I needed a Captain Sparklez telling me how to play!. I, too, called my first world "Mom" (And still do, with various numbers behind them). I thought I could read my son's Minecraft essential handbook and then use it to start playing. That didn't work out so well. I learned things on this video I didn't know. (Like that you can drag things into the crafting area and don't have to put each one down individually)
I did start with the bonus chest, but struggled to figure out how to make anything until I gave in and started googling on the web to figure it out. I still haven't gotten that far in the game. And I've lost a few games because I got sent back to start and had NO idea how to get back to where I died. But its fun.
I did have a few advantges. 1) I'd played other video games and thus understood the movement and mousing interaction. and 2) I didn't mind killing video sprites.
I didn't realize fortress were so close together you could see one while in sight distance of another. This was the very first nether fortress I'd ever been in and the most time I've ever spent in the Nether.
How far away will the fortress be? I went 600 blocks south and no sign. Is that far enough or keep going? It seems like a LONG way.
ETA: Okay I decided to walk west instead and had barely gotten out of sight of the first nether fortress when another HUGE one looms in the horizon. One problem: The pillars are entirely spawned inside the lava lake. There isn't a piece of netherrack anywhere on my side of it that comes close to the fortress!
No. I only found one room that went "inside" the fortress at all (lava well)
I found two stairs taht went up to blaze spawners
and two thin stairs that went up to "watchtower" type places.
But where the lava well was, I followed all the hallways inside and most were deadends. There was one stairs that went down -- but then it cut off and was an open area with another Fortress "leg" in the middle. I used gravel to get down and explored all around, even dug into the fortress leg. But there was nowhere else inside a fortress available.
I found my very first Nether Fortress -ever- ... and I'm actually doing okay in clearing it even though I'm in Normal mode.
I died a few times -- but was able to find my stuff each time and recover.
I've got 9 blaze rod and 4 magma cream. But I've explored the whole thing and I can't find any nether wort! Now what?
I'd feel much better with fire resistance potion!
The end of the World?
I just have to hope D Does not get it. There are already enough reasons to be scared to enter the Nether.
I'm playing in 1.12.1 on my Savannah world. Up to this point, I've seen lots of SAvannah, a bit of Desert and I travelled to a Swamp. But, basically. Lots of SAvannah. Last night, I must have travelled some direction I had never gone before because I ran into Taiga!
However, Savannah and Desert are Hot Biomes and Taiga is a Cold Biome (according to the Wiki anyway)
The weird thing is that one step I was in Savannah and the next step I was in Taiga. There is a River nearby. But otherwise, all along the boundary as far as I went I saw Savannah and Taiga cheek to cheek with no intervening Regular biomes at all!
1. Sword
2. Tool
3. Tool
4. Tool
5. Milk
6. Water
7. Block for towering up (often Cobblestone)
8. Food
9. Torches
When crossing the country, tool slots are
2. Shears
3. Hatchet
4. Shovel
When mining
2. Looting Pickax or Diamond Pickax
3. Iron Pickax
4. Shovel
Etc. The combination of tools changes depending on what I am doing and what I need. Sometimes the bed goes in the tool slots. SOmetimes instead of the block for towering up.
I mostly deal with lava using a bucket of water.
If the lava is in a lake at the same level as the floor, I right click on the floor nearby to dump the water and it "Spreads out" to turn some of the lava lake into obsidian. Then right click again to pick it up before it can float ME away.
If I am on the edge of a ravine and can look down and see a lava "waterfall" flowing beneath me, then two things
1. Hold shift down to prevent accidentally walking over the edge of the wall when looking
2. Empty the water at the edge of the ravine -- over the block where the lava starts (If possible). The resulting waterfall should turn the source of the lava-fall into obsidian and the rest into cobblestone. (and can still be picked up again)
If the lava starts over my head and then falls down to form a puddle at the same level I am working on -- things are more difficult. I can put the water on the wall next to the lavafall (If I can get close enough safely) and turn the bottom into cobblestone. I can set a cobblestone block down in the midst of the lava pool at the bottom within my reach and then empty the bucket of water on top of the block.
Sometimes I just put a line of cobblestone at the edge of the lava to make a safe passage for me between the lava and the corridor wall. (This also works if for some reason I don't have a bucket of water with me. But I try to always adventure with a bucket of water and a bucket of milk as soon as I start getting iron)
Yikes! I guess I've just been lucky. The closest to this I've gotten is the occasional small island in the middle of the ocean (Which was basically what I was looking for in starting and restarting)
I was starting new games this weekend, trying to get one on islands so I could play an island hopping game.
One of the games, I actually started underwater. The screen came up and it was dark and at first I thought it was still loading, then I saw the little air bubbles disappearing. So I aimed "Up" and pushed forward and sure enough I got out of the water to find myself in a swamp.
But does this indicate there is something wrong with my Minecraft program and I should reload? Or does it really choose a location underwater to start a person on occasion?
I play Minecraft on Windows 10 -- but the same version we've been playing on since before we upgraded to Windows 10. So I think it is the Java version. (not sure how to tell. I do know that I also have a Minecraft PE version and the verison on the desktop is a LOT different)
I have been watching Stampy's 20 block challenge (on the PS4), which just came to an end so he released his game seed last week. So when Minecraft updated to the 1.12 version, I decided to try out the same seed. But the world has some differences. There is a desert biome close to spawn, with a desert village in it -- like Stampy's world. But it isn't spawning the same and I'm pretty sure his world did not have this Savannah I found near the desert at all. Significantly, the desert village is not near shallow water like where he built his initial house and grew his sugar cane
So... is this change because of the version change to 1.12? Or does the PS4 and the desktop version create different worlds from the same seed?
Thank you!
I *love* The recipe book. No more looking at the Wiki to figure out how to make things I'm interested in (or deciding not to make it Right Now and look for it later!) I'm crafting so many more things in Minecraft regularly now that I can look it up in my recipe book (even if I haven't yet figured out how to make stuff yet)
I'm not real fond of the white beds. I find myself having to make dye to dye it before setting it down. The environments my beds move in are -so- dirty. That white just would not stay clean!
Lately it has been creepers. I was running back to recover my stuff after having been killed by a creeper (A second creeper after having killed off the first). Only to be killed by... another creeper. i HATE creepers.
I recently switched from playing on Easy to playing on Normal. NOW, however, Creeper explosions kill me! Esp if I have turned my back on them (full iron armor. I have not found any diamonds yet). Is it true that, on Normal, Creepers can take you from full health to 0 health in one explosion? Do they do more damage against your back than your front?