Style: This may be a little confusing, so if it is, I'm sorry and I'll be happy to elaborate more.
Anywho, I would like my character set in a "Castle/medieval" themed scenario. Preferably with a diamond sword fighting off a large group of skeletons/zombies. It would be cool if besides the character, if 2/3 zombies or skeletons were on the ground (Or in the middle of falling down) slain, and the character to be in a crouched "heroic" position ready to take on many more mobs guarding an entrance to a castle.
Time Limit: No rush.
Usernames: _MineEngineer_
What type of design are you requesting: Desktop-Background.
If you could accomplish this, I would be most grateful.
Locked. As already stated before, send a message to the user, instead of creating an entire thread.
To send a message;
1) Click on the users profile page (Name of user)
2) On the top-right of the profile page, their will be a button titled 'Send Message' - click on it.
3) Fill in what you wish to say and hit 'Send'
4) You're done.
Locked for redundancy. Please use the search function before creating new threads to see if someone else has already posted what you are intending to start a thread on.
As already stated; If you wish to use someone else's work in a mod pack of your own, you will need to ask them for permission. Simply sending them a PM, or posting on their thread asking for permission is sufficient.
How long have you been playing vulcan?: A couple of days.
Have you ever had a ban, kick or other punishment?: No and I don't ever intend on having any.
If so, why and for how long: N/A
Why do you think you are a suitable guard?: Throughout my time on minecraft servers, I have always found an interest in Prison servers - I find them very entertaining, fun and enjoyable. From my first prison server -Killion- I have always applied for a 'Guard' role. I find being a Guard a rewarding role, you get to help new and old players who are trying to make a start, get from point A to B, or just exploring. I fully understand that part of the prison concept is having inmates trying to kill each other, but, I enjoy the other side of that - stopping the fighting. I also find it very enjoyable going up against challenging opponents, I love the PvP side of things and Prison Servers integrates that in a very enjoyable way.
I am quite knowledgeable of prison servers and have no trouble answering most questions, and love helping players with any concerns, issues or matters they have. I have achieved the rank of Warden on a fair few prison servers throughout my time and have been a guard numerous times. I will put in 110% of my effort into this role and hopefully, as time progresses, work my way through the ranks. I always strive for the best, that is why I put all my effort into roles that may eventually lead there.
Are you able to use skype and/or teamspeak?: I have used both in the past and have no issues with using them.
Anything else you want to say?: Hm, just thank you for creating such a fun server.
Please do not post wishlists. Each suggestion topic should contain one well thought out suggestion.
Thank you.
Locked for redundancy. In future, please use the search function before suggesting things that have been suggested countless times before.
Thank you.
Please do not post wishlists. Each suggestion topic should contain one well thought out suggestion.
Thank you.
If you could; I would love a pixelated profile picture and little character. My username is _MineEngineer_
A transparent background would be ideal to. Just like the one above this post.
Thank you.
There are other programs/websites that allow you to upload pictures;
Just to name a few.
Thank you! I love it, could not of asked for better.
Thank you again.
Style: This may be a little confusing, so if it is, I'm sorry and I'll be happy to elaborate more.
Anywho, I would like my character set in a "Castle/medieval" themed scenario. Preferably with a diamond sword fighting off a large group of skeletons/zombies. It would be cool if besides the character, if 2/3 zombies or skeletons were on the ground (Or in the middle of falling down) slain, and the character to be in a crouched "heroic" position ready to take on many more mobs guarding an entrance to a castle.
Time Limit: No rush.
Usernames: _MineEngineer_
What type of design are you requesting: Desktop-Background.
If you could accomplish this, I would be most grateful.
Thank you for reading, and I love your work.
To send a message;
1) Click on the users profile page (Name of user)
2) On the top-right of the profile page, their will be a button titled 'Send Message' - click on it.
3) Fill in what you wish to say and hit 'Send'
4) You're done.
Your opened topic is here.
Thread Locked.
Prison Rank: D
Age: 16
Timezone: Australian EsT
How long have you been playing vulcan?: A couple of days.
Have you ever had a ban, kick or other punishment?: No and I don't ever intend on having any.
If so, why and for how long: N/A
Why do you think you are a suitable guard?: Throughout my time on minecraft servers, I have always found an interest in Prison servers - I find them very entertaining, fun and enjoyable. From my first prison server -Killion- I have always applied for a 'Guard' role. I find being a Guard a rewarding role, you get to help new and old players who are trying to make a start, get from point A to B, or just exploring. I fully understand that part of the prison concept is having inmates trying to kill each other, but, I enjoy the other side of that - stopping the fighting. I also find it very enjoyable going up against challenging opponents, I love the PvP side of things and Prison Servers integrates that in a very enjoyable way.
I am quite knowledgeable of prison servers and have no trouble answering most questions, and love helping players with any concerns, issues or matters they have. I have achieved the rank of Warden on a fair few prison servers throughout my time and have been a guard numerous times. I will put in 110% of my effort into this role and hopefully, as time progresses, work my way through the ranks. I always strive for the best, that is why I put all my effort into roles that may eventually lead there.
Are you able to use skype and/or teamspeak?: I have used both in the past and have no issues with using them.
Anything else you want to say?: Hm, just thank you for creating such a fun server.
Thank you for reading.
Please use this thread for further discussion on updates/releases.