What’s the most important rule?: To respect everyone and behave intelligently.
In Character:
Why are they coming to Akavail and its portion of Bide (if not born there)?/What do they hope to do?:
Matthew is a half-elf hunter with an itch to explore the world. He is just wandering aimlessly to simply learn; history, various skills, and just about anything that might be out there to learn. He would come to Bide by pure chance, stumbling upon the area during his travels. When he gets there he’s going to do whatever seems best; likely take on a few odd jobs and stick around for a short while to learn the history of this place and whatever else he can.
If any, list and explain all combative abilities:
Matthew was raised by his uncle to become a hunter, and naturally that’d mean he’d learn archery and basic sword fighting. Though, his sword fighting skills aren’t perfect as they’re normally towards creatures rather than other humans.
If any, list and explain all non-combative abilities:
As a hunter Matthew became skilled at several relevant skills; Skinning and gutting, tracking, and horse riding. He knows how to train and handle horses and a few other animals, including dogs for hunting. Along with this, he also learnt cooking, though, he is far from a professional, basic sewing, and simple first aid from his mother.
During his travels he also discovered a natural affinity to water-based magic. With concentration and a few small movements, he is able to make liquid move. Of course, he is still no better than a beginner- if not worse. At this point he’s able to do little more than move a glass worth of water. It wouldn’t be useful for anything more than a party trick or to annoy someone by splashing it in their face.
[ I can remove the water magic if needed! Just saw that a few others have been accepted with magic so I thought I'd try my chances and try to have a small thing for fun ^^ ]
Imagine all the things that can hurt/kill a standard human. Is there anything that your character is immune (or reduced effect) to that would normally affect a human? If so, to balance, what sort situation(s) could hurt/kill your character that normally wouldn't hurt a standard human? (Note: the kryptonite weakness, i.e, a situation/item that is rare or normally not on a person or found in the surrounding area even if it completely nullifies you is not balanced enough.)
Matthew is a rather normal person, if not just pointy-eared, and has no special strengths or weaknesses.
RP Test:
Like Rosy I’ve been accustomed to a more book-like approach in roleplays. I’m willing to change as well if necessary! Also I have shortened Matthew's name for the RP scenario,
-Out in the wild, you come across an overly protective miner camping outside a cave entrance. He starts throwing rocks at you, barking at you to leave. At this instance, a person can be faintly seen coming out of the cave entrance. Diffuse the situation, and take it from there.
Matt: Matt quirked an eyebrow as a rock flew past him, flinching as one of the rocks hit his arm and the yelling started. “Hey, just a passerby, there’s no need to yell at me!“ he yelled at him.
Miner: The miner just threw another rock at Matt. “Well git on then, pointy!“
Matt: "Pointy? Wow, how creative!" he said sarcastically, clearly amused.
Miner: The miner stood up, not happy with Matt's sarcasm. "You better get going before ya' regret that comment."
Matt: Matt rolled his eyes before spotting the person coming out in the corner of his eyes. “Fine fine you brash jerk.” he turned back to the road.
Miner: The miner scowled. "Yeah, ya better run!" he barked.
Matt: Just did a small wave over towards the cave entrance as he walked. “I am, though, I think you’d like to know someone just came out though!” he called out.
Miner: The miner narrowed his eyes at Matt before turning to look. “What- hey!” attention now on the new figure he left Matt alone to chase after this other figure.
Matt: Matt continue on his way as the miner stopped bothering him.
-A player who is RP’ing as a newspaper reporter is questioning a crowd about the recent monster attack in the area. Another player who plays a notorious street thug starts harassing the reporter for money. Interact with them.
Matt: Matt would stare in confusion as the reporter started to get harassed. He would step forward from the crowd, but out of distance for any attacks. “Are you really going to do this?”
Thug: The thug pulled his attention away to keep an eye on Matt, turning his knife to him. “What, is there a problem? Are you going to try and stop me?”
Matt: Matt stood his ground and stared at the thug. “No, I’m not a guard.“ he put emphasis on the word guard, glanced to the surrounding crowd. “I would like to criticize you for doing this in public though, are you an idiot?”
Thug: The thug scowled at Matt's comment, stepping forward. “You really think you can call me an idiot? You want to be on the ground, lil' elf?”
Matt: Matt took a step backward at that, hand moving to the hilt of his sword. “I call it how I see it. Thieves mug in back alleys and not in front of a crowd for a reason.”
Thug: “Why you little..." he ran forward towards Matt, thrusting the knife at him as he got closer.
Matt: Being at an ample distance and easily being able to predict this would have time to pull out his sword and point it to the thug in an attempt to keep him away.
Thug: The thug stopped as he saw the sword and spotted approaching guards. He took one last second to scowl and spit at Matt before dashing off.
Matt: Matt just let out a sigh, glancing to the reporter. He gave a small nod to them, turning and starting to walk off.
Ah, I see. Well no worries, I know what that's like (in response to both). Do either of you have a skype you wouldn't mind sharing so I can keep updated? vuv
Ahh, alright! Well I wouldn't be able to help then, that seems rad and something to look forward to though! For now I'll submit a website joining application and go through the lore available. I don't mind, but I am just curious; how long do you think it'll take until the plugins are in place, and the server is up? Just wondering, not trying to rush at all! vuv
Oh, wonderful! I can see everything fine now! I'll look over each race's lores and stuff and try to think of a character.
Also I hope you don't think I'm overbearing or anything, this server seems promising so I just want to help out how I can, but I might be able to offer a bit of assistance. If you can explain your plugin issues I can try to help! If you can't or don't want my help though that's fine, I'd understand.
Alright! I'm actually fine with applying here, but the problem is that I just don't have enough information from this topic alone. I see there's threads for the different races and stuff, but I can't access the forums at all !
Edit: Oh, I was writing my thing when you posted yours! Anyways ah, alright. I was talking about the enjin forums. I'll try to make a character / apply using what info I have!
Ah, alright. Dhampirs seem cool, but also they seem like the type of race that is normally not allowed for newcomers. Plus there's just so little amount of info so yeah...
Oh and another question I thought of; what's the situation on multiple characters, also what about changing characters? I'm just curious for future reference!
Hello! I'm interested in server, but I do have a curiosity about the lore. Mostly that about other lands, or the homeland in specific. Is there any sort of homelands in specific, and are we to give the homeland it's own sort of lore? Also is there some sort of alchemy or magic in the world, even if not on this continent in specific? If not that's alright, I'm just curious! I wouldn't have a character with either abilities unless if I learned it in character.
Also for the Orcs, do they have any general stereotypes or personalities I must follow, or to just give an idea? I'm just curious because this seems like an interesting server that I might want to take part in, and I want to make sure I get things right before I try to do an application. I'm mostly used to information with more information about their races and have a more set type of world so yeah.
Also just an extra question: which seems to be the least played of the races currently?
Hello! I'm looking for someone to help me create a plugin for a 1.7.2 bukkit server. The server I'd want it on is a roleplay server in development. For the plugin what I want is something like a calendar plugin that will say what the in character date.
We'll need it to be somewhat customizable as our calendar is rather different then the real life calendar. The plugin doesn't need to display specific times such as 3:14 pm and such. It would be good if the plugin ran on real time instead of minecraft days (so every 24 hours it goes to the next day rather then 20 minutes). I was looking at plugins and I think the LoreTime plugin would be kinda what I'm looking for.
If you can help or need information please do contact me or post. Thanks!
Fishing Contest Date: Feb. 6 - 9:00 PM EST Prizes: Secret What you will do: Catch fishes. The person who catches the most amount of fishes in a time range wins. No cheating. There will be 2 winners. You can bring your own rod or buy one, there will be a shop set up with them.
Username: Mishakiara
Age: 13
RP Experience: First time rping in Minecraft.
Anything else you want to note?: Even if I am accepted or denied I would like to know how to make my character better please.
--- In Character:
Name: Jill Penn
Age: 34
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Biography: They were born into a family of merchants and traders. Her mother was a shopkeeper, she knew how to correctly sell stuff and always knew the perfect prices. Meanwhile her father often is away for long periods of time to explore and gather objects for the store. Jill always liked to help her mother run the store, getting some of her knowledge by doing this.
Although both her parents are still alive, they are rather old and weak so she took up her parent's business. She now owns the store, and she brought it upon herself to explore the world herself and gather things for the store. However that means she isn't there so the shop is often closed or being ran by another person. When at the store she often overprices her items, since she has less stock and its harder to get. Not to mention pricing things just wasn't one of the skills her parents taught her correctly.
She often tries to be diplomatic since running the store made her slightly good at that. She almost always attempts to be peaceful before going to violence. She isn't too powerful, but if needed she can pack a decent punch due to the amount of time she spent exploring and digging and stuff.
Appearance: Orange hair in a ponytail, green dress with gloves, red striped socks, and a white hat. (I have a picture somewhere though) Actual picture though: http://sta.sh/010k9bbdcbio
In Game Name: Mishakiara Age: 13 Country: USA Describe yourself: I don't have much to say. I like Minecraft, Terraria, andSkyrim. I go to school on the computer rather then in real life, so I could get on more and earlier. I am the type of person who is on and off Minecraft. I like Minecraft, don't get me wrong. Its just that most of the servers I go to I love, but get shut down. The others are just plain terrible (GRIEF GRIEF HACKERS), or not my type. Please note that I am English, so you won't expect any other language from me. I also am not the best builder, but I do try my best to make decent houses!
I find your server interesting and I do hope I can join. I also swear I will follow the /rules
IGN: Mishtery
What’s the most important rule?: To respect everyone and behave intelligently.
In Character:
Why are they coming to Akavail and its portion of Bide (if not born there)?/What do they hope to do?:
Matthew is a half-elf hunter with an itch to explore the world. He is just wandering aimlessly to simply learn; history, various skills, and just about anything that might be out there to learn. He would come to Bide by pure chance, stumbling upon the area during his travels. When he gets there he’s going to do whatever seems best; likely take on a few odd jobs and stick around for a short while to learn the history of this place and whatever else he can.
If any, list and explain all combative abilities:
Matthew was raised by his uncle to become a hunter, and naturally that’d mean he’d learn archery and basic sword fighting. Though, his sword fighting skills aren’t perfect as they’re normally towards creatures rather than other humans.
If any, list and explain all non-combative abilities:
As a hunter Matthew became skilled at several relevant skills; Skinning and gutting, tracking, and horse riding. He knows how to train and handle horses and a few other animals, including dogs for hunting. Along with this, he also learnt cooking, though, he is far from a professional, basic sewing, and simple first aid from his mother.
During his travels he also discovered a natural affinity to water-based magic. With concentration and a few small movements, he is able to make liquid move. Of course, he is still no better than a beginner- if not worse. At this point he’s able to do little more than move a glass worth of water. It wouldn’t be useful for anything more than a party trick or to annoy someone by splashing it in their face.
[ I can remove the water magic if needed! Just saw that a few others have been accepted with magic so I thought I'd try my chances and try to have a small thing for fun ^^ ]
Imagine all the things that can hurt/kill a standard human. Is there anything that your character is immune (or reduced effect) to that would normally affect a human? If so, to balance, what sort situation(s) could hurt/kill your character that normally wouldn't hurt a standard human? (Note: the kryptonite weakness, i.e, a situation/item that is rare or normally not on a person or found in the surrounding area even if it completely nullifies you is not balanced enough.)
Matthew is a rather normal person, if not just pointy-eared, and has no special strengths or weaknesses.
RP Test:
Like Rosy I’ve been accustomed to a more book-like approach in roleplays. I’m willing to change as well if necessary! Also I have shortened Matthew's name for the RP scenario,
-Out in the wild, you come across an overly protective miner camping outside a cave entrance. He starts throwing rocks at you, barking at you to leave. At this instance, a person can be faintly seen coming out of the cave entrance. Diffuse the situation, and take it from there.
-A player who is RP’ing as a newspaper reporter is questioning a crowd about the recent monster attack in the area. Another player who plays a notorious street thug starts harassing the reporter for money. Interact with them.
Hello! I was wondering if you can disable vignette? I managed to find out how to remove it normally, however it still has it when it rains. Thank you!
Also I hope you don't think I'm overbearing or anything, this server seems promising so I just want to help out how I can, but I might be able to offer a bit of assistance. If you can explain your plugin issues I can try to help! If you can't or don't want my help though that's fine, I'd understand.
Edit: Oh, I was writing my thing when you posted yours! Anyways ah, alright. I was talking about the enjin forums. I'll try to make a character / apply using what info I have!
Edit: P.S. Rule 7 seems to have been cut off!
Ah, alright. Dhampirs seem cool, but also they seem like the type of race that is normally not allowed for newcomers. Plus there's just so little amount of info so yeah...
Oh and another question I thought of; what's the situation on multiple characters, also what about changing characters? I'm just curious for future reference!
Also for the Orcs, do they have any general stereotypes or personalities I must follow, or to just give an idea? I'm just curious because this seems like an interesting server that I might want to take part in, and I want to make sure I get things right before I try to do an application. I'm mostly used to information with more information about their races and have a more set type of world so yeah.
Also just an extra question: which seems to be the least played of the races currently?
We'll need it to be somewhat customizable as our calendar is rather different then the real life calendar. The plugin doesn't need to display specific times such as 3:14 pm and such. It would be good if the plugin ran on real time instead of minecraft days (so every 24 hours it goes to the next day rather then 20 minutes). I was looking at plugins and I think the LoreTime plugin would be kinda what I'm looking for.
If you can help or need information please do contact me or post. Thanks!
Date: Feb. 6 - 9:00 PM EST
Prizes: Secret
What you will do: Catch fishes. The person who catches the most amount of fishes in a time range wins. No cheating.
There will be 2 winners.
You can bring your own rod or buy one, there will be a shop set up with them.
[b]--- OOC:[/b]
Username: Mishakiara
Age: 13
RP Experience: First time rping in Minecraft.
Anything else you want to note?: Even if I am accepted or denied I would like to know how to make my character better please.
--- In Character:
Name: Jill Penn
Age: 34
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Biography: They were born into a family of merchants and traders. Her mother was a shopkeeper, she knew how to correctly sell stuff and always knew the perfect prices. Meanwhile her father often is away for long periods of time to explore and gather objects for the store. Jill always liked to help her mother run the store, getting some of her knowledge by doing this.
Although both her parents are still alive, they are rather old and weak so she took up her parent's business. She now owns the store, and she brought it upon herself to explore the world herself and gather things for the store. However that means she isn't there so the shop is often closed or being ran by another person. When at the store she often overprices her items, since she has less stock and its harder to get. Not to mention pricing things just wasn't one of the skills her parents taught her correctly.
She often tries to be diplomatic since running the store made her slightly good at that. She almost always attempts to be peaceful before going to violence. She isn't too powerful, but if needed she can pack a decent punch due to the amount of time she spent exploring and digging and stuff.
Appearance: Orange hair in a ponytail, green dress with gloves, red striped socks, and a white hat. (I have a picture somewhere though) Actual picture though: http://sta.sh/010k9bbdcbio
Age: 13
Country: USA
Describe yourself: I don't have much to say. I like Minecraft, Terraria, and Skyrim. I go to school on the computer rather then in real life, so I could get on more and earlier. I am the type of person who is on and off Minecraft. I like Minecraft, don't get me wrong. Its just that most of the servers I go to I love, but get shut down. The others are just plain terrible (GRIEF GRIEF HACKERS), or not my type. Please note that I am English, so you won't expect any other language from me. I also am not the best builder, but I do try my best to make decent houses!
I find your server interesting and I do hope I can join. I also swear I will follow the /rules
Not that I believe. Sorry?