I went to get some of the easier ones out first. I'll be starting on yours very soon! But one question, are you talking like Sharkoctopus here? Or just the Davy Jones head?
Hi, if you wouldn't mind could you make me a skin? I would like a shark with octopus tentacles like Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean of the same skin tone as the shark climbing down the front, back, and sides of his body for the clothing I would like a pirate captain outfit, also have a knife or cutlass on his belt. Thank you.
Actually she is completly oppisite of me. SHE IS HORRIBLE RUDE AND DISRESPECTFULL. I am nice not so-horrible-but-with-memory-yeah AND I RESPECT MY PARNETS (UNLIKE HER)
Sounds pretty normal to me. Puberty is the answer to everything.
I talked to my ISP and they said I'm paying for 6mbps and getting 0.40mbps. Im suppose to call them about it, but i'm pretty sure theres not much they can do.
You've probably used up your bandwidth for the month. The closer you get to your internet cap the slower it gets so you can keep using your internet. Either that or you were DDoSed which is unlikely unless you're just giving people your IP.
A shark octopus.
It appears that you skipped my request, not trying to be rude by the way.
Hi, if you wouldn't mind could you make me a skin? I would like a shark with octopus tentacles like Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean of the same skin tone as the shark climbing down the front, back, and sides of his body for the clothing I would like a pirate captain outfit, also have a knife or cutlass on his belt. Thank you.
Sounds pretty normal to me. Puberty is the answer to everything.
You've probably used up your bandwidth for the month. The closer you get to your internet cap the slower it gets so you can keep using your internet. Either that or you were DDoSed which is unlikely unless you're just giving people your IP.
Might be bandwidth
Maybe, I don't know.
Why don't you explain to him why not to get you a Mac and that he could build a computer for less money and for better performance.
Meh, not terrible.
Once you get past 100 you won't wanna live much longer, you'd just be exhausted and not wanna live so a waste of a superpower.