Can these biomes spawn in the biospheres mod generation. There is no config file for the biospheres mod so there is much i can see as i don't know code.
Your forge should show a mods tab on the main screen.
every other mod i have works, yet it doesnt show a tab, nor does the little loading screen before minecraft opens
Hello all. I have a problem with this mod.
I dont get a crash, yet when i try to create a world, no world options for this mod show up. my forge does not show a mods list, however reis minimap still works? any help would be appreciated!
If you're using Magic Launcher, why do you even need Skydaz? Nothing against Skydaz, but there is simply no need to use in that case. Tried with 1.6.2, Forge & Optifine incl. Magic Launcer. No Problem.
when i added it with magic launcher, the mojang logo would pop for a split second and dissapear. dont know if its because i put it in the wrong place or what. did you place it in the mods folder, or did you place it with the other mods?
Hi. I have a problem installing this mod(i think) I am using magic launcher, and i used a skydaz installer to install this for 1.6.2. Everything worked ok there, but when i tried to create a new world, none of the world types like small biomes, etc. were listed. only vanilla options.
Reis minimap and optifine work fine, i just cant seem to figure this one out!
Cmon man, what do you have against bronies, i myself am not a brony, but i have a lot of brony friends. Plus why would you stoop so low as to beg for money on a forum?
Well, i came here from the terrain sliders thread, so any terrain generations would be nice. another thing you could do is superflat customization. (just build up on the vanilla one)
I play alone, always. I don't make friends easily... I've been told multiple times that the standards I have for friendship are so high, it's like I'm expecting every friend to be marriage-worthy. To which I say, why not? Friend: someone who's always there for you. You both feel totally comfortable and right spending time together. You'd do anything for them, and they'd do anything for you. You trust them absolutely, and wouldn't feel complete anymore if they were gone.
So, I kind of don't see much difference. Is that really so wrong? Apparently so, because it never actually seems to happen.
Congrats mojang team! it really has come a long way! maybe we might get a cape. that would be pretty sweet. congrats and many million more buyers to come!
To the guys asking y they dont make it into a huge update. Bugs, they need us to test so they can get the bugs fixed, soon enough it will be out, i mean they cant keep doing snapshots forever. i mean you modders will have 1.2 out when they are pretty sure all the bugs are fixed, give them some credit for even releasing snapshots, i mean they could go a few months and nothing, and then boom a big update with game crashing bugs and what not, i am actually glad that Mojang is keeping us informed on the updates, although i dont play the snapshots because i dont know how, i appreciate the work and effort that everyone at Mojang AB puts in, for us, the players, now shutup with your stupid mods and wait, and thats just my 2 pennys,
every other mod i have works, yet it doesnt show a tab, nor does the little loading screen before minecraft opens
I dont get a crash, yet when i try to create a world, no world options for this mod show up. my forge does not show a mods list, however reis minimap still works? any help would be appreciated!
when i added it with magic launcher, the mojang logo would pop for a split second and dissapear. dont know if its because i put it in the wrong place or what. did you place it in the mods folder, or did you place it with the other mods?
Reis minimap and optifine work fine, i just cant seem to figure this one out!
(it isnt crashing)
Non-question, you sir are an amazing person.