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    posted a message on village question

    How many doors am I to build to have the maximum villager count? I have tried looking but there are no answers.

    I saw a topic that 50 villagers were the limit but I don't know math to good and I do not understand how the doors

    work. I know I place many doors and get baby villagers. But how do I get the 50 of them?

    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Misquoting
    Quote from YWD78»

    You can take it out on tibet.

    What did they do this time?

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Poems

    I had to dig this one out. Won me 3rd once back in high school.

    Petals of A Rose

    A sweet scent flows to me

    so much decadance in these memories

    just as is, your eyes are red

    no telling of the petals inside your head.

    The petals of a rose left me on the ground and cold

    the petals of a rose left me no one to hold

    the thorns have brought me to my knees

    the thorns left me here to bleed

    the petals of a rose stole the breath right out of me.

    A sharp thorn tears into my skin

    so much is remnent of the things I hold in

    just as is, you bleed me dry

    no telling of the thorns inside my eyes.


    Every petal is a face

    a memory of a time and place

    just as is you bring me down

    dancing in my head until I drown


    A sweet scent no longer flows to me

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Minecraft 1.8.8? Where's the Snopshot

    If it completely changes then I get a free new game right? To learn and explore and have fun and memories made new.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Where is all the fun here?

    Yes I think I will stay in discussions. Seems more open. I like the fun stuff. But the only reason I said people were mean

    was because they call me fake. Or my profile or ideas. I can say that ender girl pointed me in the right direction

    and after reading the rules I came to know why people were so mad but I still felt little in their words. Criticing

    someone's idea does not need "you have a fake profile" but my unneeded happiness and esteem was just as bad

    from what the rules said. So I know now.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What's your creepiest story?

    Or maybe they are trying to tell you their story?

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Space the not so final frontier

    Sadly true. There have been some very odd and scary creatures they have found. I like the carosel jelly fish. They look

    so cool.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Introductions & Leavings

    I am Issac. I have a wife named Aona and we have a handsome baby boy named Gabriel. I am working for the kmart.

    I really enjoy minecraft and hope to pass it to my boy. Oh I am 33 and I suffer from a head injury that makes my memory

    not work so well. I have to leave myself notes lol. Alot!

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Space the not so final frontier

    So I am keeping up with the kardasheins of nasa and am wondering about some of the new planets they found.

    The question is why stop at just space? There are many planets to explore if we could get to them. Then there waa

    a theory about different universes and how we would go to them as well. I still just like the planets. Big and gassy

    or small and rocks or somewhere between with big water worlds. I am liking the newer kepler planets and the super

    jupiters they have found. Just imagine rain of fire metal. It would hurt but sounds so amazing. Or even water so

    full of the pressure that it turns ice cold and never melting.

    Then I saw that they are so close to telling how old out earth is and how the earth came to be. Same with the moon.

    It is so fun I spend hours watching the amazing pictures and videos from discovery and nasa. To think our planet

    is 4.5 billion years old feels crazy but the way they show the information feels right. So life had over 3.5 billion

    years to occur and we did not begin until 10000 years ago or so.

    It just teases my mind and gets me thinking. What do you think about our discoverys? Do you have a favored planet

    outside of earth? how about outside our solar system?

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What's your creepiest story?

    There was a time 15 years ago when me and my brother went to investigate? A strange abandoned house. It was burned

    and had much damage. Inside we found a bunch of toy airplanes the ones you build and an old bombshell from

    world war 2. It was just the tip but like a basket ball. As were exitted the opposite side I saw a camping van and

    opened it. I was shocked because under a large amount of wires was what looked as a baby. My mind and body

    struggled to pry it loose as if I could save the child. A red goo was on my hands, at first I thaught was blood but

    turned to be motor oils. As I slide the infant out I noticed it was not as real. I was so scared and shaking.

    tears would run down my face and still do when I think of it.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What is your Favoite Soda?

    None. I like the water. Soda has many bad effects on you and even diet soda is worse. 37 percentage more depression

    and 67 percentage of diabeties. Plus the sirups make it so you can not get vitamins well.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on How much does YouTube pay you?

    The youtube pay is like 1000 people and you get between .25 to 10.00. The youtube pays you for how many people

    press buttons that go to stores and such. More views is not more money. You can get lots of people to watch you

    and like you but they have press the buttons so the youtube can pay you.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Minecraft 1.8.8? Where's the Snopshot

    I am curious. Why seem upset? Can't we just play the minecraft? I dont know about a 1.9 but anything is good right?

    More game!

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Leather ropes

    That is amazing! I like it! I am still having troubles with download. I will definitely add the spike and bridge. I am wondering

    how you do give credit? Am I just to put the name in or is there a button?

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Card game for you

    Ok. I will think of something better. This really is hard.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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