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    posted a message on Creating Custom "Leaves" colors


    I am currently creating a map and need to make "leaves_acacia.png" pink colored. However, even after coloring it pink AND changing "foliage.png" to completely white, it's still coming out as an off-red. See SS below.

    How can I make this a light pink color? Thanks.

    Posted in: MCPE: Texture Pack Help & Requests
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    posted a message on What is the weak point of the avatar above you?

    Definitely a Dark-type pokemon move (Bc that looks like a fairy or physic).

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on What is the weak point of the avatar above you?

    His eyes are his weakness.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Getting 200 FPS on Minecraft, and OBS is recording it at 10 FPS.. WHY?
    Quote from goodbros148»

    did you set the framerate in the video section of the settings?

    Try what ^he said
    Posted in: Technical Help
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    posted a message on I went from an average of 60 to 160 FPS

    So long story short 60 is practically as good as 800 if its uninterrupted XD

    Quote from TheMasterCaver»

    That is actually not true at all; it is a limitation of the monitor, not any limitations of the human eye, that leads to this myth:

    It will be years, if not decades, before monitors (and computers) become fast enough to offer true virtual reality, as in perfectly simulating what you would see IRL.

    This also applies to resolution:

    Quantum computing, anyone? 576 megapixels * 4000 FPS = 2.3 trillion pixels per second * 32 bits/pixel (this actually does cover much of the visual color gamut, or would if the ideal RGB pixel colors were chosen) / 2 bits/cycle = 36.864 terahertz (36,864,000,000,000) video bandwidth (even a 1024 bit parallel bus would require 36 GHz; current 4K resolution (3840 * 2160; this is a bit misleading since 1080p = 1920 * 1080, so you'd think that 4K would be 4 times the width/height, not 2 times) @ 120 Hz = 497.7 MHz over a single line).

    Also, a 180 degree FOV (IMO, even "quake pro" or 110) does not look nice at all in Minecraft, so that is yet another limitation imposed by technology itself.

    In short, it is all due to hardware and software limitations that limit how many frames per second and how much detail you can see.

    Idek this is smart people stuff
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on I went from an average of 60 to 160 FPS

    Long story short, I used to get 60 FPS max on my mac, and now that's the lowest they will go. Im super happy about this, but I also want to know-- what the heck happened?

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Chain delays? (1.10.2)
    Quote from Vetral32»

    Well you see after I summon the armor stand right after it is the end where i kill it. Killing it too fast.

    Use a scoreboard clock timer to do this.
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Unusual Sticky piston behaviour.

    I'd suggest using the latest update (1.10.2) rather than 1.7.10. Probably a bug fix for that.

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Custom Block Mechanics not functioning [1.10.2]
    Quote from Skylinerw»

    Your second and third /execute commands are trying to find an armor stand within 1 block of the command block. You'd need to remove the "r=1" to have those work world-wide.

    If the armor stands have "Marker" set to 1, then it's possible that they are not being targeted due to the radius from the first command and the separate command: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-88533

    You may want to increase the radius to circumvent that if necessary, though might pose an issue with targeting armor stands you don't want to target.

    As well, you should not have that last command separate. All commands that are functionally dependent on another should remain in the same chain, as otherwise order of activation is not guaranteed. In this case, it's impossible for the command to function because the armor stands in question are being killed before the command block runs. If the command block runs first, then there are no armor stands with the proper label to be found.

    You should add it to your chain before the /kill command but after the first command.

    Thanks Skylinerw! It didn't work, but I believe the reason for it glitching is due to bug(s). Everything should be functioning properly as is.

    *Note: I changed what you said, and it still didn't work. Just wanted to clarify.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Custom Block Mechanics not functioning [1.10.2]

    Hello, I'm Minersof49ers. I am currently having issues with a custom block mechanism that I have been working on.

    So here's what the mechanic is:

    I have an endermite that I can summon with a custom name, yada yada yada... Long story short, It places both a gold block and an armorstand named "Block." Now, on to why this is important. You see, I want to make it to where when you step on this gold block, it summons falling sand to look like a gold block, and removes the floor, essentially making a falling trap. This part is easy, BUT, I want this to work to where whenever you step on one trapped block, it triggers any others touching it. I.E. I step on one trapped (gold) block, and it triggers any others that are next to it, and the ones next to those, etc..

    Here are the commands:

    Repeating [Always active]: /execute @a ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ gold_block 0 /entitydata @e[r=1,type=ArmorStand,name=Block] {Tags:["triggered"]}

    Chain [Conditional]: /execute @e[r=1,name=Block,type=ArmorStand,tag=triggered] ~ ~ ~ /setblock ~ ~ ~ air

    Chain [Conditional]: /execute @e[r=1,name=Block,type=ArmorStand,tag=triggered] ~ ~ ~ /summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~ {Block:gold_block,Time:1}

    Chain [Conditional]: /kill @e[name=Block,type=ArmorStand,tag=triggered]

    Separate command block:

    Repeating [Always Active]: /execute @e[name=Block,type=ArmorStand,tag=triggered] ~ ~ ~ /entitydata @e[r=1,type=ArmorStand,name=Block] {Tags:["triggered"]}

    Any help on why nothing here is working would be appreciated. Thanks

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
  • 0

    posted a message on [Solved] [1.10.2] Can't remove player from scoreboard

    I have a big problem. I have this one scoreboard named "Items." On this scoreboard are currently two "players": WhiteGlassPane & Web. The problem is, I can't remove these players.

    I have:

    • Reset both players using proper caps
    • /scoreboard players reset (Whatever player) Items

    • Gone into NBTExplorer to remove them, but that did absolutely nothing as it never saved my changes
    • Remove the scoreboard multiple times
    • /scoreboard objectives remove Items

      What the heck is going on!?
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on [1.10 Pre1] Limit Level Reward to 1?

    After a level ends run this commands in a repeating chain MUST be in order

    /give @p[tag=!finishedlevel1] item here

    /scoreboard players tag @p add finishedlevel1

    Change the level number for each level

    If you want to give them any additional items put it before

    Any other command put it any where

    Thank you! :)
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on [1.10 Pre1] Limit Level Reward to 1?

    I've been trying to figure this out for a while with no luck. I want to make it to when I complete a level for a map I'm currently make, it gives you a reward (ez). But, I want to be able to play through that level again to where when you finish it, you don't get anything. Anyone know a way to do this?

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on 1.12 - Custom Loot Tables

    Man, I have to say: You are very dedicated to making amazing tutorials off of redstone and commands. This helped a lot. :)

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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