They [Bats] do as much damage as vexes- the other tiny flying mob that can additionally go through walls
True, but vexes don't spawn naturally in dark caves while you're trying to mine diamonds next to lava. Bats are much more common and unlike vexes you aren't expecting them to come.
pretty much. their unique. if mobs that can dodge your attacks is too difficult for you, then switch to a lower difficulty.
Again, what do you mean by "super strong" killer rabbits?
Already discussed this [horses take 10 minutes to tame on Insane]
You agreed that 20 minutes is too much, but I'm saying half that is still too long.
Partial resistance when drowning seems appropriate.
Partial resistance to what??
It doesn't twirl. The dragon's body itself doesn't move. The wings are bent into the dragons sides and then flap outward once.
So it hits you with the wind?
Easy concept but a more interesting mechanic would be something more epic.
Being "epic" isn't a reason, it's giving the developers more work for something that could be done in a much simpler way.
Ew for not wanting or not wanting others to experience a challenging end islands experience.
Ew for not liking tiny ender silverfish in general, but I wouldn't be too against this change.
The purpose of this suggestion was to modify mob behaviour- not damage and health as the system already does. A visual change such as speedy fireball is more appealing then simply changes to health. A speedy ghast is unrealistic.
Good point. Though you did suggest a different fireball change for Blazes, why not Ghasts too?
Yes. The changes made in insane mode are specifically for survivalist players (not builders, redstoners, etc). If you aren't aware, this feature was once going to be added. However, a separate mob seems fit.
I suppose zombies breaking blocks like wood could be a good addition for Insane. But zombies breaking obsidian, unless they spawned with a diamond pickaxe, is just overpowered for the sake of being hard.
You either have not read or misread this section of the thread.
Whenever a suggestion has time and effort put into it, I always wonder if the people who only comment "support" or "no support" even bothered to read each change beyond the title, and if so, whether they actually fully agree/disagree with each one of them. Just a thought of mine.
If I don't respond to something, I agree with it completely. This is a good suggestion, but there are things I feel are worth saying.
players will no longer have as fast of a natural regeneration and hunger will gradually decrease.
Why? Peaceful is for people who want the easiest mode possible while still not being 100% safe. Not having to deal with annoying hunger bars and excruciatingly slow regeneration are but a few essential features of Peaceful that distinguish it from Easy. Heck, maybe you have someone who wants as little to do with killing mobs as possible, so not having to slaughter them for food will let them do their mining and exploring in peace.
pigmen inhabit the nether but are passive (they drop no loot when killed)
Seems pretty pointless. Might as well do the same for every other neutral mob. For all we know, some players are terrified of mutant pig-human hybrids. Hey, I don't judge. I used to be terrified of spiders and squid.
Hard: the vampire variant spawns with witches as pets in witch huts; the bats follow their masters
Insane: the vampire bat variant is more aware of the player and can dodge him or her more easily
On one hand, bats are pretty useless right now, so this would let at least 20% of them do something useful other than surprise and annoy you. On the other hand, tiny flying hostile mobs sounds like a recipe for disaster (and ragequits). They'd have to be pretty weak, hopefully also having a larger hitbox and dealing no knockback so you aren't hit into lava by an attack you could barely predict.
Easy: takes a minute to tame and has a 2% of kicking the player off every second (can be increased with carrots, golden carrots, etc)
Sounds boring, especially when it scales to 10 minutes. That's not difficulty, that's just making a repetitive task pointlessly complicated. Also, I think you meant "decreased", not "increased".
Normal: has a chance to grab players and attempt to drown them but will let go if hit
Hard: can additionally grab players from boats and has a 60% of letting go when hit
Interesting mechanic, but drowning is kind of weak anyways and takes a while until you start taking damage. I assume that they won't be able to attack while they're holding you, so this will be sort of a nerf. However, I haven't actually played against Drowned yet so I don't know what their behavior would be after they release you or even how swimming works, so take this with a grain of salt.
Hard: extra special attack (the dragon will bring its wings to its sides and then whirl them out dealing a 20x20 aoe attack not dealing any damage but whirling the player up in the air.
I'm not sure how I feel about a giant dragon twirling like a ballerina.
Insane: extra special attack (the dragon opens up a portal and after 3-5 seconds will come out through another portal on the ground near where the player is and fly upwards dealing damage to the player. Players are repelled by enderdragon portals so they won't be able to go throught them)
Interesting concept as well, but an easier mechanic would just be increasing its speed either overall or when charging.
Hard: can break wooden doors, press all buttons, and flip lever. zombies riding zombie horses can spawn
Insane: can break all blocks and have a small chance to spawn with an iron pickaxe or axe (in addition to the shovel). zombie horses can sprint
Okay: So I assume Zombies would only press buttons/flip levers if they're next to a door and they spot a player/villager they can't reach.
Not too bad of an idea, but it would render a main use for Iron Doors pointless, so that's an issue.
And surely you don't mean Zombies can break ALL blocks? Endrock, obsidian, bedrock?
Changes to unused mobs like zombie horses is also completely unnecessary unless there are plans to re-integrate them like they did to the Skeleton Horse.
Maybe a little too creepy. Could make a nice mod for horror maps, but otherwise would negatively impact gameplay (current drowning already gets the message across; else, running out of health or hunger points would also need to make more realistic fading away effects).
I thought about how much the health should be and I think it should have more than the drowned which has 20 health. I tried thinking of mobs that have around the same size and power. Horses, polar bears, Llamas all have around 30 health and I believe the Shark model would be around that size, but I also believe the shark would be a bit more powerful than those three. The next mob that comes to mind that is more powerful than those three, health wise, would be a Enderman which has 40 health. So this leads me to believe that the shark would work well with around 35 to 40 health.
In that case, sharks would have to be solitary (no idea if they're that way in real life) and somewhat rare, or else they might be a little too strong.
How I imagine it would be is that sharks would be faster than the swimming player, but not faster than a moving boat. I also think that if a shark catches a boat that the player was sitting in and not moving it should be able to destroy it.Sounds fair enough. We have to be careful about making sharks too strong or annoying. If sharks spawn frequently or come in swarms, then they'd easily rip apart most swimming players. I also think sharks should destroy boats (even if it might not be realistic, because real sharks don't usually do this), but it should still take them a few attacks. Every time a shark rams a boat, the boat should wobble (and maybe a boat durability bar could be added?) until eventually it breaks into wooden planks and sticks.
I think the riptide enchantment should throw the player faster than the shark could swim. I believe that riptide would become a lot more useful here because it would help escape from the sharks In the ocean rather than just a fun mobility enchantment. Good idea.
How the shark would attack would be by biting the player for 2 or 3 hearts of damage without armor.Fair enough. Maybe a little too weak, but in order to not make it too strong, shark spawn rate would need to be decreased too.
It could also have full frontal charge attack that the player could dodge by moving out of the way. Once the shark chooses a set direction it is locked into it for that charge and cant change direction until charge is completed. This gives the player some time to get away or dodge attacks. If it catches you in a charge it could bite you and do maybe 5 hearts of damage without armor.Good idea. This would need to take some time to recharge, and the shark would need to visually show something that indicates it's preparing to charge.
Another thought would be that if the charge hit, instead of doing 5 hearts of damage, it would allow the shark to grab hold of the player and do a smaller amount of damage at first but continue to do damage to the player while still in its grasp. the player could attempt to escape by hitting the shark in the nose or face to release the sharks grasp. If the player escapes, the hit to the shark's face could knock it prone or frozen for a moment to allow the player to escape before the shark attacks again. Possibly too. Though sharks, as an entity, only have 1 hitbox, and I see no need for adding more, so just hitting it until it receives a total of (for example) 3 hearts of damage should knock it frozen for a bit. How much health are we talking about here for a shark?
These are a few more of my thoughts, Thanks for showing the interest!!No problem. You have some good ideas, and I like that you take the time to explain (with good grammar, too - bad grammar's a pet peeve of mine :P).
The shark/dolphin relationship and the idea of an effect for increased damage underwater are all neat ideas. However, while you say the sharks would pose a threat (as opposed to Drowned mobs, and seemingly Guardians too), you didn't include too much details about how much exactly.
I assume that they'd attack by swimming up and biting you. How fast exactly would they be (compared to player swmiming, compared to a boat)? How much damage? How much health?
This might be obvious, but do you recall if you made any changes around the time that the lag issues began happening (did you suddenly go from 100 FPS to 30 FPS)?
I don't think there should be any changes to Minecraft itself that could result in such drastic FPS drops in two months.
However, this could be a good idea for aesthetic reasons, like the beacon's light being affected by stained glass. How would different colored stained glass look like, though? And I'm not sure whether Minecraft's code is capable of adding slightly tinged shades to all blocks and entities according to light levels.
We want to add a car because we think it would be a very fast use of transportation during survival.
For such a revolutionary change, you provide little in the way of reasons for its addition.
This isn't enough. At best, it indicates that it'll probably be overpowered, though we aren't considering how most of Minecraft is either bumpy terrain or water.
I like that you gave it a unique ability, but as others said, it might be a little strong.
Giving a ferret a metal item (doesn't count diamonds, right?) would cost you nothing at all other than temporarily having a bit less of a metal (but you'll soon have more).
And since ferrets spawn in any biome, and you haven't mentioned the spawn frequency, I assume that you'll be able to build up a small army of ferret minions to continuously feed metals to.
And where would they even go? Would they find the nearest cave, bang themselves against the nearest ore, and return? What if there aren't any caves nearby?
You can always try removing mods one by one until it's fixed.
Do you know what triggered it? And are you no longer able to launch Minecraft at all?
Consider editing the post title or content since you solved it. Thanks for saying WHAT solved it though.
That's a lot of text to dump. Why are you asking? Are you having issues you suspect are due to mod conflicts?
Whenever a suggestion has time and effort put into it, I always wonder if the people who only comment "support" or "no support" even bothered to read each change beyond the title, and if so, whether they actually fully agree/disagree with each one of them. Just a thought of mine.
If I don't respond to something, I agree with it completely. This is a good suggestion, but there are things I feel are worth saying.
Why? Peaceful is for people who want the easiest mode possible while still not being 100% safe. Not having to deal with annoying hunger bars and excruciatingly slow regeneration are but a few essential features of Peaceful that distinguish it from Easy. Heck, maybe you have someone who wants as little to do with killing mobs as possible, so not having to slaughter them for food will let them do their mining and exploring in peace.
Isn't this already the case regardless of difficulty?
Seems pretty pointless. Might as well do the same for every other neutral mob. For all we know, some players are terrified of mutant pig-human hybrids. Hey, I don't judge. I used to be terrified of spiders and squid.
More than a simple difficulty revamp, hm?
On one hand, bats are pretty useless right now, so this would let at least 20% of them do something useful other than surprise and annoy you. On the other hand, tiny flying hostile mobs sounds like a recipe for disaster (and ragequits). They'd have to be pretty weak, hopefully also having a larger hitbox and dealing no knockback so you aren't hit into lava by an attack you could barely predict.
So... the Killer Bunny? And define "super strong", because tiny hopping hostile mobs are also a recipe for disaster.
Sounds boring, especially when it scales to 10 minutes. That's not difficulty, that's just making a repetitive task pointlessly complicated. Also, I think you meant "decreased", not "increased".
Interesting mechanic, but drowning is kind of weak anyways and takes a while until you start taking damage. I assume that they won't be able to attack while they're holding you, so this will be sort of a nerf. However, I haven't actually played against Drowned yet so I don't know what their behavior would be after they release you or even how swimming works, so take this with a grain of salt.
Breaking blocks seems unnecessary and doesn't fit the idea of guardians protecting an ancient monument. And what does "beam detection" mean?
I'm not sure how I feel about a giant dragon twirling like a ballerina.
Interesting concept as well, but an easier mechanic would just be increasing its speed either overall or when charging.
Sounds too simple. You could've targeted flying speed, health, a variety of things, but why fireball speed?
Sounds incredibly annoying and a little unnecessary. Slimes could use a little more love but I don't think this is the way to go about it.
Okay: So I assume Zombies would only press buttons/flip levers if they're next to a door and they spot a player/villager they can't reach.
Not too bad of an idea, but it would render a main use for Iron Doors pointless, so that's an issue.
And surely you don't mean Zombies can break ALL blocks? Endrock, obsidian, bedrock?
Changes to unused mobs like zombie horses is also completely unnecessary unless there are plans to re-integrate them like they did to the Skeleton Horse.
Maybe a little too creepy. Could make a nice mod for horror maps, but otherwise would negatively impact gameplay (current drowning already gets the message across; else, running out of health or hunger points would also need to make more realistic fading away effects).
And yes, that's one surefire way to end threads.
In that case, sharks would have to be solitary (no idea if they're that way in real life) and somewhat rare, or else they might be a little too strong.
The shark/dolphin relationship and the idea of an effect for increased damage underwater are all neat ideas. However, while you say the sharks would pose a threat (as opposed to Drowned mobs, and seemingly Guardians too), you didn't include too much details about how much exactly.
I assume that they'd attack by swimming up and biting you. How fast exactly would they be (compared to player swmiming, compared to a boat)? How much damage? How much health?
Nice snow arch.
Comparing it to an igloo's doorframe (image for reference), though, it does seem like just a weird bug.
Did this start before you got your new GPU?
This might be obvious, but do you recall if you made any changes around the time that the lag issues began happening (did you suddenly go from 100 FPS to 30 FPS)?
I don't think there should be any changes to Minecraft itself that could result in such drastic FPS drops in two months.
Not enough information and definitely overpowered (dirt + stone = diamond?).
And autokick is an entirely worthless command. It's useless in Singleplayer, and actual servers already have their own autokicking plug-ins.
Never a good idea to add something.
However, this could be a good idea for aesthetic reasons, like the beacon's light being affected by stained glass. How would different colored stained glass look like, though? And I'm not sure whether Minecraft's code is capable of adding slightly tinged shades to all blocks and entities according to light levels.
For such a revolutionary change, you provide little in the way of reasons for its addition.
This isn't enough. At best, it indicates that it'll probably be overpowered, though we aren't considering how most of Minecraft is either bumpy terrain or water.
I like that you gave it a unique ability, but as others said, it might be a little strong.
Giving a ferret a metal item (doesn't count diamonds, right?) would cost you nothing at all other than temporarily having a bit less of a metal (but you'll soon have more).
And since ferrets spawn in any biome, and you haven't mentioned the spawn frequency, I assume that you'll be able to build up a small army of ferret minions to continuously feed metals to.
And where would they even go? Would they find the nearest cave, bang themselves against the nearest ore, and return? What if there aren't any caves nearby?