I am using the #30 builds of Project Red on FTB Monster because my computer kept suddenly shutting off without warning (I am pretty sure because of the CPU usage). Even with this update it still doesn't seem to fix the problem.
If your computer is *shutting down*, it's almost certainly an overheating or failing hardware issue, not an issue with code.
I've got a 1.5.2 version (2.6.4-975, specifically), and I don't understand the power readouts on the laser drill and prechargers.
The prechargers list a maximum of 1400MJ, but only ever go up to 500MJ before dumping their energy. The drill itself lists a maximum of 100,000MJ, but only oscillates between around 2,000 and 4,000 MJ while the Work number goes up by one.
What's going on with these numbers, and how do I get them to be more accurate?
So, someone posted a fix to the chunk-resetting bug back in January. What ever happened with that? Was it a bad fix? Missed? Is the bug being worked on?
When you access a standard crafting table and then open a recipe in NEI, a little question-mark button appears that has several different functions (the most useful of which is a shift-click, which auto-fills the recipe for you using whatever materials you have on hand).
Thaumcraft's crafting surfaces double as standard crafting surfaces (so I can replace my crafting table with, say, an arcane workbench and still make a wooden hoe on it).
However, NEI's little question-mark button doesn't appear when you're accessing the crafting interfaces for Thaumcraft's crafting surfaces.
Some folks on the #FTB channel suggested that this is some part of the NEI API that Thaumcraft needs to plug in to.
Just erasing all of a block but a border doesn't qualify as a texture pack or an adfly link. And also, like that one guy said, no one wants to click an adfly link to see a picture.
Walking through it spawns a portal in the Nether. Except the spot where it's supposed to spawn a portal is determined by math (X/8, Y, Z/8 of the NotNether world), and that precise spot in Nether is occupied by a solid wall or lake of lava or something.
So the game has to have SOMEWHERE to send you, so it looks around and finds a spot 20 blocks away that's perfectly suitable for a portal, builds one there in the Nether, and out of it you pop.
Except when you go through a portal in the Nether, the same thing happens in reverse: It has to send you to a portal in the NotNether, and that location is predetermined by math (X*8, Y, Z*8 of the Nether location).
Now, one of a few things have happened. Either the Nether portal is far enough away from its proper location that it can't find a NotNether portal to connect to, so it makes a new one. But you say it's been working fine, so maybe it COULDN'T make a new one for a while, until a creeper somewhere blew up or something and now there's room.
OR... and this is actually probably the more likely answer... the problem with portals is they're math based, but the blocks inside them are actually in six locations (two that you can occupy): The left side of the portal, and the right side of the portal. In some situations, the left side will connect to one portal, and the right will connect to another portal, because the two NotNether portals are equidistant from where the Nether portal is trying to spit you out at.
The solution to any of those problems is easy: Use math to figure out where the Nether portal SHOULD be, and build one there.
He probably removed it because people were using it as a method of X-Ray vision to find spawners and lava. Notice he also removed using F3 to find monsters? Yeah.
It (probably?) "works" to improve some people's speed because when you hit F, it completely wipes out all loaded chunks, and forces a reload of every chunk, as if you were just appearing in the area for the first time. Which means that for the few seconds/minutes/whatever it takes for their boat-anchor of a computer to go from "5 chunks loaded" to "30 chunks loaded", their ancient found-in-a-cereal-box graphics card is only having to render five-to-thirty chunks. Once it loads all 81 chunks (or however many), the graphics card can't handle it.
Or maybe its their lack of RAM causing serious swap-filing, and hitting F reduces the memory footprint for a while.
To which I say... tough. $50-$100 will get you a graphics card that isn't a broken piece of crap. Or more RAM.
My computer can run Minecraft on full settings at around 200 FPS. I'm wanting it to do EVEN MORE than it already does. Not going to get that by trying to cater to people with machines that not only have hardware that was outdated when the consoles came out, but probably also haven't had their drivers updated ever, are probably riddled with viruses, and probably haven't been physically cleaned out since it was built.
Do some basic maintenance on your computers, maybe upgrade a little bit, and you might get a performance boost. Otherwise, your computer probably doesn't meet whatever the minimum system requirements for Minecraft are going to be.
At first I was like: Wow, you guys are assholes. Even when he gives coords and a seed, you scream "FAAAAAAAAKE!" until you're blue in the face.
Then I was like: There's not a vein here! I just spent three minutes going to this spot in the world, and there's only a normal amount of diamond. On the right. No vein that goes up and over.
Thank you. I've been toying around with this sort of thing for a few hours now, couldn't quite figure it out. Now I just hope it's compatible with other pistons being nearby.
If your computer is *shutting down*, it's almost certainly an overheating or failing hardware issue, not an issue with code.
The prechargers list a maximum of 1400MJ, but only ever go up to 500MJ before dumping their energy. The drill itself lists a maximum of 100,000MJ, but only oscillates between around 2,000 and 4,000 MJ while the Work number goes up by one.
What's going on with these numbers, and how do I get them to be more accurate?
Thaumcraft's crafting surfaces double as standard crafting surfaces (so I can replace my crafting table with, say, an arcane workbench and still make a wooden hoe on it).
However, NEI's little question-mark button doesn't appear when you're accessing the crafting interfaces for Thaumcraft's crafting surfaces.
Some folks on the #FTB channel suggested that this is some part of the NEI API that Thaumcraft needs to plug in to.
Could you?
That's normal. No land nearby, so your choices are 'over the ocean' and 'under it'.
Plenty of cows here.
Kwitcher whining, please.
Ok, two worlds. Nether and NotNether.
You build a portal in NotNether, walk through it.
Walking through it spawns a portal in the Nether. Except the spot where it's supposed to spawn a portal is determined by math (X/8, Y, Z/8 of the NotNether world), and that precise spot in Nether is occupied by a solid wall or lake of lava or something.
So the game has to have SOMEWHERE to send you, so it looks around and finds a spot 20 blocks away that's perfectly suitable for a portal, builds one there in the Nether, and out of it you pop.
Except when you go through a portal in the Nether, the same thing happens in reverse: It has to send you to a portal in the NotNether, and that location is predetermined by math (X*8, Y, Z*8 of the Nether location).
Now, one of a few things have happened. Either the Nether portal is far enough away from its proper location that it can't find a NotNether portal to connect to, so it makes a new one. But you say it's been working fine, so maybe it COULDN'T make a new one for a while, until a creeper somewhere blew up or something and now there's room.
OR... and this is actually probably the more likely answer... the problem with portals is they're math based, but the blocks inside them are actually in six locations (two that you can occupy): The left side of the portal, and the right side of the portal. In some situations, the left side will connect to one portal, and the right will connect to another portal, because the two NotNether portals are equidistant from where the Nether portal is trying to spit you out at.
The solution to any of those problems is easy: Use math to figure out where the Nether portal SHOULD be, and build one there.
He probably removed it because people were using it as a method of X-Ray vision to find spawners and lava. Notice he also removed using F3 to find monsters? Yeah.
It (probably?) "works" to improve some people's speed because when you hit F, it completely wipes out all loaded chunks, and forces a reload of every chunk, as if you were just appearing in the area for the first time. Which means that for the few seconds/minutes/whatever it takes for their boat-anchor of a computer to go from "5 chunks loaded" to "30 chunks loaded", their ancient found-in-a-cereal-box graphics card is only having to render five-to-thirty chunks. Once it loads all 81 chunks (or however many), the graphics card can't handle it.
Or maybe its their lack of RAM causing serious swap-filing, and hitting F reduces the memory footprint for a while.
To which I say... tough. $50-$100 will get you a graphics card that isn't a broken piece of crap. Or more RAM.
My computer can run Minecraft on full settings at around 200 FPS. I'm wanting it to do EVEN MORE than it already does. Not going to get that by trying to cater to people with machines that not only have hardware that was outdated when the consoles came out, but probably also haven't had their drivers updated ever, are probably riddled with viruses, and probably haven't been physically cleaned out since it was built.
Do some basic maintenance on your computers, maybe upgrade a little bit, and you might get a performance boost. Otherwise, your computer probably doesn't meet whatever the minimum system requirements for Minecraft are going to be.
Then I was like: There's not a vein here! I just spent three minutes going to this spot in the world, and there's only a normal amount of diamond. On the right. No vein that goes up and over.
Reporting post for spam.