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    posted a message on StarQuest [Starships][Planets][Space][Ranks][Towns][Factions][PvP][Economy][Trading]

    Your IGN: Silver_Moonrox[/b]

    Where did you hear about the server: Minecraft forums[/b]

    Do you understand and accept the rules: yes

    What's our policy on raging: don't do it[/b]

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on closed
    In-game name: Vriska_Serket
    Age: 15
    What got you interested in the server: I was a member of the old project vanilla servers, Silver_Moonrox being my old ign.
    Questions or comments about server: I can't wait to get back :3
    Solo/Group: I play with my friend, TheZXP. Other than that I prefer to be alone.
    PvP/Non-PvP: Recently I've been mostly playing PvP, but it'd be nice to take a bit of a break from it and play survival.
    Leader/Follower: Neither, although I usually lead ZXP because he's bad :P
    Giving/Reciving: Receiving gifts is always nice ;-; but I give a lot of stuff to other people so I can feel helpful.

    About me: I missed the server a lot, me and ZXP have a lot of great memories on the servers and it'll be great to get back in (if we do).

    I'll also post TheZXP's application, just because it's easier for us and he's sitting right next to me :P

    In-game name: TheZXP
    Age: 14
    What got you interested in the server: Same as Moonrox, I was a member of the previous servers and had a lot of fun on them.
    Questions or comments about server: n/a
    Solo/Group: I'm usually with Moonrox as that's what I find the most fun.
    PvP/Non-PvP: Me and Moonrox play a lot of PvP, so usually I prefer PvP but I haven't really done much survival in a while so it'll be nice to get back to it :)
    Leader/Follower: I prefer to play with others, but a lot of the time I'm on my own.
    Giving/Reciving: Both :P

    About me: I miss the server a lot and I really hope I can get back in.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Closed
    In game name: TheZXP
    Age: 14
    What got you interested in the server: Silver_Moonrox
    How did you hear about this server: Silver_Moonrox
    How long have you been playing Minecraft & modded minecraft: About a year for modded, 3 years for minecraft in general
    Questions or comments about the server: I'm applying for zxp cuz he didn't want to make an MCForums account.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Closed
    Quote from Euthorix

    Okay fine.

    Did I do it wrong ;-;
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Closed
    In-game name: Silver_Moonrox Age: 14
    Why are you interested in the server: New modpack for me to try out with BxB people :D
    Questions or comments about server: Nope
    How did you hear about us: Euthorix
    About me: .-. I'm really awkward and tend to stick to single-player but it gets lonely so occasionally I'll play on BxB's servers. I'm usually really mean though so I wouldn't recommend talking to me unprovoked :P
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Closed
    In-game name: Silver_Moonrox
    Age: 13
    What got you interested in the server: Originally, I was looking for a unique sort of experience. Now, I'm coming back to PV because me and TheZXP would love to start fresh, especially in 1.7 terrain.
    Questions or comments about server: I don't think I have any, but I'll be sure to let you know if I do.
    Solo/Group: I prefer to be alone or with a small group of close friends
    PvP/Non-PvP: I love PvP, and I play a lot of UHC, but I'll be on PV so I can take a break from the regular PvP I do everyday.
    Leader/Follower: Neither, really. Because I prefer to work alone, or with close friends, I tend not to think of who's leading or following.
    Giving/Reciving: I feel really bad if I take anything, and really nervous if I give anything, but I try to give as much as I can to the community.

    About me: I'm thirteen, and, really shy and awkward. So, if you say "Hi" and I don't say anything back, don't take offense. It's probably just me being me :P
    Also, I'd like to apply for TheZXP. He doesn't have a Minecraft Forums account and would prefer not to have to make one.

    In-game name: TheZXP
    Age: 12, 13 before the new year
    What got you interested in the server: Silver invited me to play with her.
    Questions or comments about server: Nothing, really :P
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 1

    posted a message on Client-side Slime Chunk Finder?
    I can't seem to find anything like this, but it'd be really useful. I'm in the process of making an auto-slime farm on a server I play on, but I can't pin down the exact place of the slime chunk. Can anyone direct me towards a client-side slime finder mod?

    Edit: I have no access to the world's seed, so that isn't an option.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Looking for a 2 person server
    I've been wanting to play one of Vechs' maps for quite a while but haven't been able to due to my computer. I can't play Singleplayer without freezing every few seconds, but my computer runs servers just fine. I'm looking for someone that can host a server that would be willing to play Inferno Mines with me, hopefully from start to finish. I have no way of paying you, but it would be greatly appreciated.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Would anyone be willing to host a server to play Inferno Mines with me? I'd love to play, but my computer can't handle playing Singleplayer on any of Vechs' maps.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Silver's UHC Mode Survival [Whitelist] [Vanilla] [Small]
    Quote from olivia123

    Age: (I know I said it's irrelevant, but we'd still like to know)14 almost 15
    What can you offer that others can't?: I would say I am a decent builder and I would love to help build spawn and other community builds such as netherhub and stuff like that, I will also add that I am good with redstone.

    I hope my application is accepted.

    Quote from Aunk

    IGN: Aunk
    Age: 15 going on 16
    What can you offer that others can't?: I put in a lot of effort into any build, community or solo. I want a challenge, which is why I am joining this UHC server. I also enjoy helping others with builds, sharing resources, and caving with others.

    Quote from limstift62

    Ign: limstift62
    Age: 14

    What can you offer that others can't?: Here is the problem, there is most likely someone out there who builds a lot nicer things than me. There is most likely someone out there that is better at making redstone contraptions than me. My main point, I can't promise you I'm the best, but you won't regret letting me in anyways.

    I completely understand if you want the best of the best, but you should get some more publicity on this thread, and require people to include pictures, even small videos.
    Anyways I hope you let me join.

    A Dane

    Everyone accepted. Welcome.

    I apologize for the downtime, but it should remain up for a while now. I can't promise this server'll be 24/7, but it'll be up as much as possible.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Silver's UHC Mode Survival [Whitelist] [Vanilla] [Small]
    Quote from Jolim

    Age: (I know I said it's irrelevant, but we'd still like to know) almost 17
    What can you offer that others can't?: I can offer being a friendly player on your server. I also like to make group projects.

    Quote from Zccoleman73

    Accepted. Welcome.
    IGN: zccoleman

    Age: 14

    What can you offer that other's can't? I'm very good at making EXP farms and redstone, although I tend to make things look a little box-ish. I would like to be on a multiplayer server so I can help others and they could help me.

    This server sounds very well kept. The last server I played on was full of griefers and raiders. I also like the vanilla aspect. So many servers today are full of shops and whatnot. It's just too easy to get things. I want more challenge, which is why I also like the UHC mode.

    Hope to see you soon,

    Very nice app. Thank you for your effort, I welcome you to the server and hope the lag isn't too much of a problem for you. :)
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Silver's UHC Mode Survival [Whitelist] [Vanilla] [Small]
    Quote from cazzadee

    IGN: cazza_dee123
    Age: (I know I said it's irrelevant, but we'd still like to know) 15
    What can you offer that others can't?: well I can help the community with build and etc. I would say I am a builder bust I am not bad at redstone. I love meeting new people making new friends and just having fun playing a great game :)
    Hope you take this into consideration :) hope to see you soon
    Callum :)

    Quote from EmptyGroceryBag

    IGN: EmptyGroceryBag
    Age: 15
    What can you offer that other can't?: Well, I'm really good with redstone. I can automate things and manipulate numbers in binary. I'm also a decent builder :P

    Quote from Lance_Pearson

    IGN: Lance_Pearson
    Age: 13
    What can you offer that others can't?: I like to create towns and establish trade if other players are willing to cooperate. I also explore the land really well.

    Quote from Zoricus123


    IGN: Zoricus
    Age: 15
    What can you offer that others can't?: I can offer myself, I have a lot of experience with playing in a community and I feel I can help add to the community feel of a small server

    Welcome, everyone!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Silver's UHC Mode Survival [Whitelist] [Vanilla] [Small]
    Quote from Cubechu

    IGN: manus333
    Age: (I know I said it's irrelevant, but we'd still like to know) 14
    What can you offer that others can't?: Im good at helping people. I´m good at building things and i can be a nice contribueation to the community

    Welcome back. I apologize for the previous server, but it should be 24/7 as long as everything works out okay.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Silver's UHC Mode Survival [Whitelist] [Vanilla] [Small]
    Quote from Gamer_bob

    IGN: DaPorkyPig
    Age: 15
    What can you offer that others can't?: I work well with the community and can help you advertise your server

    Welcome to the server.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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