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    posted a message on Mine Little Pony v1.6.4.1
    Quote from PigsNDiamonds

    Can you make my pony? Just dont do the cape.

    I wish people would bother to read the first post. This isn't the topic for requesting skins.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on capes for everyone!
    I'm seeing some old and tired arguments that I'm really getting bugged by seeing.

    Capes are exclusive, maaaaan! Letting everyone have one would defeat the purpose of them.
    Or, maybe some people want them to really help add that extra level of detail and awesome to their skins, y'know?

    If everyone had capes, they could just make a fake of the MineCon capes!!!!1!!11
    You can also copy Notch's skin, or Honeydew's skin, or CaptainSparklez skin...Maybe they should get rid of skins as well because of that.

    But like, people paid so much money for their capes!!
    They paid to go to minecon. If they bought a ticket just to get the cape, that's their own fault for wasting their money.

    But I deserve something for paying so much money!!
    And you did get something. You got to go to Minecon, isn't that enough? Weren't you happy just to have gone to minecon? Why do you have to ask for more?

    Just download the cape mod, you noobs. Stop whining.
    Why should I have to download a mod just for that? Custom capes should just be implemented.

    But what if somebody has done something great for Minecraft?
    There are other ways to reward somebody for their actions other than giving them an exclusive game item that players are going to want. Besides, the more noble thing to do would to be doing something great for minecraft without asking for anything in return. After all, if anything doing without asking for payment would show just how much you love the game.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Stand up against cracked minecraft!
    Quote from PotaterCrafter

    I understand your point of view, I'm not hating on you but my main message is that cracked minecraft I think is plain wrong, and if they DO demo the game, well mojang DOES infact have a minecraft demo!!!!! http://minecraft.net/
    Right under the big orange Buy now button it says "Or play the demo"

    The demo has less features than a cracked minecraft client. Not to mention, the demo was only added more recently.
    It still won't stop people from pirating, and neither will this topic. It's a lost cause, and in my opinion just a waste of time. You can't possibly expect to change everyone's opinion.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Lighting settings ruin the feel of nightime
    Quote from Youngy798

    When 1.8 hit our clients we got an option to change the lighting in our worlds. After nearly a year of playing with these settings and thinking 'Why isn't night difficult anymore' I tried out the Xbox version, I was running around playing in the 1.7 worlds and night hit, I am experienced at Minecraft but I was in big danger, I couldn't see the cliffs I was walking on and spiders were jumping out from everywhere, I was so close to dying. I never have these experiences with the new lighting, I can run around seeing everything and not having to worry about torches or lighting.
    In think that night time should be darker, which one of these looks more like night?
    People may complain, but I wont be able to see anything.. well in real life if you walk outside without a light in the middle of a forest, can you see much? Not really.. If your outside you should have to either use torches, deal with limited vision or drink a potion of night vision.
    What is the point in a night vision potion if you can at night already?

    The reason there's a lighting setting is because not everybody's monitor is bright enough to see everything. Not to mention it can really strain your eyes if it's too dark. I find that my monitors made minecraft really dark, so I upped the brightness just slightly enough to where I can see at night but it's still realistically dark.
    Everyone has personal preferences.
    EDIT: Also, if you don't like it then don't use your brightness settings. It's as simple as that.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft Isn't Realistic (Read atleast the bottom of the post before replying)
    Quote from tomtomj2

    But you don't make castles, because you don't have an account! Videomixer checked, your account is not real, https://minecraft.ne...p?user=ladyagag

    So, why you criticizing a game you have never played?

    Just stop feeding the troll.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Will minecraft work well on a Toshiba Satellite L305-S5968?
    Quote from Wircea

    I had Toshiba Satellite and it works great. Why would be there a PC on that Minecraft won't work? :P

    There's more out there than you think that can't run minecraft. Not everybody can afford a decent computer.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on im crazy about parkour! butter parkour aswell
    Quote from ballandchain

    parkour as well as butter but i hate squids but i made a server of butter parkour like sky i want butter and hate squids. any comments?

    I think people should stop forcing this butter 'meme.'
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on What are the 9 rarest (or hardest to get) items?
    Quote from Andreas90s

    Ghast tear isn't hard to get...
    Plus, neither are diamonds.

    O wells... I'd say Beacon with the highest level using Emerald Blocks is pretty damn hard.

    Emerald blocks aren't that hard if you have a village, and the right villager.
    One time I found a villager that was trading emeralds for wool, and I farmed a whole bunch of sheep for a little bit, and BOOM.
    Emeralds everywhere, make it rain!
    This pretty much works with any farmable item that a villager can trade for, wheat works very well too.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on how awesome is butter really?
    It feels like a forced meme.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft Religions

    People who do not follow minecraft religions and instead logic and reasoning.
    Posted in: Discussion
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