So based on reading through the posts.... entities like the minecart with chest and the like are pick up able? That seems like that would be interesting. Put something in the chest in the minecart then take it with you by carrying it. What would happen if you hit another entity while holding an entity in your hand?
It would be insanely complicated to do, although I'm not even sure if it's possible.
Actually, the You are the Creeper 2 mod has a compass item of sorts that points to the nearest Squidward village that is in range. Not really sure how the developer for that mod got it to work.
I wonder if any of the other items can be used for little unique things... more of like possible ideas really.
* Like right clicking a block with the string while small will add that piece of string to the wall like it is a little ladder... that only the tiny people could use. Could maybe be doable, granted the ensmallend people have a lot of stuff going for them already.
* Maybe gunpowder could be used with the giant sized players, like punching the stuff with it will cause them to break a slightly bigger radius of blocks.
* Maybe things like the Pumpkin/Melon can be used to cover up more of the tiny player when they wear it... As more of a way to not be seen by larger entities (that is if getting to close to them ever causes them to notice you).
This mod also makes me wonder why there was never a 'You are the clay soldier mod'. Granted that could more like be just because you can be extremely tiny and try to take on things larger than you.
There already is a mod that allows for the placement of I think most or all saplings/plants from other mods, it is 'painter's flower pot' or something of the sort.
And I have seen villages spawn (was a desert one though)... But it was in a desert, and I think it was the vanilla desert not the biomes o plenty one.
I wonder, is suffocating when riding an entity when they are near a wall a bug or just part of the mod? By this I mean if you are small and say on the shoulder of another player of a skeleton, and they get the side you are on close enough to a wall/block, you will start suffocating in the block.
Thankfully though spawning at the bottom of a lake/ocean/inside the ground doesn't really happen that much. The interesting thing is that if you spawn in stuck in the ground and die, it seems like sometimes it will just spawn you somewhere else.
Also how would one actually ride on a ghast in the nether? What with them usually flying extremely high, and they tendency to run head first into the lava falls that litter the place.
Yeah the respawning inside the ground happens even in vanilla minecraft... Though what I semi dislike is spawning at the bottom of a large lake/ocean biome when small... granted that is more of just the general minecraft spawning issue.
Actually, the You are the Creeper 2 mod has a compass item of sorts that points to the nearest Squidward village that is in range. Not really sure how the developer for that mod got it to work.
* Like right clicking a block with the string while small will add that piece of string to the wall like it is a little ladder... that only the tiny people could use. Could maybe be doable, granted the ensmallend people have a lot of stuff going for them already.
* Maybe gunpowder could be used with the giant sized players, like punching the stuff with it will cause them to break a slightly bigger radius of blocks.
* Maybe things like the Pumpkin/Melon can be used to cover up more of the tiny player when they wear it... As more of a way to not be seen by larger entities (that is if getting to close to them ever causes them to notice you).
Can Endermen pick up the player if they are tiny?
And I have seen villages spawn (was a desert one though)... But it was in a desert, and I think it was the vanilla desert not the biomes o plenty one.
Also how would one actually ride on a ghast in the nether? What with them usually flying extremely high, and they tendency to run head first into the lava falls that litter the place.