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    posted a message on Automatic Chicken Cooker Problem
    Cased closed. Turns out my dispenser had a directional issue. It was facing east, but when I changed it to north, the chicks no longer glitch into it.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Make food unstackable
    Quote from Tkpi

    There's a much easier way to do this. If you don't want food to stack, just never carry more than one piece of food in an inventory slot. That way you can have your challenge without making it tedious for others who don't want it.

    I'm surprised that no one else has quoted this. If a suggestion can be implemented with a single personal rule, why code it into the game? For example, say some people like to play without armor, and they demand a game rule that disables armor crafting. Wouldn't it make far more sense to simply not wear armor than to waste Mojang's resources coding a new game rule?

    No Support
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Why is my spawner not spawning mobs?
    Check your render distance and make sure it's above 8. Apparently there's a bug that affects mob spawning if render distance is below 8.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on My Final Attempt at Enjoying This Game for an Extended Time
    Make yourself a checklist. Something like this might help:
    1) Build hut and begin mining
    2) Build permanent home
    3) Build wheat farm
    4) Find one youtube project you enjoy and build it
    5) Automate that wheat farm

    Try to think of things you either need or want to build and write them down. If youtube inspires you, be sure to include some of those builds and replicate them yourself.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on I keep hearing mobs in my house but can't find them.
    The mobs may be below your house in a cave. Have you tried searching below the ground?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Diving Horse And Cauldron
    Given that anvils fall acme style, I don't see why not. Support!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Creationism vs. evolution, a humble proposal.
    Religion and evolution can coexist quite peaceably. While it is true that there exists no creature that requires God to have evolved, that does not mean God could not have been involved. (Yes, I fully understand that the burden of proof lies with Christians for showing God exists.) As for the only means of religion and science coexisting being the "god of the gaps," that's just plain ridiculous. Just because we have a very clear understanding of thermodynamics, why could God not have set those laws in place. We do not understand dark matter, but that doesn't mean the answer stops at "God did it." It goes further than that. Sure He did it, but He used some sort of physical law to do so. This universe is built on certain physical principles, and there is nothing stopping humanity from discovering them.

    As for there being no need for God, there isn't from an evolutionary standpoint, but there is from a more physical one. This universe came from somewhere and could not have arisen from nothing due to the conservation of mass and energy. The only serious explanation I have ever heard that does not reference a higher power is the "colliding universes" hypothesis. Basically, the hypothesis is that two universes collided, and the event led to the creation of this universe. The only flaw in this is that those universes must have arisen from somewhere as well. A little thought quickly shows that this hypothesis is nothing more than an infinite tower of tortoises.
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
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    posted a message on Most Stupid Ways to Die
    Jumping into a blaze farm to show off the design.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Why aren't my trees growing?
    Your birch trees need to be at least two blocks from any walls or other blocks. The dark oak sapling will not grow unless planted in a 2x2 pattern. For more information, look here: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tree#Oak_trees
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Am I the only one?
    The difference is play style. You obviously gather enough xp to fulfill your enchantment needs, but you probably do far more mining than most. I prefer to farm my materials, so I mine far less than some. Because of this, I am unable to meet my xp needs simply through mining and use mob farms supplement my xp income. Plus, I love the blaze rods that a blaze farm provides.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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