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    posted a message on Paradise Inc
    I've made a new map, Paradise Inc! It's Extremely fun and, not so challenging but that doesn't matter to you guys hopefully. There are some puzzles that you will get stuck on for about 30 seconds and then you'll realize the solution. You have to save the company, Paradise Inc was shut down by inspectors, you must make sure that it doesn't stay that way.... or else. No texturepack is needed and I recommend just using Default. So Hope you enjoy...... and if you don't, you will, DIE IN AN EXPLOSION!!!!

    Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?92n2m3d203fvhrf
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Multiplayer Redstone Glitches
    Quote from ProPoro

    it depends on the server lag, which means the better the server, the less redstone glitches.
    One of the more common ones for me is that when using a rapid pulsar for ex. an alarm, the redstone lags and the rapid pulsar sends less signals.
    Of course there are ways to make fool proof circuits even on lagging servers.
    Just asking, do you mean that you put an iron door in front of your house and then a pressure plate. Then the pressure plate de-activates a redstone torch, causing the redstone to activate, then it makes note blocks play throughout the world and you hear the note blocks, is that what you made? Is that what you men't by an alarm.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Multiplayer Redstone Glitches
    Quote from ProPoro

    no prob :biggrin.gif:
    To your knowledge is there a way other than a server with less lag to get less glitches because I have no server lag and there are still glitches?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Multiplayer Redstone Glitches
    Quote from ProPoro

    it depends on the server lag, which means the better the server, the less redstone glitches.
    One of the more common ones for me is that when using a rapid pulsar for ex. an alarm, the redstone lags and the rapid pulsar sends less signals.
    Of course there are ways to make fool proof circuits even on lagging servers.
    Oh, yeah i realize that now that you point it out, I ran a server on another computer most things worked for redstone, thanks allot.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Multiplayer Redstone Glitches
    Hey guys, I'm just wondering does Redstone totally glitch out on multiplayer? I've made many clocks that don't burn out on singleplayer but then multiplayer, they never even work. Is it just that i'm not running the server correctly, or is this natural? If you have any bugs like this please leave a comment and if you have a fix for this also again leave a comment.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Mc's Escape1
    Is it just Google Chrome or does 'The Link' just bring you to http media fire on google?
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on New 1.9 Achievement Ideas
    If notch adds Giants (Giant Zombies) into 1.9 there should be a achievement like Brave Knight if you kill a Giant with leather Armour or something like that, It's probably not my greatest idea, but it's something that goes with giants at least.
    Posted in: Achievements & Stats
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    posted a message on New 1.9 Achievement Ideas
    Quote from creeper238

    Achievement get: Level Up!

    get to level 100

    Achievement get: Mining and Crafting

    craft 5 diamond blocks

    Achievement get: Iron Man

    Mine 3 iron while being hurt by 2 zombies without killing them

    Achievement get: Achieved

    Get all achievements

    Achievement get: Not that creepy

    kill a creeper and get exploded by another creeper 3 seconds after killing the creeper

    Achievement get: Stare Contest

    Stare at an Enderman for 20 seconds

    thats all i can think off

    ps. the "Stare Contest" achievement is hard because you can easily get attacked by another mob during those 20 seconds
    Before I read the entire post when you said Stare Contest i thought you were kidding........
    Posted in: Achievements & Stats
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    posted a message on Risugami's Mods - Updated.
    Only one word Describes this post, AMAZING
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on New 1.9 Achievement Ideas
    I was playing the new Beta 1.8.1 Release and I noticed that notch only implemented 1 more Achievement. I think Notch should make more Achievements and make them more rewarding. My ideas are make an achievement for getting Diamond. 'Achievement Get, Diamond Collector' Everyone wants to get diamond and there should be something rewarding for getting it. I also think that when you get the achievements it should give you a slight advantage. Like Monster Hunter could make it more likely for a mob to drop 2 of Whatever. I also think that in Stats it should keep track of how many times you died, and how many creepers, zombies, skeletons, spiders, blue spiders and enderman you killed. That is just my ideas, leave your ideas as a comment.
    Posted in: Achievements & Stats
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    posted a message on New Public Vanilla Minecraft Server
    Quote from Swook

    Running a server through a VPN is pretty >_>. I would seriously recommend portforwarding and running your server normally, using hamachi just adds an uneeded layer of complications.
    Well the Port is 25565
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on New Public Vanilla Minecraft Server
    Quote from Dudeofawsome673

    wow hamachi those servers lag a bunch
    Well actually if your not running it it doesn't make a difference
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on New Public Vanilla Minecraft Server

    EpiPhill0 and Mrocks00 are hosting a Vanilla Minecraft Server, Server up-time is usually around 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Hamachi is required to log on to the server. Network ID is: Vinilla Server. (That is not a typo thats really the ID) The Password is Mrocks00. We have not done anything to the spawn except for fencing it off.

    Go to EpiPhill0's Channel and check out his video for the server

    No Griefing,
    No Swearing,
    No TNT,
    You may only use Fire when it is approved by EpiPhill0 or me (Mrocks00)
    That is all you need to know, please leave a comment. Server Launch will be Saturday, September 24 at 12:00 (Noon) and will close at 7:00.
    One More thing I should note is that if you break the rules you will first be banned and we will take down your house and steal your items. No admins and just enjoy!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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