Quote from Worldsshrugged»I found a GIF of The Crystal Kingdom. Possible spoilers.
Looking forward to it already!
Quote from Worldsshrugged»I found a GIF of The Crystal Kingdom. Possible spoilers.
Looking forward to it already!
Quote from Nerevar
Ehhhhh. I'm really burned out on HiQ stories. Otherwise I probably would give it a lookover. Sorry.
Quote from Blazevoir
Whoo! The Vinyl Scratch Tapes is back!
- i am saving your precious bandwidths-
Quote from Nerevar
I like the theme and scope of the picture. The pony looks really sickly and ill though.
Quote from AzemOcramI have to say that although I enjoyed several episodes from season 1 and 2 of Friendship is Magic, the quality of the show fell considerably after Faust stepped down. This will be my last post in this thread.also, from what I have heard/read/noticed, the fandom that still keeps going (especially the new fans) have also changed for the worse.
Quote from BJtheweathermanI attempted writing again. This time I actually finished something.
I don't actually remember whether that's right, but that's the only song I know that goes "da ba dee da ba dai."
On that note, does anyone remember the series of 2.0 ponies created by StickFigureQueen on dA? If not, here's every one of them as of yesterday:
Well, after literally months of kindly bugging the artist, she has finally caved, and has produced this:
And that was just so awesome, I felt it justified a temporary reunion.
(Also, Vivid, you may be pleased to know that I've partially migrated to the Homestuck fandom)
Key word: Ice cores. Learn to read graphs. Arctic ice layered upon itself, and each layer contained traces of what was in the air, from which we can make conclusions. It's called science.
This. I find it ridiculous when people say "Global warming is fake, so let's keep pumping oil out of the earth until it becomes an empty smog-covered husk! It doesn't make a difference!" I think this comic sums it up well:
Forget whatever you said. Look at Twilight. Twilight looks like a guy.
If you haven't been following along, start from the beginning.
Sadly, yes.
I'm predicting a disaster. Fandom-ending disaster. This should not have ended up in theaters. And I'm sure my family will ask me to go.
There were so few new characters whatever in this last season. And those that did weren't all that great, either.
Hot. Vinyl is always a good thing. Not sure about the music, though.
I was gonna respond, but... this is lame. Forget this.
You're not getting a response from anyone.
Edit: Oh, also, Octavia's official Hasbro full name is Octavia Melody now. I think it's a good thing, because I always hated "Philharmonica" and the fandom just couldn't get out of that rut. Octavia Melody doesn't sound all that good, but it certainly sounds better.
There are ten topics that fall flat for every one that catches, and for all I know it depends on the phase of the moon. I would've replied to your stuff had I had anything to say at the time. I'm deeply sorry.
They fit in a nice mold with each other. I also like FS and Pinkie.
This show has really good character dynamics, I'm realizing again just now. I hope they do more with that soon.
You've got to force yourself to start again. It's hard to start, but it's easy to continue. You can do this.
I liked that part a lot; I also liked that NMM was confirmed to be something not necessarily specific to Luna, that the deer story was confirmed as more than a rumor, that Trixie went to the School for Gifted Unicorns (I wonder if she and Twilight subconsciously recognized each other), finally putting to bed the theory that Celestia and Luna had other Element-wielders with them (I hate that theory), and all that other stuff about the Princesses like the parents and confirmation that the Everfree castle was actually their previous palace.
The four stars should have more fan theories surrounding them. I haven't heard much at all dealing with them, and they seem to have a lot of potential. Problem is, they don't really fit in well with anything else...
And, finally, Faust should team up with a fan or group of fans to write something about the Princesses' childhood, because that sounds amazing. Not necessarily a fan fiction, per se, but... I don't know. Something amazing. I'd love to see what she had in mind.
Some day, perhaps soon, I'm going to try my hand at humanizing Octavia (learning to draw ponies would be too much effort for too little reward, considering I'm fading from the fandom quickly).
Actually, what he was asking for was this.
I typically follow Occam's Razor with headcanons unless I'm using them in a story, so while your theory is cool and has some interesting implications I think I prefer the "not aging" theory.
Either that, or it's quite possible Celestia is just taller. I.e. it's in her genes. The show has never demonstrated that they are, necessarily, gods in the typical sense.
Luna has a lot of potential to be awesome in fanon, and I think I like working with her better at times, but often writers don't do as much with her as they can. I think, in general, Celestia is often better.
I like this theory. I gotta go, though, so I can't say much more.
Anyway, welcome to all of you. Have a twenty-image dump, featuring a hefty helping of best pony.
Btw, I have free rein of Youtube right now for reasons I don't comprehend. I'm exploiting that to sample new electroswing and see if there are any good songs I don't already have, but if any of you have some pony vids you think I should see, point me in that direction.