I keep getting this problem when I try and activate one of the shaders packs. And I get an error code in chat saying "Invalid program gbuffers_textured_lit" and then below it says "Invalid program final" And after that it says "Shaders initialized" Does anyone know how to fix this? It is annoying me a lot.
Hello, I'm Trying To Play The Adventure Time Adventure Map And The Texture Pack Is Not Working Correctly. So I Decided To Try MCPatcher You Can Switch From Version To Version With MCPatcher And The Maker Of The Map Had Said To Play This Map In The Minecraft Version: "1.4.7" But When I Try And Click The HD Effects With MCPatcher Nothing Happens. :S Can I Get Some Help?
Hello, I'm Trying To Play The Adventure Time Adventure Map And The Texture Pack Is Not Working Correctly. So I Decided To Try MCPatcher You Can Switch From Version To Version With MCPatcher And The Maker Of The Map Had Said To Play This Map In The Minecraft Version: "1.4.7" But When I Try And Click The HD Effects With MCPatcher Nothing Happens. :S Can I Get Some Help?
Hello there, I was curious to see if there was anyone out there extremely generous enough to make me a very shaded skin and very detailed kind of looking like this ---> https://www.google.com/search?q=minecraft shaded skin&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48705608,d.aWc&biw=1366&bih=667&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source= Now, I do not want my skin like that, but I was giving an idea of what I want, a shaded and very detailed skin. If you would you could do what you want if it's a person of some sort, make his hair black and his eyes brown and the rest you can do whatever you want, Or make a skin relevant to my username MineShark11, OR you could possibly make a skin with a person that has brown hair and a sort of high school jacket. If ANYONE would do this for me I would be very very grateful and give them credit if someone asked who made my skin, if you will do this please tell me so. Thanks!