Threads in the Suggestions forum are only allowed to contain a single idea (or closely-related group of ideas) per thread. People with ideas for vanilla Minecraft can post their own threads if they wish to discuss those suggestions. There is no need for a dedicated thread for this.
But seriously, Intel intergrated GPU's are absolutely horrid to use (Source: I use one). Pair that with not enough RAM and a heavily outdated operating system, and you'll obviously have problems.
Also, you posted this in the wrong section.
That's not even a valid reason. If you want to "harvest crops, mine ores", then play in Survival. And don't give me that 'BUT I WANT 2 PLAY IN CREATIVE MODE FER INFINITE RESOURCESSSSS ARGGHHHH' excuse, as Creative Mode is exactly what it says on the tin: a mode for creating builds. If you want to play with Survival-like mechanics, then play Survival. If you don't want to take the risks that exist in Survival, that's your own problem, not ours. The game doesn't have to be altered because a single player had a bad experience.
This game already caters around children enough, what with 7-9 year olds being allowed to act run around on servers spouting useless crap and slamming everyone who dare disagrees with their views. Non-multiplayer related is the lack of graphic violence and overall simpleness of the game. We don't need to dumb down the game anymore than it is now.
If this is a problem for you, then please consider the choices:
A. Stop randomly clicking the mouse near your builds.
B. Hold a sword while not building, as you can't destroy blocks with swords in Creative.
Honestly, it's not rocket science.
As mentioned before, CREATIVE MODE AND SURVIVAL MODE ARE DESIGNED TO BE TWO DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES. Splurging them together renders the fact that they're two different gamemodes pointless. If you want to play Creative, play Creative. If you want to play Survival, play Survival.
The problem here is that you're assuming every other player is having the exact same problem you have (Hint: They don't). 'Polling the players' in this way is something you should try to avoid while making a suggestion, as we all play the game differently (in other words, we don't repeatedly click the mouse everywhere).
No Support, ever.
That's not how it works. You can't just simply type up one or two lines of code and make it 100% compatible with everything. There'll always be something around to conflict with.
And an API that IS perfect would take weeks, months, and possibly even years to finish. It's not something you can do over a weekend.
No Support
We already do: The Wither.
Problem 1: Fix your grammar or other users won't take you seriously.
Problem 2: This has been suggested before and denied due to in-game issues.
Skin-changing while in-game just isn't possible at the moment.
No Support
Oh, come now. That's a bit over-exaggerating, isn't it?
Anyways, as AThingWithAThing said, this is a wishlist as you are only allowed to have one idea per thread and any multiple ideas must be closely related to the main suggestion. If none of these standards are met, then you will have to create a new thread for your new suggestion.
A fanmade Golden Sun map!?
Please read THIS before making a suggestion.
-Nelson Mandela