Hi, I'm looking for a free role-play to join. It doesn't have to be extremely big and complex, not that I'd mind a big and complex one either. My screen-name (or however you refer to it as) is Hobomancat (don't ask.) I'm looking for a server where you have some freedom, but you're still part of a community/kingdom/farm/whatever, but again, I guess anything would do. Please post a link to any good role-play you know, thanks!
*hoping she posted this thread in the right place* Hello, I just made my account and am feeling timid as I am not as geeky as I would like to be and so am ignorant of terms I've been seeing used and so forth. I've read the rules but somehow I always seem to unintentionally break rules when I come to a forum, so please catch me if I start making a fool of myself! Anyway, I've been playing Minecraft since about Septemberish, but I have been going at an extremely slow pace (I didn't make pick axes until my second week playing, and I knew about the Minecraft wiki!), so I don't have a lot of riches to pay off for it. In real life I'm a seventh grade girl who worships Jack London, Joss Whedon, and of course Notch. I am drawn to forests and creeks- but also the soothing glow of the computer screen. XD Again, I hope I haven't already broken a rule by posting this in the wrong place or saying something I shouldn't of... look forward to seeing you all around! =)