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    posted a message on Count to 25 before a normal user posts
    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 4

    posted a message on Killion Detention Center - Largest and # 1 Prison Server [UPDATED: 1.7.4]
    *Reposting* ^_^

    In-game Name: Daniel_12

    In-game Rank: Free

    Age: 15

    Timezone: Australia. EsT

    Howlong have you played on Killion?: I have played Killion since February, I first started off as a Guard where I retired as a B-Guard in June.

    Have you ever been muted or banned?: Not that I can remember off.

    If so, why and for how long?: N/A

    Why do you believe you?re suitable for the Moderation role?:

    I believe I should be placed in this role because of my experience, dedication and overall knowledge. I have played on Killion since February and have always wanted to aspire to be a part of it. I was a guard which was something I enjoyed and loved very much, the reason I retired is because I was feeling that I was getting no-where, and wanted to make a move and become a Chat-Moderator. I was a Chat-Moderator on Evolution Gaming's PaintBall server before I rose to become an Administrator there, it has given me alot of skills and has showed me what it is like to deal with large servers. I think that I would be a great addition to the team as I have so much dedication and am always passionate about moderating. If I was given this role, I believe that I could help out the server with my time-zone as I only see 1 moderator on, and occasionally a Warden, or a Sr Warden. I think that by giving me this role that I could benefit the server and its player base by helping all players with their questions/queries and doubtful points. I am an un-biased person who always looks at all party's of arguments before making a decision, I believe that every one deserves the right to be taken seriously. I don't just take reports and issues and deal with them in a 'un-caring way', I deal with them in a mature and efficient way respecting all aspects of it and working out the best solution.

    I have much experience with Killion in general, as I have said earlier. I have been here since February, I have seen killion go through its 'high's' and 'low's' I have been there through pretty much all of it. I know the map like the back of my hand, and feel confident in answering all questions/queries asked. Killion has impressed me since the first moment I laid my sights on it, from its concept and elegant building/designs to the way its marvelous staff runs it. Killion is one of the biggest minecraft servers out there, I would be honored to become a part of its staff and be able to help it grow even more. I believe that I can help it and bring my ideas and put them into action. I have been able to communicate with Starzy and Markillion through my position on their paintball servers, I believe that I get along with them very well and think that I could quickly adapt and become a dedicated staff member here.

    Well to conclude my application, the main points I would like to arise is that. If I was given this role I would put as much effort into it as I can give, I would respect all players and never think of myself as 'un-equal' to them. I would love to be given this opportunity as I have been with this server since February and want to become a 'bigger-part' of it and contribute to it. I feel that by becoming a Chat-Mod I can benefit the server and its player-base by doing all of my duties with the best of my abilities. I believe that I have the needed experience and that I would be a great addition to the servers staff.

    ExtraInformation: I am an Administrator on your paintball server, I started off as a Chat-Mod before that. I believe I have gotten alot of moderating/Admin skills from this and it has bettered my knowledge on the matter.

    Thankyou for reading this, I hope you consider my application.

    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 1

    posted a message on Request a Custom GUI here! iOS Only
    Quote from Quinck

    Here you go buddy!

    I love it!

    Thankyou very much for making this! :D
    Posted in: MCPE: Texture Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on Request a Custom GUI here! iOS Only
    D-pad shape: Same in the picture.
    Color scheme: Grey-white style.
    Specific pattern (If you have one): The pattern below in my signature. ^_^
    Jump button shape: Square (Rounded edges)
    Outline (include color as well): White (very thin, like I said in Irc)
    Any other information: Make it look superb. ^_^
    Posted in: MCPE: Texture Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on Minecraft Forums Staff Server Lets Play
    Very nice, well done. ^_^
    Posted in: Let's Plays
  • 0

    posted a message on The next update and release date
    Locked for redundancy.
    Posted in: MCPE: Discussion
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    posted a message on ANIMALS WON'T DESPAWN! :DDDD
    Locked for redundancy.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How do you make a slime farm
    Locked for redundancy.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Can someone make a tutorial on how to join an online multiplayer server?
    As stated before, this link explains everything you wish to know.
    Posted in: Minecraft (Bedrock) Support
  • 0

    posted a message on [surv] post hunger games maps here.
    There is no need for this thread. If you wish to find a hunger games map, you may search using the search bar in the top right.

    This thread is now Locked.
    Posted in: MCPE: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on Has anyone noticed the increase in moderators?
    Quote from AliStarr

    Yeah, it's grown ahaha.

    But the retired staff list is longer.

    Indeed, it will grow even longer now.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
  • 0

    posted a message on Has anyone noticed the increase in moderators?
    To be honest.. I haven't noticed.

    Looks at staff list.. Oh my god.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
  • 1

    posted a message on Killion Detention Center - Largest and # 1 Prison Server [UPDATED: 1.7.4]
    Quote from phil1818

    support daniel_12 application you really deserve it.

    Thankyou. :)
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Official Chat Thread XII : Go away joj / Twilight of summer edition
    Quote from Dandark

    Sup people.

    Hello. ^_^
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 6

    posted a message on Killion Detention Center - Largest and # 1 Prison Server [UPDATED: 1.7.4]
    *Reposting* ^_^

    In-game Name: Daniel_12

    In-game Rank: Free

    Age: 15

    Timezone: Australia. EsT

    Howlong have you played on Killion?: I have played Killion since February, I first started off as a Guard where I retired as a B-Guard in June.

    Have you ever been muted or banned?: Not that I can remember off.

    If so, why and for how long?: N/A

    Why do you believe you?re suitable for the Moderation role?:

    I believe I should be placed in this role because of my experience, dedication and overall knowledge. I have played on Killion since February and have always wanted to aspire to be a part of it. I was a guard which was something I enjoyed and loved very much, the reason I retired is because I was feeling that I was getting no-where, and wanted to make a move and become a Chat-Moderator. I was a Chat-Moderator on Evolution Gaming's PaintBall server before I rose to become an Administrator there, it has given me alot of skills and has showed me what it is like to deal with large servers. I think that I would be a great addition to the team as I have so much dedication and am always passionate about moderating. If I was given this role, I believe that I could help out the server with my time-zone as I only see 1 moderator on, and occasionally a Warden, or a Sr Warden. I think that by giving me this role that I could benefit the server and its player base by helping all players with their questions/queries and doubtful points. I am an un-biased person who always looks at all party's of arguments before making a decision, I believe that every one deserves the right to be taken seriously. I don't just take reports and issues and deal with them in a 'un-caring way', I deal with them in a mature and efficient way respecting all aspects of it and working out the best solution.

    I have much experience with Killion in general, as I have said earlier. I have been here since February, I have seen killion go through its 'high's' and 'low's' I have been there through pretty much all of it. I know the map like the back of my hand, and feel confident in answering all questions/queries asked. Killion has impressed me since the first moment I laid my sights on it, from its concept and elegant building/designs to the way its marvelous staff runs it. Killion is one of the biggest minecraft servers out there, I would be honored to become a part of its staff and be able to help it grow even more. I believe that I can help it and bring my ideas and put them into action. I have been able to communicate with Starzy and Markillion through my position on their paintball servers, I believe that I get along with them very well and think that I could quickly adapt and become a dedicated staff member here.

    Well to conclude my application, the main points I would like to arise is that. If I was given this role I would put as much effort into it as I can give, I would respect all players and never think of myself as 'un-equal' to them. I would love to be given this opportunity as I have been with this server since February and want to become a 'bigger-part' of it and contribute to it. I feel that by becoming a Chat-Mod I can benefit the server and its player-base by doing all of my duties with the best of my abilities. I believe that I have the needed experience and that I would be a great addition to the servers staff.

    ExtraInformation: I am an Administrator on your paintball server, I started off as a Chat-Mod before that. I believe I have gotten alot of moderating/Admin skills from this and it has bettered my knowledge on the matter.

    Thankyou for reading this, I hope you consider my application.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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