The guy was traveling through empty space while it happened, and because of special relativity, he went into the future where the stars got back together.
he suffocated tho, faster than he went into future. GG.
These mercenaries have an infinitely stacking stat, or immunity to some sort of damage.
Outpost Destroyer:
The opposite of outpost defender. This dude can destroy an outpost easily and without much effort. Except he's on our side and will destroy an enemy. And will get scarier and scarier every battle. ATK: 25
Passive - Annihilation. Kills and assists increase total damage by 10%
Passive - Spellweave. Using an ability increases damage of basic attacks by 50% and applies Essence Drain, dealing Arcane DoT and draining secondary resource.
Mega Shatter Bolt: Deals 500% ATK as armor piercing damage. CD: 4 turns.
Airstrike: deals 30+200% ATK to 3 targets. CD: 5 turns.
Molten Bomb: deals 300% ATK to 4 different targets, setting them ablaze and slowing them down. CD: 5 turns.
Resonating Shock: deals 200% ATK to all enemies, with 5% chance to stun them and 20% chance to weaken them. CD: 7 turns.
Spectral Assassin:
Half a human and half a ghost. It's abilities against weakened targets are greatly amplified, and he will quickly kill a single target. Lower HP/Armor targets are already dead if this scary assassin is present. ATK: 20
Passive - Half a Ghost. Starts with HP split in 50% normal HP and 50% Arcane-only HP.
Passive - Shadow Blend. Skipping a turn makes this unit to go invisible. Invisibility will increase damage dealt by 50% to next attack.
Passive - Act First. Will act before enemy does. Has 40% chance to have double action each turn.
Passive - Preparation. Will be immune to the target it attacks. However, the target can still apply debuffs(stun, weakening, etc)
Breach: Deals 200% ATK and stun the target. Extra 50% damage dealt to enemies with less health than this unit.
Time Warp: Deals 200% ATK and will give both himself and his target extra action. Will also weaken an enemy if it has less HP than Spectral Assassin. "Everybody else is so slow"
Backstab: Deals 300% ATK. Damage increased by 50% if enemy is poisoned, bleeding, frozen, burning, weakened, slowed, silenced or stunned. Will cause rapid bleeding(70% ATK x 2 turns) if enemy has less HP than the caster.
Skip Turn: Does nothing, and gains Shadow Blend.
Nanobots, nanobots everywhere! And not just that.
ATK: 30
Nanobots: each basic attack and ability spawns nanobots. They damage enemies over time, regenerate allies over time and can replicate. Nanobots also spawn when this unit is hit. Nanobot power: 10% ATK, for both healing and damage.
Sa-BOT-age: death of this unit will release 20 Nanobots. Enemies killed while affected by Nanobots will double the released nanobot amount.
Package Drop: releases 10 Nanobots. 3 turn CD.
Helping Hand: helps players build structures, weapons, and other stuff. 1 turn CD.
Build a turret: Consumes 5 Nanobots to build a turret, that deals 100% ATK as damage. Does not count as an action.
Build a shield generator: Consumes 5 Nanobots to build a shield generator, which has 200% ATK as base shield power, and regenerates 50% ATK/turn. Does not count as an action.
Replicate Itself: Consumes 20 Nanobots to copy itself. Does not count as an action.
Actions that don't count as such are performed by nanobots themselves, and will be executed even when the Nanoengineer is dead. Structures built drop 5 Nanobots when destroyed(or more, assuming they replicated).
Outpost Berserker:
Extremely beefy, and can dish out a LOT of damage(though not as much as Destroyer) Just don't make this guy angry.
ATK: 25
Passive - Counter: getting attacked has 25% chance to give an extra action, this can stack.
Passive - Payback: ATK increases depending on the proportion of missing HP, up to 200%.
Passive - Critical Chain: Critical strikes increase next attack's chance to crit by 70%. All abilities can crit.
Blood Mirror: Reflects 100% of the damage taken for 3 turns. 3 turn CD.(Critical cast would increase amount of damage reflected)
Lifechain Strike: deals 200% ATK, and applies 40% lifesteal buff for 3 turns. 3 turn CD.
True Slam: deals 250% ATK as armor piercing damage. High accuracy. 2 turn CD.
Quick Strike: deals 100% ATK, and has 80% chance not to count as an action. High accuracy. 1 turn CD.
Rage: increases all damage by 200% and critical strike chance by 30% for 4 turns. During the duration, all critical strikes on enemies cause bleeding and have 20% chance to slow enemy down. Also, Berserker gains immunity to damage over time. CD: 6 turns.
Blood Anvil Soldier
Forged in Blood anvil. Good enough.
Passive - Barrier: getting hit has 25% chance to activate Barrier, which will make him invincible for 2 turns.
Adrenaline: An otherwise lethal attack would reduce HP to 1(subsequent attacks and damage over time effects can kill). One use only/10 turns.
Recovery: Removes all weakening or defense reducing effects, and grants immunity to damage over time for 3 turns. 4 turn CD.
Static Field: Deploys an extremely potent electromagnetic generator that reduces his evasion to 0, makes him invincible, and reflects all attacks back for 2 turns. Blood Anvil Soldier will be frozen during the duration. CD: 4 turns.
Photonic Blast: Blasts 4 targets for 150% ATK, has 40% chance to blind, reducing accuracy(especially of basic attacks). CD: 2 turns.
Hydro Cannon: Blasts a single target with water, dealing 300% ATK, and knocking them back(Hazard areas). This ability can crit, and has double the normal critical chance. Critical strikes reduce cooldown of all abilities. CD: 1 turn
Fortifying Heal: Heals 4 allied targets for 200% ATK, and reduces their damage taken by 30% for 3 turns. Also, dispels one negative effect. CD: 2 turns.
Sun Beam: deals 500% ATK(increased by 40% against armorless targets) and causes enemy to burn for 30% ATK x 3 turns. CD: 4 turns.
Frozen Rockets: Fires 3 highly accurate nitrogen filled rockets, dealing 200% damage to 3 enemies and freezing them for 1 turn.
I want to test its vision and ability to show any kind of moods - imprison 4 villagers - one in emerald cage, another in golden, third behind iron bars and 4th between TNT and cacti walls. What are their reactions? Also I would like to put them in huge windowless building and wonder will they just jump out of their windows or not if you spawn a zombie?
Minecraft is Minecraft, not survival. Minecraft means craft/biuld ANYTHING. You have wide(but still narrow) selection here what you can do. Participate in team battles with Iron Golems, slay spiders, heal mobs, trade, build... And finally there is creative mode. It just IS NOT possible to stand for sandbox survival.
I create a massive arcane infused earthquake that transfers health from Juggernaughts, Sniper and Medic into the damaged Battle Airship.
It also somehow happens to launch enemy Technician into air, and then it damages their Defect Drone. That health is also transferred into Airship.
(I also suggest moving Lisharon Inc Medical Personnel and Spanish Inquisition Radio to mercenaries)
I buy an Item drop, and shoot Chrysallid
I time travel backwards and explode him when hes a kid
he suffocated tho, faster than he went into future. GG.
If there are low enemies and I haven't Captured them with Capture-Ball previous turn, I do so.
If there are no enemies with low HP and I still have my Capture Ball, I finish SSP - Smart Shield Projector.
Or if there are no enemies with low HP, but I have captured them - 4/5 SSP
If there's a low enemy I will take my chances and capture it with Capture-Ball.
Else, 4/5 SSP
I put Cryotech, Gunner and Pyrotech behind the Shield projector, praying that it will survive the next round.
Then I fire big explosive barrage that mainly targets Bloodthirsty Assassin
Cryptic Valley - XCOM - World Rift.
3/5 SSP
2/5 Smart Shield Projector
Fifth wave of mercenaries are ready to be hired!
These mercenaries have an infinitely stacking stat, or immunity to some sort of damage.
Outpost Destroyer:
The opposite of outpost defender. This dude can destroy an outpost easily and without much effort. Except he's on our side and will destroy an enemy. And will get scarier and scarier every battle. ATK: 25
Passive - Annihilation. Kills and assists increase total damage by 10%
Passive - Spellweave. Using an ability increases damage of basic attacks by 50% and applies Essence Drain, dealing Arcane DoT and draining secondary resource.
Mega Shatter Bolt: Deals 500% ATK as armor piercing damage. CD: 4 turns.
Airstrike: deals 30+200% ATK to 3 targets. CD: 5 turns.
Molten Bomb: deals 300% ATK to 4 different targets, setting them ablaze and slowing them down. CD: 5 turns.
Resonating Shock: deals 200% ATK to all enemies, with 5% chance to stun them and 20% chance to weaken them. CD: 7 turns.
Spectral Assassin:
Half a human and half a ghost. It's abilities against weakened targets are greatly amplified, and he will quickly kill a single target. Lower HP/Armor targets are already dead if this scary assassin is present. ATK: 20
Passive - Half a Ghost. Starts with HP split in 50% normal HP and 50% Arcane-only HP.
Passive - Shadow Blend. Skipping a turn makes this unit to go invisible. Invisibility will increase damage dealt by 50% to next attack.
Passive - Act First. Will act before enemy does. Has 40% chance to have double action each turn.
Passive - Preparation. Will be immune to the target it attacks. However, the target can still apply debuffs(stun, weakening, etc)
Breach: Deals 200% ATK and stun the target. Extra 50% damage dealt to enemies with less health than this unit.
Time Warp: Deals 200% ATK and will give both himself and his target extra action. Will also weaken an enemy if it has less HP than Spectral Assassin. "Everybody else is so slow"
Backstab: Deals 300% ATK. Damage increased by 50% if enemy is poisoned, bleeding, frozen, burning, weakened, slowed, silenced or stunned. Will cause rapid bleeding(70% ATK x 2 turns) if enemy has less HP than the caster.
Skip Turn: Does nothing, and gains Shadow Blend.
Nanobots, nanobots everywhere! And not just that.
ATK: 30
Nanobots: each basic attack and ability spawns nanobots. They damage enemies over time, regenerate allies over time and can replicate. Nanobots also spawn when this unit is hit. Nanobot power: 10% ATK, for both healing and damage.
Sa-BOT-age: death of this unit will release 20 Nanobots. Enemies killed while affected by Nanobots will double the released nanobot amount.
Package Drop: releases 10 Nanobots. 3 turn CD.
Helping Hand: helps players build structures, weapons, and other stuff. 1 turn CD.
Build a turret: Consumes 5 Nanobots to build a turret, that deals 100% ATK as damage. Does not count as an action.
Build a shield generator: Consumes 5 Nanobots to build a shield generator, which has 200% ATK as base shield power, and regenerates 50% ATK/turn. Does not count as an action.
Replicate Itself: Consumes 20 Nanobots to copy itself. Does not count as an action.
Actions that don't count as such are performed by nanobots themselves, and will be executed even when the Nanoengineer is dead. Structures built drop 5 Nanobots when destroyed(or more, assuming they replicated).
Outpost Berserker:
Extremely beefy, and can dish out a LOT of damage(though not as much as Destroyer) Just don't make this guy angry.
ATK: 25
Passive - Counter: getting attacked has 25% chance to give an extra action, this can stack.
Passive - Payback: ATK increases depending on the proportion of missing HP, up to 200%.
Passive - Critical Chain: Critical strikes increase next attack's chance to crit by 70%. All abilities can crit.
Blood Mirror: Reflects 100% of the damage taken for 3 turns. 3 turn CD.(Critical cast would increase amount of damage reflected)
Lifechain Strike: deals 200% ATK, and applies 40% lifesteal buff for 3 turns. 3 turn CD.
True Slam: deals 250% ATK as armor piercing damage. High accuracy. 2 turn CD.
Quick Strike: deals 100% ATK, and has 80% chance not to count as an action. High accuracy. 1 turn CD.
Rage: increases all damage by 200% and critical strike chance by 30% for 4 turns. During the duration, all critical strikes on enemies cause bleeding and have 20% chance to slow enemy down. Also, Berserker gains immunity to damage over time. CD: 6 turns.
Blood Anvil Soldier
Forged in Blood anvil. Good enough.
Passive - Barrier: getting hit has 25% chance to activate Barrier, which will make him invincible for 2 turns.
Adrenaline: An otherwise lethal attack would reduce HP to 1(subsequent attacks and damage over time effects can kill). One use only/10 turns.
Recovery: Removes all weakening or defense reducing effects, and grants immunity to damage over time for 3 turns. 4 turn CD.
Static Field: Deploys an extremely potent electromagnetic generator that reduces his evasion to 0, makes him invincible, and reflects all attacks back for 2 turns. Blood Anvil Soldier will be frozen during the duration. CD: 4 turns.
Photonic Blast: Blasts 4 targets for 150% ATK, has 40% chance to blind, reducing accuracy(especially of basic attacks). CD: 2 turns.
Hydro Cannon: Blasts a single target with water, dealing 300% ATK, and knocking them back(Hazard areas). This ability can crit, and has double the normal critical chance. Critical strikes reduce cooldown of all abilities. CD: 1 turn
Fortifying Heal: Heals 4 allied targets for 200% ATK, and reduces their damage taken by 30% for 3 turns. Also, dispels one negative effect. CD: 2 turns.
Sun Beam: deals 500% ATK(increased by 40% against armorless targets) and causes enemy to burn for 30% ATK x 3 turns. CD: 4 turns.
Frozen Rockets: Fires 3 highly accurate nitrogen filled rockets, dealing 200% damage to 3 enemies and freezing them for 1 turn.
I destroy the destroyer
but i locate you using sound detector and kill u
im invisible, inaudible and cannot be smelled.
Because you don't even exist at all
You cannot harm me.
I lol at this guy
What mysterious quality is MD? I upgrade it because i'm curious.
I fuse my Prism with Null cannon and create a Prismatic Null Cannon.