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    posted a message on Other Blaze like mob but different elements: Freeze, Wave, and Quake

    @ActuallyS8N I think you're referring to the Geomancer, yes it is an Illager that can summon wall however i think it's not supposed to be breakable (i think, since it doesn't count as an actual block) and based on Minecraft Dungeon, the position of the wall summoned is more tidier i think.

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    posted a message on Other Blaze like mob but different elements: Freeze, Wave, and Quake

    I think my laptop is buggy so im going to add something here
    I didn't think so much about Quake so my idea is quite narrow and cliche (tbf freeze too but it's more simple) but i think it's ability is too cursed and could be very annoying and really unpleasant or maybe broken, but i keep it so just criticize it or something

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    posted a message on Other Blaze like mob but different elements: Freeze, Wave, and Quake

    now we know there is a new blaze-like mob but instead of fire, it's wind/air instead, which is called breeze, what if Mojang may add more blaze like creatures but different elements?

    let's name it first
    after Fire (Blaze) and Air (Breeze)
    let's look at Water first
    but it depends, liquid or solid ice?
    if it's icy it would obviously called "Freeze"
    if it's the liquid normal water it would probably be called "Wave" which is obvious why
    okay how about Earth element?
    it would probably called "Quake", derived from "Earthquake"
    but the earth element is more to the mineral and rocky side rather then the nature ones.

    Okay now what this mob can do?
    well i haven't come up with a good idea but let say

    Spawn: particular structure within Snowy or Icy biomes
    shoot 1 icy projectile each like breeze which deal damage let say 3 heart (6 points of damage) and inflict Slowness on you, let say Slowness II though it doesn't exist let's say it's a new feature. they have melee attack which also deal 6 points of damage and deal Slowness
    if it go near water it will freeze it, therefore, it can't naturally sunk in water, but if it does, it can't swim up back so it will sunk until it suffocate, it still can attack underwater, its attack does not turn water into ice.
    Freeze's behavior is like ground mob in general, does not fly, can't jump high like breeze

    Spawn: a particular structure within underwater ocean
    it shoot a wave each in water and it does pierces through you, what i mean is, it doesn't act as a projectile since the projectile does not perish when it hits you, however, it still count as a projectile damage and therefore reduced by projectile protection enchantment. since it pierces, it have a maximum range on how far it attack goes, unlike other projectile whom can travel really far.
    it deals 2 heart (4 points of damage) each and also push you back a bit, it have pretty fast attack speed.
    it also swim around to avoid the player but not as agile as breeze, so the combination of fast attack speed with a bit knockback as well as it movement would make the player harder to reach them to attack them
    they can't deal melee damage.

    they cannot attack you while you are on the ground so it will simply ignore you, Wave never intentionally went to the ground as they only and try to stay on water, this includes partially sunk on water though it seek and tries to stay fully sunk on water. If it ever goes to the ground, it will slowly move to the nearest water source or just wander around if it can't find it. Their speed is slower on the ground, and it can't attack you.

    similarities between Freeze and Wave is that they got damaged in Nether and Desert biome, similar to snow golem
    however, there is an addition in which i don't know if i wanted to add it or not
    which is when Freeze is in the Nether or Desert, it will slowly turn into Wave instead of getting damaged, and then get damaged as a Wave until it dies
    vice versa if Wave is on icy or snowy biomes, it turns into Freeze

    Spawn: probably in underground, maybe a mob spawn in stronghold guarding the ender portal

    Honestly i have no idea about how this mob work, i would say that he throws (not shoot) a rock like projectile that explode upon impact dealing let say 5 points of damage (2.5 heart) which also summon blocks that act as a disturber to you that can be destroyed but not obtained except with silk touch, it is a rocky block so it requires pickaxe, the hardness it equal as a stone.
    It do this so to held you back, if you are in closer range it will switch it attacks mode to melee (like blaze) dealing even more damage

    the block summoned by the ability is placed relative to it's environment, it tries to disturb you and held you back so it's not completely random placed, well obviously i can't explain how it works in details.
    It can spawn 2 block tall or maybe more in front of you, it could completely block a thin and narrow alley, which is suitable for stronghold and make it more annoying. It can actually block you on multiple side so it's really relative

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on My cured villager doesn't give any discount


    it's a recently cured naturally spawned zombie villager, i have not bought a single item from it, all of the sudden, there is no discount at all

    2. Yes, all of them is naturally spawned zombie villager i can guarantee you since my technique of getting them, in which I go outside at night, and then look for a zombie villager near my house, make it follow me through my house, cure it.
    note that my house is far from a village, about 400-500 blocks away, it could not be a villager from a village or a reproduced village, since, it's from outside

    I know, im not talking about repetitive curing, i get all of my cured villager from a naturally spawned zombie villager, and this is the first time i get no discount whatsoever, NO discount. it's the original price which is weird because it's a cured villager

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    posted a message on My cured villager doesn't give any discount

    It's not a big deal since it's only 1 villager, i've noticed previously that when i cure villager, some give lesser discount than the others, which is weird but maybe it just how that goes. However, this is my first time finding one that doesn't give discount AT ALL, is this a bug? what's going on?
    I started to think that the discount differences is also a bug, or maybe not.

    i forgot or not if im not wrong, initially it does give a discount, but suddenly it doesn't
    by the way all of my cured villager is from a naturally spawned zombie villager

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    posted a message on (Ideas) New Overworld Rare Hostile Mob: Shapeshifter

    Pretty simple by explanation but probably complicated in mechanic. This hostile mob will shapeshift into passive or hostile mob, act naturally as the mob it shapeshift. If the player is within it's detection range, it will slowly move onto the player. It's still pretend as if it's not, so it slowly move but not outrightly move slowly towards you to prevent suspicion. However, i would think that it could still be noticeable so player can anticipate, until it's near enough, it will turn into its real form and attacks the player.
    When slowly move into the player, it can change to another mob but only when if no player look at it
    the hostile mob would try to adjust a mob he shapeshift that is fit to the environment, so let say there is bunch of sheep near you, it will shapeshift into a sheep. if it is alone in a particular biome, it would shapeshift into a mob that spawns there

    the default mode of this hostile mob is actually his shapeshifting mode, even if you are not within his detection range, it only turn into its original form when on its attack mode, which is near the player like 3-4 blocks away or something, so if you are looking to a passive or neutral mob from far away, it could be the shapeshifter.
    if you attack during his shapeshift mode within his detection range, he will move to attack mode
    if you attack it but not within his detection range, it would activate the attack mode and actually chase you, except if you are too far away, then, it would act corresponding to the mob it shapeshift.

    it have melee attack with damage equal to a vindicator and movement speed as baby zombie villager, and a decent health, 30 points (15 health bar)

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