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    posted a message on 1 hour computer challenge
    Quote from VoltzLive

    1 Hour computer challenge Oh My!
    For the next hour I will be building a computer,After the hour is up I will be Posting pictures and a world download.

    I hope others will partake in my little challenge as well! ^_^
    Good luck to you all, if you participate...

    almost done and I realized the ram cell I used doesn't work...
    I'll retry tomorrow ._.

    You cannot build a computer in an hour, quite honestly it is would like a minimum of 2 weeks to build a functional computer. I can bearly imagine building a quality ALU that I like in an hour.

    But I still totally encourage you to build a computer, but just don't rush it!
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on 2 tick Half Adder
    I have had been using this design for like a year?
    Posted in: Redstone Creations
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    posted a message on Crashing a redstone computer
    Quote from c4ooo_redstone

    O. I was thinkinking data cuription, like with an 8 bit computer 10000000+ 1000000
    and the computer will end up with 00000000 because it can not suport 9 bit #s

    That just overflow. It wouldn't cause the computer to stop working as a crash does.
    Though hes data would be 'corrupted' but the simply overflow flag could prevent that.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Crashing a redstone computer
    Basically whenever redstone stuff happens that shouldn't happen.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on How big is your personal folder?
    My "User" folder is where I consider to be my personal folder (thought I have programs and computery sciency stuffs in the program folder (and my FSX stuff) - it has music, video, docs etc.)

    Mine is 120Gb. Very surprising actually. Music is 22 Gb and Video 64 Gb. Somehow my school folder is 5 Gb and my Pictures only 12 Gb. The rest is just other assorted files.

    Also feeling pretty cool with my library system. 12 Libraries...once you learn its like a whole new life.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on CMO's New CPU, Download COMING SOON!

    When memory is directly fed into and from the ALU, it is technically a register, for a CPU has memory and an ALU, where it is able to do commands.
    Posted in: Redstone Creations
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    posted a message on CMO's New CPU, Download COMING SOON!
    Sounds like it is rather good!
    Just to make sure, you do know that for logic functions all the ALU has to have is XOR and AND? All other logic can be done by combining the two and inverting if needed.

    Also if it is an ALU and RAM, it is a CPU!! Give ya'self more credit!! :D
    Good luck. Awaiting pics.
    Posted in: Redstone Creations
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    posted a message on So, which GTX 650 boost should I go with?
    Quote from aceattwister

    they give you a coupon code that you redeem for the games.
    The game coupon from what i can tell is a few codes that you redeem in 3 different games for $25 bucks, world of tanks, Planet side 2, and another game i haven't heard of.

    i don't know if its completely legal to sell any of them, but you -could-

    I would sell it anyway teehee.
    It sounds like a good deal then thanks.

    Also sorry to hear about your ban!! Sucks! Can you still PM? If so shoot me a message! :)
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on So, which GTX 650 boost should I go with?
    Quote from aceattwister

    well if you deduct the $109.99 promo of FC3: blood dragon, bioshock infinite, and tombraider, then the card is $60, deducting the $75 in game coupon that is valued at $49.99, then your at a $60 card that out performs a $110 card...
    but still. your choice.

    --- I suppose I could see those games.
    (Are they disks, could I even sell them??)

    What is the in game coupon thing?
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on So, which GTX 650 boost should I go with?
    Quote from aceattwister

    did you look at the benchmarks?
    7850 wins in 17/24 games, two of which it still passes 60fps, and another is one fps difference factor that in and it got 20/24, using the same logic the 650 ti boost gets between 6-8/20 (8 if you call a 3fps difference instead of a 1 fps difference a tie).

    lastly, doing a final google, the 7850 can be overlcocked around the power of a 7870. although i have heard nothing of the 650 ti boost's overclocking potential.

    Although if your dead set on buying it, get the one with the 2X fans. that way it won't melt like the blower one will.

    Yeah well it will always be a possibility, but it is kind of like this:
    Buy 1 for $2
    Or buy 3 for $4.50. Yeah buying 3 is the better deal, and it is like I am saving money, but I in the end I am just spending more.

    I am still far out from th amout of money I need, so perhaps I could change my mind, thanks.

    2 Fans it is.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on So, which GTX 650 boost should I go with?
    Quote from Mista_3

    7850 wins 6/10 times against the gtx 650 ti boost. Its a pretty close call.

    Quite honestly the 20 dollars is worth it. I made concessions everywhere.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on So, which GTX 650 boost should I go with?
    Hey guys!

    So as I approach a final computer build, the arrival of the GTX 650 ti boost thing really finalized with GPU to go with.
    (It is beat by the 7850, however it costs much less. It smashes the 7770, and only costs 40 dollars more).

    I just don't know which model to go with. I am between these:

    EVGA : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130915
    Galaxy: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814162132

    The EVGA only has that one smaller fan (what is it called??), and the Galaxy has 2 whole fans. Is one design cooler than the other? I am willing to bet that the 2 fans is more noisy, is that true?

    I guess that if you have objections to my choice, you are welcome to provided your opinions and evidence!
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on This sub-forum makes me sick to my stomach.
    Quote from aceattwister

    IIRC a 7770 is around $100 where as the 7790 is closer to $130. so a fairer example is 7790 vs 650.
    even so,. a 7770 > 650

    Perhaps the price as dropped since a while ago?
    I guess AMD still holds out.
    Upon recent discovery the GTX 650 ti Boost, while beat by the 7850, costs ~40-50 dollar less, and also smashes the 7770.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on This sub-forum makes me sick to my stomach.
    Quote from Wolley74

    Well, show me an nVidia card that can match AMDs offerings for less, do it, i dare you to back it up with benchmarks, you can't because nVidia sells on fanboys, 7970 trumps 680 for far cheaper, overclocks better, and has better compute performance

    Maybe with the higher end, but not with the lower end.
    Below 150 dollars the battle is 50/50.

    For $135 the GTX 650 beats the 7770.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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