done
I am Still wirking on this and it is the firdt time making a forum abd i will have mor the 1 mod on this page
this mod win inclued
Copper Tools √
Copper Armor √
Bronze Tools √
Bronze Armor √
Silver Tools √
Silver Armor √
Steel Tools √
Steel Armor √
Mithril Tools x
Mithril Armor x
Adamantite Tools x
Adamantite Armor x
Cobalt Tools x
Cobalt Armor x
Titanium Tools x
Titanium Armor x
Gems For improving tools and armor x
This mod uses Forge7.8.0.684 Universal
Minecraft 1.5.2
MetalCraft v1.3 Download
1. Download Forge7.8.0.684 Universal.
2. Download 7Zip or WinRar if you haven't already.
3. Go to your minecraft.jar Search %Appdata% click on Roaming, click on .minecraft, click on bin.
4. Open your minecraft.jar with 7zip or WinRar.
5. Open Forge Universal zip file with 7Zip or WinRar.
6. Copy all the contents in the forge file in to your minecraft.jar.
7. Run minecraft when it gets to the main menu quit the game.
8. Put the my mod zip file in the mods folder in your .minecraft folder.
9. Start minecraft and done
This mod makes it that you can mix iron ore and coal to make steel.
The tools has max uses is 500 and it is a little faster than the iron set.
The tools use iron ingots instead of sticks for the handle.
Crafting guide for this mod
Steel Craft Mod Showcase
Need Modloder or Forge installed
Steel Craft 1.4.7 Download
Other Versions:
None now
Compatibly with other mods:
To make this mod work with the Tree Capitator Mod add 3334 to the axeIDList in the config file
Anything that mite look flammable will work as fuel, &
Need Modloder or Forge installed
More Fuel 1.4.7 Download
Other Versions:
None now
Need Modloder or Forge installed
Smelt Graval 1.4.7 Download
Other Versions:
None now