This is gonna be so much fun in 1.3.2 We finally get some multiplayer, with the LAN connection and all. I do hope that is true, becuase manning a pirate airship with my friends as I have dreamed since this mod came would make me very happy indeed.
How far are you on getting zeppelin mod ported? Is that one of the things you are going to work on after Christmas? Im sorry for being impatient, but... I've been waiting for this for a while.
You're fast, I'll give you that. With the forums traveling back in time and all, I decided to take matters into my own hands and figured out that one myself. Now I am 100% sure it works.
Haven't got permission yet, and chances are I won't unless I show the creator myself the success of it... which will be hard. Hopefully, I can get a product to show him before 2012.
Sounds good. At this point you are my only hope (lol star wars reference!) at making zeppelin mod bukkit compatible. Good luck!
Ah crap, I knew this day would come. I tried to port it once before.... and got nowhere. But now that I've had a lot more experience, I'll see what I can make of it.
There's one too many https://'s in that link, but it was all good.
There were many reactions I was preparing for, but to be honest, that was not one of them. Lol.
Hey all you modders out there? There is one thing that i was really excited for, but have just recently learned will not be possible, as least, without your help. Someone told me recently that Blakmajik, the great mind behind zeppelin mod, does not plan to make his mod compatible with bukkit. Thats where you come in. Since i have no modding experience myself, i call out to all you experienced (and maybe not so experienced too) modders out there to take up this challenge. I know how annoying it could be to have tons of people bugging you to do something you dont want to do, so lets take the load off blakmajik and make zeppelin mod compatible with bukkit!
Yes. And if you read what other people said, you would know that the idea that you use and anvil on iron to turn it into steel. Look before you post next time please.
Sounds good. At this point you are my only hope (lol star wars reference!) at making zeppelin mod bukkit compatible. Good luck!
There were many reactions I was preparing for, but to be honest, that was not one of them. Lol.