I don't like the idea of the wheelbarrow tipping over, also with it breaking I think it should take like five hits or more. As for bikes, I am not sure what kind of technology level Notch has for this game, with minecarts you'd think bikes would be a shoe-in, but I think that is more on the borderline.
Lilbuddha212, Yes someone has posted that idea. I thought I had appended it to OP though.. :/
danger55, I am not sure you read the post at all... :/
awopcxet, yes that was what I said.. I am not sure what you are meaning by the latter half of your post.
Jason_c_o, it is not especially easy to use minecarts over land as you have to lay down the track first. Over long distances this is ridiculous unless you have quite the supply of iron you are willing to use, but yes, wheelbarrows would be useless inside a cave. Unless you mean to take it to a minecart to get the stuff out of the cave. My intention was not for this to be a travel along companion for players everywhere they go.
ByakuyaTheTroll, yes, that has been suggested and I thought I had put that in the original post as well. :/ I am now going to have to look at the original post again because I swear I added these things in blue text.
Thanks for the support everyone, its nice to see the banner in more signatures.
Petermh, that was my original thought with the redstone wire, but there has actually been quite the uproar over that. So to prevent the entire thread from becoming a fight over that I changed the post a bit. Also I think having the choice to spend more resources on your circuits has merit to it.
Thanks for the support. If you guys could spread the word, or put the banner in your sigs :biggrin.gif:, it would help get this to Notch's attention. Ty!
Thanks for all the support, and more banners in sigs! :biggrin.gif:
I think a mod would go a long way towards getting this noticed by Notch. Does anyone have connections to modders?
le_alouette, XD I thought you had posted it. No, turns out it was Zaibach. No I never really liked the idea of the tripwire.
Whatever the reason behind it, I assume it is optimization, its really hard to do anything with. Until this is changed and Notch releases a non-optimized version and a key to translate it so it will fit with the optimized I really don't think I will be able to make anything.
Yaxlat, because it is more recognizable like that.
My first thought upon seeing this was "Oh that is kind of cool." Then I scrolled down. You are using 28 squares on the .png file for different colors of the same item! No! I do not support this. What will you want next? 8 different colored beds? Or perhaps you want to change the color of your door. No. Unless a better system is implemented to change the color of the texture without using so much textures I will not support this.
Here is my suggestion. For each item that can be colored it has a base texture of the color, on top of that texture is the actual texture of the item that has transparencies to allow the color to show through. The same method Blizzard uses to show team color in their games. One texture with transparencies in the right spots, and it simply colors the textures the model in two layers. The color texture is one pixel and does not take much toll on the computer to render.
Elite6809, Yes actually. You can not move chests while retaining their inventory except by minecart which takes significantly more resources. You can not make string and wool basically useless.These items would indeed do things that you can not already do in game.
WUser, Yes, several people have spoken this. I am not against it. It would ultimately be Notch's choice. With the current uses for string the spinning wheel is rather unnecessary because of sting's limited uses. If more uses were added, then perhaps 9 would not look so outrageous. The point being you can turn wool into string. The number is not so important at this stage.
pi4t, I rather liked Mystify's (if I remembered his name right) suggestion. He said that spiders should drop silk instead of sting. Silk would then be a higher quality used for making better things like diamond compared to iron. As for taking wheelbarrows up stairs, I've done it. Its possible, not especially easy, but possible. It matters a lot on the slope of the stairs and how much is in the wheelbarrow. Again though, its more the idea that is being discussed rather than the specifics. Maybe it looks really funny in game for wheelbarrows to go up stairs or something so that would be removed. Idk, its still and idea and easily subject to change.
le_alouette, Yes I think it would be very easy to implement. Very few changes at all. As for your tripwire to me it sounds like a one time use pressure plate, or in other words, unnecessary and cluttering, I do not really like the idea of the tripwire. I agree though, the Redstone Wire would be the most difficult part of this modification of the game, however I do not think it would be that difficult. I think it could be easily integrated into the system, but its not something as simple as adding another item. The problem I come up to when trying to do this myself is that Notch scrambles his data before he releases it. All the classes and properties of the classes have been renamed to letters. a, aa, ab, ac, ad.. etc. Its unintelligible. I also hear that with each update the corresponding names switch again. So what might have corresponded to the food class being called class oj in version 1.4 could now be anything in 1.5, not only making any existing guide to sorting through this rubbish useless, but also making any mod designed for 1.4 useless. Until Notch makes modding a lot easier by releasing a non-scrambled .jar I do not think I will be able to accomplish anything, I am also not sure if Notch ever plans to release an understandable version of the game programming.
dndian, I agree it should take time, however I think the spinning wheel should only work while the player is using it. So it should take time, but that much time would be ridiculous.
TL;DR on the replies at least.
The problem I see with this is that unlike Halo you do not simply join a Minecraft server and play. You join a certain server and join that certain server over and over again, because that certain server and only that certain server has your items and projects on it. Minecraft is not an arcade game like Halo. You do not play in rounds. You do not say "Who wants to join my game because this game has stupid options?" You play on your server. You can't do this kind of thing with Minecraft.
Another difference between games with quick hosting and Minecraft is that the only things the server needs to know in Halo is the players and a pre-defined small map. Sure, click that Host Server button. A couple people join, head off in odd directions the map triples in size, congratulations, you suddenly have a 30Mb file from that one click and an hour of gameplay. Tomorrow you click it again, Oh look another 30Mb.
A server running a Minecraft world has to do a whole lot more computations then a server running a game like Halo. In most games if you play in a server that is being hosted by the same computer as someone playing the game you are going to have lag. Minecraft relies on dedicated servers.
Another reason for that is players play on the server at many different times.
For Minecraft multiplayer I am opposed to anything that is not a 24/7 dedicated server.
willyo64, If you want to get into the physics of Minecraft, how does dirt float in the air? Would the wheelbarrow really be able to get up stairs? Yes, because the program said it could. The point of the wheelbarrow was for it to merge into the game without much changes to the game at all. Creating a new recipe for an ramp that would function exactly like a staircase seems really pointless, just make the wheelbarrow go up stairs and platforms. Another part of the idea of the wheelbarrow is that you would not be taking it to explore anywhere. You would use it it known areas for specific planned tasks. You know the route and you have probably prepped it a little to make it easier for wheelbarrows, ex: dug out a block here, added a step here, etc.
Charlie Brown, the point of the wheel is not to give players a futuristic technology to go freestyle with. Go get the airplane mod or something. This is a primitive technology that the game should have had a long time ago.
timon, Actually just a few posts ago someone suggested that. It would probably look a lot nicer.
Blahblah99, Exactly. The changes involved in this wouldn't be so game-changing. They would be useful addition that blends seamlessly into the game as it, except the redwire.
aroboninja, You should put the banner into your signature. :biggrin.gif:
lemonnator, Ehhh.... Idk about those ideas. They all seem to be doing the same thing as another item in the game.
le_alouette, I hope so! :biggrin.gif:
I would love to begin working on a mod for this. Do you know anything about making mods for Minecraft? I don't even know a developing environment for java >.<
Zaibach, Idk about that idea, the 3:1. I think right now it sounds fair enough, but once there are a lot more uses for string it will be really annoying. I think a 1:1 would probably work best. Then you go off on a tangent about redwire. :/ Also adding redwool to the game seems unnecessarily complicating and annoying.
jammings, Yep! :biggrin.gif:
You understand the idea of this suggestion. Nice usable additions, and opening the possibilities to many more craft recipes.
Falcon_Gift, That is really detailed constructive criticism. XD Thanks for your support though.
Charlie2531games, I think Notch is trying to avoid things like cars. I like the idea of maybe eventually making horse-drawn wagons, but I do not think he will ever implement things like cars.
themohawkninja, Ah. That's not a bad idea. Hmm. Now I am not sure what to think. XD
I like the square ones because they are funny. But that wheel might look a lot better in game.
Lilbuddha212, Yes someone has posted that idea. I thought I had appended it to OP though.. :/
danger55, I am not sure you read the post at all... :/
awopcxet, yes that was what I said.. I am not sure what you are meaning by the latter half of your post.
Jason_c_o, it is not especially easy to use minecarts over land as you have to lay down the track first. Over long distances this is ridiculous unless you have quite the supply of iron you are willing to use, but yes, wheelbarrows would be useless inside a cave. Unless you mean to take it to a minecart to get the stuff out of the cave. My intention was not for this to be a travel along companion for players everywhere they go.
ByakuyaTheTroll, yes, that has been suggested and I thought I had put that in the original post as well. :/ I am now going to have to look at the original post again because I swear I added these things in blue text.
Thanks for the support everyone, its nice to see the banner in more signatures.
I think a mod would go a long way towards getting this noticed by Notch. Does anyone have connections to modders?
Whatever the reason behind it, I assume it is optimization, its really hard to do anything with. Until this is changed and Notch releases a non-optimized version and a key to translate it so it will fit with the optimized I really don't think I will be able to make anything.
Yaxlat, because it is more recognizable like that.
Here is my suggestion. For each item that can be colored it has a base texture of the color, on top of that texture is the actual texture of the item that has transparencies to allow the color to show through. The same method Blizzard uses to show team color in their games. One texture with transparencies in the right spots, and it simply colors the textures the model in two layers. The color texture is one pixel and does not take much toll on the computer to render.
Elite6809, Yes actually. You can not move chests while retaining their inventory except by minecart which takes significantly more resources. You can not make string and wool basically useless.These items would indeed do things that you can not already do in game.
WUser, Yes, several people have spoken this. I am not against it. It would ultimately be Notch's choice. With the current uses for string the spinning wheel is rather unnecessary because of sting's limited uses. If more uses were added, then perhaps 9 would not look so outrageous. The point being you can turn wool into string. The number is not so important at this stage.
pi4t, I rather liked Mystify's (if I remembered his name right) suggestion. He said that spiders should drop silk instead of sting. Silk would then be a higher quality used for making better things like diamond compared to iron. As for taking wheelbarrows up stairs, I've done it. Its possible, not especially easy, but possible. It matters a lot on the slope of the stairs and how much is in the wheelbarrow. Again though, its more the idea that is being discussed rather than the specifics. Maybe it looks really funny in game for wheelbarrows to go up stairs or something so that would be removed. Idk, its still and idea and easily subject to change.
le_alouette, Yes I think it would be very easy to implement. Very few changes at all. As for your tripwire to me it sounds like a one time use pressure plate, or in other words, unnecessary and cluttering, I do not really like the idea of the tripwire. I agree though, the Redstone Wire would be the most difficult part of this modification of the game, however I do not think it would be that difficult. I think it could be easily integrated into the system, but its not something as simple as adding another item. The problem I come up to when trying to do this myself is that Notch scrambles his data before he releases it. All the classes and properties of the classes have been renamed to letters. a, aa, ab, ac, ad.. etc. Its unintelligible. I also hear that with each update the corresponding names switch again. So what might have corresponded to the food class being called class oj in version 1.4 could now be anything in 1.5, not only making any existing guide to sorting through this rubbish useless, but also making any mod designed for 1.4 useless. Until Notch makes modding a lot easier by releasing a non-scrambled .jar I do not think I will be able to accomplish anything, I am also not sure if Notch ever plans to release an understandable version of the game programming.
dndian, I agree it should take time, however I think the spinning wheel should only work while the player is using it. So it should take time, but that much time would be ridiculous.
The problem I see with this is that unlike Halo you do not simply join a Minecraft server and play. You join a certain server and join that certain server over and over again, because that certain server and only that certain server has your items and projects on it. Minecraft is not an arcade game like Halo. You do not play in rounds. You do not say "Who wants to join my game because this game has stupid options?" You play on your server. You can't do this kind of thing with Minecraft.
Another difference between games with quick hosting and Minecraft is that the only things the server needs to know in Halo is the players and a pre-defined small map. Sure, click that Host Server button. A couple people join, head off in odd directions the map triples in size, congratulations, you suddenly have a 30Mb file from that one click and an hour of gameplay. Tomorrow you click it again, Oh look another 30Mb.
A server running a Minecraft world has to do a whole lot more computations then a server running a game like Halo. In most games if you play in a server that is being hosted by the same computer as someone playing the game you are going to have lag. Minecraft relies on dedicated servers.
Another reason for that is players play on the server at many different times.
For Minecraft multiplayer I am opposed to anything that is not a 24/7 dedicated server.
Blahblah99, Exactly. The changes involved in this wouldn't be so game-changing. They would be useful addition that blends seamlessly into the game as it, except the redwire.
aroboninja, You should put the banner into your signature. :biggrin.gif:
lemonnator, Ehhh.... Idk about those ideas. They all seem to be doing the same thing as another item in the game.
le_alouette, I hope so! :biggrin.gif:
I would love to begin working on a mod for this. Do you know anything about making mods for Minecraft? I don't even know a developing environment for java >.<
Zaibach, Idk about that idea, the 3:1. I think right now it sounds fair enough, but once there are a lot more uses for string it will be really annoying. I think a 1:1 would probably work best. Then you go off on a tangent about redwire. :/ Also adding redwool to the game seems unnecessarily complicating and annoying.
You understand the idea of this suggestion. Nice usable additions, and opening the possibilities to many more craft recipes.
Falcon_Gift, That is really detailed constructive criticism. XD Thanks for your support though.
I shall have to make more mock-ups.
I like the square ones because they are funny. But that wheel might look a lot better in game.