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    posted a message on World Modpack Upgrading from Enigmatica 6 to Enigmatica 10

    Complete noob to modded minecraft here. For the last month I've created and played a server with the modpack Enigmatica 6 installed and nothing else. I did not realise at the time how old that modpack is. I'm now wondering if I can upgrade the mod pack to a new(er) Enigmatica but continue the world? I'm assuming since I've only really built with Create, Pneumaticraft, and Immersive Engineering and all these mods are still in newer versions they should carry over? I just want more new items and mods to be added into my world. I don't mind if the world gen would be weird as long as its not corrupted and I also don't mind if my current builds are a bit broken as long as they can be fixed relatively easily

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Free animated intro needed...
    Hello dear reader, I'm aspiring to start a minecraft YouTube channel and I was hoping one of you fine people would be kind enough to animate an intro for me. I want it to be something like this:

    A mine craft dude in a cowboy skin comes in from the left riding a horse. the horse then climbs on its hind legs and neighs. when the horse gets back on all its legs, the cowboy while out a lassoo and throws it all the way to the right of the screen. when the rope comes back, it drags the words "Cowboy Madness"

    If one of you does this for me, I would be eternally grateful.
    Posted in: Requests
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