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    posted a message on Song in Iron Man 3

    I don't actually remember whether that's right, but that's the only song I know that goes "da ba dee da ba dai."
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Hey guys. I know I haven't been here in a while, and as word may have reached you, it's due to a sharp decline in my interest in anything MLP (in small part due to terrible decisions such as Twilicorn and EQG, though mostly just naturally declining interest). But I haven't cleared my dA watchlist of pony artists, because I do really enjoy seeing quality fanart. Especially of Octavia, who will always hold a place in my heart.

    On that note, does anyone remember the series of 2.0 ponies created by StickFigureQueen on dA? If not, here's every one of them as of yesterday:

    Well, after literally months of kindly bugging the artist, she has finally caved, and has produced this:

    And that was just so awesome, I felt it justified a temporary reunion.

    (Also, Vivid, you may be pleased to know that I've partially migrated to the Homestuck fandom)
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on CO2 Concentration has reached 400ppm
    Quote from NumberNoid

    Yep, we had a way to measure and record information about CO2 in 1000AD.

    Key word: Ice cores. Learn to read graphs. Arctic ice layered upon itself, and each layer contained traces of what was in the air, from which we can make conclusions. It's called science.

    Quote from BC_Programming

    That said, however, I think we may as well move forward on the assumption that it is caused by us anyway, because the controversy is just being used as a way for people to avoid changing to begin with.

    This. I find it ridiculous when people say "Global warming is fake, so let's keep pumping oil out of the earth until it becomes an empty smog-covered husk! It doesn't make a difference!" I think this comic sums it up well:
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from RedFourteen

    Forget whatever you said. Look at Twilight. Twilight looks like a guy.

    If you haven't been following along, start from the beginning.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from Necronus

    I'd hate to ask, but...

    MLP movie? Please say no.

    Sadly, yes.

    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Equestria Girls comes out in theaters June 16.

    I'm predicting a disaster. Fandom-ending disaster. This should not have ended up in theaters. And I'm sure my family will ask me to go.

    Quote from Bbqpizza

    Would also want some new antagonists in this season; the recent season, season 3, basically converted Trixie along with Discord, which killed the chance of them ever being the antagonists in the show, and remaking them as one wouldn't help, either.

    There were so few new characters whatever in this last season. And those that did weren't all that great, either.

    Quote from Vividkinz

    Hurr durr speshul ephex to that maximum.

    Hot. Vinyl is always a good thing. Not sure about the music, though.

    Quote from SilverMx

    Get ready everyone. I'm gonna start a fight

    My Little Pony and Bronies are stupid

    I was gonna respond, but... this is lame. Forget this.

    You're not getting a response from anyone.

    Edit: Oh, also, Octavia's official Hasbro full name is Octavia Melody now. I think it's a good thing, because I always hated "Philharmonica" and the fandom just couldn't get out of that rut. Octavia Melody doesn't sound all that good, but it certainly sounds better.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from Nerevar

    If only there had been someone earlier who attempted multiple times to raise discussions to beat some life into the thread - because he really dislikes massive small-posting and vid-posting - and he hadn't been ignored; causing him to abandon the thread for several days out of slight frustration, also losing nearly all care or incentive to really try again.

    Yes, if only. *flips the table teleports away*

    There are ten topics that fall flat for every one that catches, and for all I know it depends on the phase of the moon. I would've replied to your stuff had I had anything to say at the time. I'm deeply sorry.

    Quote from Nerevar

    FS and RD are always adorable together, even in the show. I really love the dynamic they have. I like to view them almost as sisters sometimes.

    They fit in a nice mold with each other. I also like FS and Pinkie.

    This show has really good character dynamics, I'm realizing again just now. I hope they do more with that soon.

    Quote from Nerevar

    It's alright. I've been working ignoring the same vector for about three months now, because Celestia's necklace regalia is incredibly annoying to vector as it wraps around her neck. I have to built it in multiple layers and it's very annoying. The vector is practically done, yet every time I open it and look at that unfinished piece I just sigh and close Illustrator. At least your stuff is already decently popular; I even saw someone post your battle-ready Celestia and Luna in a thread on /mlp/ the other night.

    You've got to force yourself to start again. It's hard to start, but it's easy to continue. You can do this.

    Quote from Nerevar

    I totally called this! Oh man that feels good. Though I fleshed it out further by saying Celestia was the previous wielder of the Element of Magic, and she was able to recognize Twilight was the new wielder, which explains why Celestia was able to 'tap into' it and bring Twilight back to her normal state -- Celestia was its previous master. It also solidifies Celestia's confidence in Twilight being able to defeat Nightmare Moon.

    I liked that part a lot; I also liked that NMM was confirmed to be something not necessarily specific to Luna, that the deer story was confirmed as more than a rumor, that Trixie went to the School for Gifted Unicorns (I wonder if she and Twilight subconsciously recognized each other), finally putting to bed the theory that Celestia and Luna had other Element-wielders with them (I hate that theory), and all that other stuff about the Princesses like the parents and confirmation that the Everfree castle was actually their previous palace.

    The four stars should have more fan theories surrounding them. I haven't heard much at all dealing with them, and they seem to have a lot of potential. Problem is, they don't really fit in well with anything else...

    And, finally, Faust should team up with a fan or group of fans to write something about the Princesses' childhood, because that sounds amazing. Not necessarily a fan fiction, per se, but... I don't know. Something amazing. I'd love to see what she had in mind.

    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Forget all of you. I keep checking in hopes of finding something to reply to, and all I see is a bunch of Youtube videos I can't watch. Forget you. Have an image dump.

    Some day, perhaps soon, I'm going to try my hand at humanizing Octavia (learning to draw ponies would be too much effort for too little reward, considering I'm fading from the fandom quickly).
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from Dinh AaronMk

    Here's a full five pages worth:


    Knock yourself out.

    Actually, what he was asking for was this.

    Quote from Nerevar

    So guys, what's your personal headcannon or best explanation for the size difference between Luna and Celestia? Is it as simple as Celestia is just the older sister? Is it because Luna didn't physically age in the Moon? Celestia's greater size represents her having more power?

    -theory snip-

    I typically follow Occam's Razor with headcanons unless I'm using them in a story, so while your theory is cool and has some interesting implications I think I prefer the "not aging" theory.

    Either that, or it's quite possible Celestia is just taller. I.e. it's in her genes. The show has never demonstrated that they are, necessarily, gods in the typical sense.

    Quote from Dinh AaronMk

    EDIT - Located


    Quote from Sarolveldruk

    Luna's probably my favorite of the royal sisters. I find that a lot of her fanon interpretations show her as one who more easily displays a sassy, playful side than her counterpart while still maintaining a regal air.

    Luna has a lot of potential to be awesome in fanon, and I think I like working with her better at times, but often writers don't do as much with her as they can. I think, in general, Celestia is often better.

    Quote from Nerevar

    This also brings to mind how exactly the Sun and Moon themselves operate. Personally, my headcannon is that they are very large, and perhaps of equal size. They can only be moved by incredible amounts of power, such as alicorn magic, and the unicorns of the past actually only turned the (smaller) Earth. Notice during the episode with the play showing Equestria's history, it mentions the unicorns raised the Sun, no word of the Moon. I like to interpret this as maybe the Moon once maintaining its own independent orbit like the real moon does, up until Celestia and Luna took over the role to coordinate the two celestial bodies in a balanced cycle of harmony.

    I like this theory. I gotta go, though, so I can't say much more.

    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    What's up with the influx of new/returning people? We haven't had fresh faces in some time.

    Anyway, welcome to all of you. Have a twenty-image dump, featuring a hefty helping of best pony.

    Btw, I have free rein of Youtube right now for reasons I don't comprehend. I'm exploiting that to sample new electroswing and see if there are any good songs I don't already have, but if any of you have some pony vids you think I should see, point me in that direction.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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