Well I think i've lost just about every creation in these photos, if anyone has a copy of them I would greatly appreciate it if you could upload it for us to use. otherwise, it's all gone for good. but no worries! I plan on making more, i'm not sure how long it will take me though.
Thanks to everyone who has kept this thread alive, I was so happy to find that this thread is still around. I'm going to try and keep adding more content and improving it so it sticks around a bit longer

So, the old guide wasn't much of a guide, I pretty much showed you an owl then told you to draw it, as someone pointed out lower in the posts lol. So this one is going to try to be more in depth. It will probably take me awhile to get it completely finished so leave some feedback on anything I could explain better. I'm not really sure how to throw this all together so i'm just going to dump all my ideas and techniques in here for you all to look through and slowly get it sorted out.

I didn't use a texture pack on this one, I think the regular texture pack looks great , you just have to put some effort into it.. If you can't make it look good without a texture pack, why make it at all ;p
Oh look, It's this house again. The house that makes everyone on your server cringe. How often have you joined a server only to find the spawn covered with these? I can't stand them which is why I ended up making this guide in the first place.. so here's some ways you can fix it. Also, here's a video version that someone was kind enough to make. Check his video out and subscribe

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Normally when I make a house I go to Realtor.com and just start searching neighborhoods for a style of house I like, but in case you don't have the time to lets start with some basic things I do when I make quick starter houses.

When I make quick houses I start with one wall, like the one on the left. I usually make it 6 blocks across with both ends in stone or some other contrasting block, same with the 2 blocks under the window. This way it doesn't look to bland, I always try to use 2-3 different block types on the walls so the house stands out more. On the sides of the windows I place trap doors to use as window shutters, and when I make houses with more than 1 floor I sometimes make flower boxes that hang in front of the window, just 2 dirt blocks and some signs. You can use trap doors instead of signs, either one looks great.
With this house I decided to make it with 2 floors, so I just made more of the walls on each side into a box. pretty simple ;p

Now for the roof

This part is pretty simple, Just place the steps however you want them, I made the roof on the second floor face the other direction just to keep it interesting, It's starting to look good but it still needs alot of improvement.
so the roof still looks boring and doesn't fit in well, So I add overhangs. I just extend the roof out one block on the sides and use a slab peice to go on the edges, all of the stair blocks have matching slabs so it works perfectly.. all slabs are also fireproof, including wood so they allow us to add fireplaces too

Next I added a porch, it doesn't look that great but I didn't want the house to be too plain and boxy, It's also good protection if you want to step outside and check for creepers that might be waiting for you.

Here's the fireplaces I usually make, I use stone buttons above it and glass panes, If your house is made of wood then the entire wall and all blocks above it in about a 3 block radius need to be half slabs or it will burn..

I found out that you could place signs on signs and they would float, perfect for wooden beams
and porches.. They don't have to touch the ground, They just are in the picture.

Here's a cafe I made with them on my map, Pine Valley. http://www.minecraft...-with-download/

That's all I can think of for the guide , if anyone wants anything else added into the guide I can do that, just leave a comment..
Here's some of my more advanced houses, I spent alot of time on them and they aren't something I could really make a guide for.. hopefully they can help give you ideas though. They are all avalible to download on my planetminecraft page.

Here's another house i'm making on a server with a friend, it's all legit so it's taking awhile to get the materials we need

Herobrine doesnt exist.
People need to start being creative with their games.
One day..
One day all will know...
I used to love Blockland until their faggotass Administrator banned me from the forums and game because I supposedly "Trolled" the forum.
Now Minecraft is my home, homies.
I found him and decided to record this crazy fight.
But nobody who is straight in their head would spend $60 for an FPS on the Wii...
If you dont have a console, you could have just saved up for another week or so and purchased a 360, they're very cheap nowadays and im sure you could find one for $70-$90