- Minicraftz
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Member for 12 years, 8 months, and 26 days
Last active Wed, Dec, 23 2015 17:16:30
- 314 Total Posts
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May 30, 2013Minicraftz posted a message on Snapshot 13w22a Ready For Testing!Is it just me or can villagers run really fast? I apologize if this is already a known feature but when i set the time to night, the villagers were really speedy when they ran to their houses.Posted in: News
May 10, 2013Minicraftz posted a message on Snapshot 13w19a Ready for TestingPosted in: NewsQuote from Minicraftz
This is the best snapshot by FAR for me.
I wish the the white stained clay was more white though, and the cyan stained clay had a tint of cyan.
For some reason I can't edit my first post so ill just quote it.
I also wish the brown stained clay was darker and the grey stained clay wasn't so brown. -
May 10, 2013Minicraftz posted a message on Snapshot 13w19a Ready for Testing...Posted in: News
This is the best snapshot by FAR for me.
I wish the the white stained clay was more white though, and the cyan stained clay had a tint of cyan. -
May 4, 2013Minicraftz posted a message on Community Creations - "Ghost Squadron" PVP Mini-GameDoes Sethbling not know how to turn friendly fire offPosted in: News
Apr 5, 2013Minicraftz posted a message on Minecraft Surpasses 10 Million Sales, 1.6 Feature Spoiler AlertPosted in: NewsQuote from Machuis
They never said it will be horses, they just simply put a picture of a horse. They could fool us again, you know. And why do people dislike horses? It won't hurt anything. If you don't want horses, simply don't use them.
Ok, getting just a little mad here, because Jeb ALREADY posted a PICTURE of him on a horse IN MINECRAFT. On his instagram @jebkhaile. -
Apr 5, 2013Minicraftz posted a message on Minecraft Surpasses 10 Million Sales, 1.6 Feature Spoiler AlertWell then, everyone just SKIPS over the picture Jeb posted on Instagram of him riding a horse on Minecraft, sheeshPosted in: News
Apr 4, 2013Minicraftz posted a message on Minecraft Surpasses 10 Million Sales, 1.6 Feature Spoiler AlertPosted in: NewsQuote from namurt28
Ummm ... If you check jeb's Instagram, can't remember it off the top of my head, he posted a picture of his character riding a horse in MC. Just thought you guys would like to see what it looks like
This is true
Sep 16, 2012Minicraftz posted a message on Community Creations - Team Fortress 2's Dustbowl, by SethBling and HypixelPlayed this map on a server for a bit, I know they did some revolutionary stuff, but overall it's not as fun as some other TF2 servers with plugins. Plus everyone on my team started killing eachother D:<.Posted in: News
Sep 16, 2012Minicraftz posted a message on Community Creations - Team Fortress 2's Dustbowl, by SethBling and Hypixel8 classes? Y U NO ENGI???Posted in: News
Aug 30, 2012Minicraftz posted a message on Decoration Blocks to Come; MineTV Episode 5Posted in: NewsQuote from Maruno42
Perhaps the trophy heads (as everyone's calling them) aren't just boring old rare drops by their respective mobs. Perhaps something special needs to happen in order to get a mob to drop its head. Something like... OVERKILL!!!
It'd certainly be a great way to prove you're the boss, by having a pile of heads that resulted from inflicting massive damage. You literally knocked their blocks off.
Great idea, killing it with one hit (Which results in the OVERKILL achievement) should have a skull knocking-off animation. -
Aug 29, 2012Minicraftz posted a message on Decoration Blocks to Come; MineTV Episode 5Posted in: News
You're pretty ignorant; many people asked for mob head decorations. -
Aug 28, 2012Minicraftz posted a message on Decoration Blocks to Come; MineTV Episode 5Posted in: NewsQuote from 1200K
I feel like minecraft is moving slowly away from useful, practical, meaningful additions and more towards "this looks cool/ I like this mod lets add it "
There are enough things in Minecraft for survival; that's why the main additions lately have been for decoration. What's wrong with decoration? You can do creative things with the decoration and pimp your house up dawg. -
Aug 28, 2012Minicraftz posted a message on Decoration Blocks to Come; MineTV Episode 5Posted in: NewsQuote from Vocant
Eh, I'm not too excited about this, unless they have some functionality to them. They aren't focusing as much on the survival aspect any more, what with armor dye, flower pots, skeleton heads, and arguably, item frames.
I think there is more than enough things that help our survival; when you become insanely overpowered like me in my survival world, your mindset changes and you want to make your buildings cool. That's when the decoration comes in. -
Aug 24, 2012Minicraftz posted a message on 12w34a Snapshot Available for Testing!For awhile I was confused on why they would use Golden Carrots for making Night Vision potions, but remembered carrots improve eyesight (I think)Posted in: News
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Where did you hear about the server: The front page of minecraftforums
Do you understand and accept the rules: Absolutely
What's our policy on raging: Don't rage!
These gyms will be more reminiscent of the anime, so they won't have any puzzles like the games and will have a much bigger battling area. If you would like to give a suggestion on how I can improve my building, please feel free to do so.
Anyways, here's the first gym. It's normal type, so it will probably be the simplest out of all the gyms I'll be making. Pictures in the spoiler.
Here's a view from the outside of the gym.
This is the back of the gym, with the big Pokeball that I will have in all my gyms.
The entrance.
A view of the battle area, with spots for both competitors to stand.
A place for spectators.
The view seen from one of the competitor platforms.
I support
All the overprotective parents haven't found a way to bring down CoD and TF2 yet, so a few betchy parents won't be a problem.
This is also a good idea. This wouldn't be hard to implement. The guy who made the dismemberment mod has already done a great job, so it is definitely possible
A lead would take too long if you have a bunch of farm animals, but the whip could work well, especially while on a horse.
That looks really cool!
You could put a few of those in the distance in an adventure map and pretend they're ghosts or something!
I do play multiplayer for the games though (Spleef, Team Deathmatch, etc.), but almost never classic survival.