Hey guys and I just wanted to ask if an abandoned Mine Shaft is supposed to spawn next to an NPC village, (because Iv'e never found either) or if it's just a world generator glitch. Well beside the point, if you want the World I found just click on this link.
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?2udms3m5m43lmws
Try looking around the forum, there were already half a dozen posts on these topics. And the "snowman" is not a mob, per se, as you craft it.
Oh, since I' not on the forums as much as some other people I have not found these posts but anyway, once you craft it it sorta becomes a mob but technically it's still not but you get what I mean.
Uh, am I the only one who saw the front page of the forums and got over exited about a new winter friend? Yep, Snowmen are being added in 1.9 :biggrin.gif: along with a new Nether mob. I am not sure what they new mob will be like, all I know is that it is being added. Nether bridges are also being added. I'm not sure about this but I think NPC villages will be generated in the Nether (I am not 100% sure on this so don't quote me,) if they do spawn, wouldn't their houses burn down or ghasts blow them up? This is just from what I heard so I may not be right but I believe they are adding another mob, Mooshroom. A cow, mixed with a red mushroom, that kinda freaks me out. Please leave a comment updating me about these 3 new mobs and also about other 1.9 news.
First, destroy the wire from that AND gate to the door. Now from the torch being activated from the AND gate, it deactivates a torch to another AND gate. Then, you connect the enter to the other torch on the AND gate. Then, make that AND gate connect to the door, but add an inverter to it. Then, make torches above the two torches from the AND gate, so one above enter, and above the other torch. From, that enter torch, it deactivates the deactivated torch in the inverter (I know it makes no sense right now, but you'll see why) and also add an inverter to the wire from the enter to the inverter to the door. Then, from the other torch, make it deactivate the deactivated torch from that inverter, and done! (Hope that made sense) :biggrin.gif:
Thanks, it made sense but I did it a bit differently, I made the activated torch from the AND gate deactivate 1 of the 2 torches in another AND gate, and the enter key deactivates the other. But thanks for the feedback have a http://static.minecraftforum.net/public/style_emoticons/default/diamond.png
Uh 1 of 2 things here, 1 I just suck at redstone, or 2 Wiring an Enter key is the hardest part of the combination lock! Here's a picture guys can you please help an tell me how to add an enter key without it crashing.
After it's activated a button magically pops up under the door?
No the I just placed the button there to activate it, it would normally be covered by sand and where the button was would be a pressure plate to get in. That's how it activates but I didn't want to cover the redstone.
OK, so I made an Alarm System using only 1 noteblock, (obviously i could do it with more but I'm just lazy.) My alarm system is simple, All it has to make it is a Redstone torch repeater, a Sticky Piston, a Clock and a noteblock on sand. Here are some pics if you want to see it for yourself.
Before Activated:
After Activated:
If you want the download to the world, sorry I can't because I added mod items so it would crash.
OK so for some people that don't use mods and you need to know about 1.8 this is a good forum for you to read; The most popular thing about 1.8 is obviosly Endermen
Another thing to be scared of is Cave spiders
The yellow hearts is Poison from the cave spider. Next to the hearts is now a hunger bar, when the hunger bar gets down to 1/2 of a ham, you will take damage. When the Hunger bar is closer to the top you will re-heal health (even if not on peaceful.) The hunger bar lowers by you either breaking a lot of blocks in a short amount of time, and sprinting. Sprinting is done by double tapping W or Forward arrow key, considering on what key is forward. Notch took out the fog toggle key, he added the list players and you can now change your breaking block key and your placing block key. Spawn rate for monsters is now increased. Creeper Explosion animations are improved. There is now a new biome generator so biomes are now bigger and they can contain crevises and mountains. There is a new Swamp biome, and it contains vines that can be sheared. Bows are now chargeable and a skeletons bow has a new png file. Zombies now drop rotten flesh instead of feathers. Chickens drop Raw Chicken, and lay eggs faster. Cows drop Raw beef and it could be cooked into Steak. Using bonemeal on Mushrooms now make large mushroom trees. NPC villages were added. Abandoned Mine shaft and Strongholds were added. An Abandoned Mine shaft has wood lot's of cave spider spawners, some chests, a Well and a Library. Strongholds are giant crevices with lot's of iron doors and chests. I hope this helped and I will continue to make these updates if you think they are helpfull.
and also this......
Yes, a Stronghold :biggrin.gif:. So if you want this world, you can have it! Hooray! *applause.*
Download Creative: http://www.mediafire.com/?0nzw1ja3h3v57io
Download Survival: http://www.mediafire.com/?pgq4xsbcaxrjl2y
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?2udms3m5m43lmws
Before Activated:
After Activated:
If you want the download to the world, sorry I can't because I added mod items so it would crash.
Another thing to be scared of is Cave spiders
The yellow hearts is Poison from the cave spider. Next to the hearts is now a hunger bar, when the hunger bar gets down to 1/2 of a ham, you will take damage. When the Hunger bar is closer to the top you will re-heal health (even if not on peaceful.) The hunger bar lowers by you either breaking a lot of blocks in a short amount of time, and sprinting. Sprinting is done by double tapping W or Forward arrow key, considering on what key is forward. Notch took out the fog toggle key, he added the list players and you can now change your breaking block key and your placing block key. Spawn rate for monsters is now increased. Creeper Explosion animations are improved. There is now a new biome generator so biomes are now bigger and they can contain crevises and mountains. There is a new Swamp biome, and it contains vines that can be sheared. Bows are now chargeable and a skeletons bow has a new png file. Zombies now drop rotten flesh instead of feathers. Chickens drop Raw Chicken, and lay eggs faster. Cows drop Raw beef and it could be cooked into Steak. Using bonemeal on Mushrooms now make large mushroom trees. NPC villages were added. Abandoned Mine shaft and Strongholds were added. An Abandoned Mine shaft has wood lot's of cave spider spawners, some chests, a Well and a Library. Strongholds are giant crevices with lot's of iron doors and chests. I hope this helped and I will continue to make these updates if you think they are helpfull.