Quote from xHawkSparkz»
I don't understand, most of these additions are pretty good. Ever since 1.9, they have been less strict with their updates, expanding MC with lots of different content
(btw, notch was a bad developer, even if he did make a game that became good, just for the record)
He added redstone...
I am currently creating a map and need to make "leaves_acacia.png" pink colored. However, even after coloring it pink AND changing "foliage.png" to completely white, it's still coming out as an off-red. See SS below.
How can I make this a light pink color? Thanks.
Definitely a Dark-type pokemon move (Bc that looks like a fairy or physic).
His eyes are his weakness.
Try what ^he said
So long story short 60 is practically as good as 800 if its uninterrupted XD
Idek this is smart people stuff
Long story short, I used to get 60 FPS max on my mac, and now that's the lowest they will go. Im super happy about this, but I also want to know-- what the heck happened?
Use a scoreboard clock timer to do this.
I'd suggest using the latest update (1.10.2) rather than 1.7.10. Probably a bug fix for that.
Thanks Skylinerw! It didn't work, but I believe the reason for it glitching is due to bug(s). Everything should be functioning properly as is.
*Note: I changed what you said, and it still didn't work. Just wanted to clarify.
Hello, I'm Minersof49ers. I am currently having issues with a custom block mechanism that I have been working on.
So here's what the mechanic is:
I have an endermite that I can summon with a custom name, yada yada yada... Long story short, It places both a gold block and an armorstand named "Block." Now, on to why this is important. You see, I want to make it to where when you step on this gold block, it summons falling sand to look like a gold block, and removes the floor, essentially making a falling trap. This part is easy, BUT, I want this to work to where whenever you step on one trapped block, it triggers any others touching it. I.E. I step on one trapped (gold) block, and it triggers any others that are next to it, and the ones next to those, etc..
Here are the commands:
Separate command block:
Any help on why nothing here is working would be appreciated. Thanks
I have a big problem. I have this one scoreboard named "Items." On this scoreboard are currently two "players": WhiteGlassPane & Web. The problem is, I can't remove these players.
I have:
What the heck is going on!?
Thank you!
I've been trying to figure this out for a while with no luck. I want to make it to when I complete a level for a map I'm currently make, it gives you a reward (ez). But, I want to be able to play through that level again to where when you finish it, you don't get anything. Anyone know a way to do this?
Man, I have to say: You are very dedicated to making amazing tutorials off of redstone and commands. This helped a lot.