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    posted a message on [MC 1.12.x] Minecraft Comes Alive v6.0.0 (MILLIONS OF PLAYERS!)
    Quote from Weazul»

    Is there a way to disable structure spawn from the orb? I want to use this on an already existing multiplayer server so i don't want anyone accidentally breaking builds.

    You can disable the orb being given to new players in the MCA config.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Diversity 3

    Are we supposed to have experience to name the book to start the map? Because we don't.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Grimoire of Gaia 3 (1.12.2) (1.7.1) (Updated 01/27/2020) - Mobs, Monsters, Monster Girls
    Quote from Silentine»

    I'm not sure. I don't know how InControl works.

    Besides, this mod uses the BiomeDictionary to spawn mobs. They are not directly tied to a specific biome although the conditions for them are tailored to be.

    I think that might be the issue. It's possible that this issue being discussed by the InControl folks is part of it:


    At any rate, I've never been able to get GoG mobs to spawn using InControl rules that I know work with both vanilla and modded mobs. Not sure what the issue is, but I'd love to see it solved so that I can get things working in our mod pack.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Xaero's Minimap 1.21 Forge (+ Fabric 1.20.x | 1.19.4 | 1.18.2 | 1.17.1 | 1.16.5 | 1.12.2 and more)
    Quote from xaero96»

    There's only 1 way to find out. I can't really tell you "how well" it handles it.

    you never ran any tests in the nether and took screenshots?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The Twilight Forest (v2.3.5: Wrecking Block)
    Quote from Jerbear016»

    Hello, I am currently playing this mod and I have it downloaded for 1.12.2 but any time I get to where I have a diamond and drop it into the 2x2 water with flowers surrounding, nothing happens. I just pick up my diamond from the water. I am not sure if I installed it wrong or not, but I'd like it if someone could assist me with this. Thanks!


    Which modpack? Portal creation may have been turned off in the configs for the modpack.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Grimoire of Gaia 3 (1.12.2) (1.7.1) (Updated 01/27/2020) - Mobs, Monsters, Monster Girls

    Any chance there could be work done on the spawning code to allow mods like InControl to spawn these mobs anywhere via its rules instead of them being tied to biomes that may not exist in a modpack?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Xaero's Minimap 1.21 Forge (+ Fabric 1.20.x | 1.19.4 | 1.18.2 | 1.17.1 | 1.16.5 | 1.12.2 and more)

    How well does this handle the Nether and other dimensions? My biggest gripe with Journeymap is that it can't seem to handle cave-like dimensions that well.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.15.2] Ruins (Structure Spawning System)

    That makes way more sense. In your explanation, it sounded like you had to do a savegame config as well for it to work at all, which really would be dumb. I'm working in a dev environment so I can remake files, savegames, etc. None of this is tricky, I just need to know why it isn't working, since the instructions are pretty lacking for what I'm trying to do.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.15.2] Ruins (Structure Spawning System)
    Quote from QuarterAnimal»

    Couple things right off the bat. Firstly, the unfortunately-named dimensions config parameter refers to the size of the structure, not the dimensions in which it spawns. In your case, you should set it as follows:


    Secondly, the folders are named after biomes, not dimensions, so unless there's a biome named "Beneath" (unlikely, though I'm not familiar with that mod), you'll have to either rename the folder to a biome name, or move the template to an existing biome folder and add to the biomesToSpawnIn list (or add biome types to the biomeTypesToSpawnIn list) so as to include the desired new biome(s).

    Thirdly--and this is the tricky one--you have to enable Ruins to work in the mod dimension. It looks like you already determined the dimension ID number (10); this needs to be added to the allowedDimensions list in both config/ruins.txt and world/DIM10/ruins.txt:


    The "world" folder might not be called "world" in your case, depending on whether you're running single-player, or if you modified level-name in server.properties, so you might have to poke around for that file. In fact, if you're starting a brand new world, it won't exist at all...but if it does, you'll have to modify it.

    This is the stuff that should actually be listed in a wiki of some sort...maybe a guide?

    The big issue then is that you can't use ruins for mod packs, as the player would name the save game anything they want, meaning I'd never be able to guess what they would call it.

    Thanks for the help, but it looks like this mod won't work. IMO this is a truly stupid design.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.15.2] Ruins (Structure Spawning System)

    I need help. I'm trying to get a structure I made with the parser to spawn in the Beneath dimension and it is not working. Anyone else have any success getting structures to spawn in a particular dimension?

    This is the file the parser made: https://pastebin.com/Djs0gPkL

    I have the dimension listed in that file and it is in the Beneath folder in the ruins config folder. Not sure what is wrong. Is there a way to get ruins to spawn in specific dimensions, and if so, what is the correct syntax for making it happen?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    Any news in the realm of further development of TC is good. Any of the people involved with CoFH is a good choice.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Hyxaru»

    Biome id’s:

    Magical forest 40

    Eerie 41

    Eldritch 42

    Tainted lands no longer exists.

    Unfortunately Eerie and Eldritch do not work with the Lost Cities Floating profile. All you get are dirt islands with city buildings.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!
    Quote from MCSuire»

    It's a really fun mod.

    Is it possible to alter the mod so that it only includes one set of creatures?

    The mod has a pretty extensive spawn control in the configs. You can turn on or off all the creatures, spawn events, triggers, and all sorts of stuff.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Hyxaru»

    They are sadly not a thing.

    Boo...well hopefully if this were taken up by someone in the community we could perhaps get someone to make an add-on that does just that.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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