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Okey, let's get straight to the point of this topic and why it's needed...
Me (Majataka) and my friend (Kajter) has came up with a suggestion today to make chairs sitable. So far we have been making "fantasy" chairs by using a "Stair" and a "Sign" on the sides of the "xxxxx Stair" so it looked like chair and a sofa.
While playing MP on my server and roleplaying a bit, we were eating by the "Table" I made by using a single "Fence Pole" and a "Wooden Pressure Plate" on top of the "Fance". So while eating at the morning and the nights we were "Crouching" right infront of the "Stair" so it looked like we were sitting. But the crouching animation isn't still what we all possibly want. After some day and nights in MC I came up with an idea to make this suggestion. Then Kajter supported me with it and gave me the from chair to sofa suggestion.
How will it work?
It's simple. You craft a chair like this

and get 1 "Chair" Block. Then later you place it where ever you want. When you right click the "Chair" your character will sit on it with the same sitting animation that is used on the "Boat"when you are in it.
Suggested by other posters:
How do you make the sofa now?
You can turn the chair into a 2 block sofa by placing another chair to the other chair. So basically its like expanding the small chest, you just place the other chest next to it.
Should the sofa/chair color be changeable?
Yes. You just change the wool color in the crafting grid. If you want a white sofa, use normal white wool, If you want a brown one like I used in the model use brown wool.
How should the chair and the sofa look like in game?
I made a model in Google Sketch up with the default brown wool texture on it so show you how it should look like.

Second Updated Version by mixing Florgensteins and Mister Person's ideas. The "handles" are made out of wood, rest is still covered in wool.

Here is a model made by Florgenstein, In this case the player would craft the chair with green wool. No idea how Florgenstein made them but good work. Thumbs up to that man.

Here is another model made by Mister_Person

NEW!: Thrones (Same act like chairs and the sofa)
How do they look like? Well, I made a model of what people have suggested

As you can see, The throne is made out of gold and got red "puffs" made out of wool.
Can we change the wool color like on the chairs? Yes, the same way as you do it on the chairs, you just change the color of the wool in the crafting grid. If you want red "Puffs" (Like in the pic) you can use red wool and so on
Can we make a diamond throne? Yes, the same way as you make the gold one but you just change the gold blocks and gold ingot with diamond and diamond blocks
How should we craft them? Like this...

How big should the throne be? Well, in my opinion it should be 1x2x1 blocks. Wide*height*lengt like you can see on the picture.
You can support my suggestion by putting this line
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New support banner by Starport592
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Let's make our lovely Minecraft creators to see this lovely suggestion so we can lovely sit and make roleplaying cooler.

Okey, let's get straight to the point of this topic and why it's needed...
Me (Majataka) and my friend (Kajter) has came up with a suggestion today to make chairs sitable. So far we have been making "fantasy" chairs by using a "Stair" and a "Sign" on the sides of the "xxxxx Stair" so it looked like chair and a sofa.
While playing MP on my server and roleplaying a bit, we were eating by the "Table" I made by using a single "Fence Pole" and a "Wooden Pressure Plate" on top of the "Fance". So while eating at the morning and the nights we were "Crouching" right infront of the "Stair" so it looked like we were sitting. But the crouching animation isn't still what we all possibly want. After some day and nights in MC I came up with an idea to make this suggestion. Then Kajter supported me with it and gave me the from chair to sofa suggestion.
How will it work?
It's simple. You craft a chair like this

and get 1 "Chair" Block. Then later you place it where ever you want. When you right click the "Chair" your character will sit on it with the same sitting animation that is used on the "Boat"when you are in it.
Suggested by other posters:
- The health would slowly regenerate when sitting
- The food meter would deploy slower
- The time would go 2 times faster (?)
How do you make the sofa now?
You can turn the chair into a 2 block sofa by placing another chair to the other chair. So basically its like expanding the small chest, you just place the other chest next to it.
Should the sofa/chair color be changeable?
Yes. You just change the wool color in the crafting grid. If you want a white sofa, use normal white wool, If you want a brown one like I used in the model use brown wool.
How should the chair and the sofa look like in game?
I made a model in Google Sketch up with the default brown wool texture on it so show you how it should look like.

Second Updated Version by mixing Florgensteins and Mister Person's ideas. The "handles" are made out of wood, rest is still covered in wool.

Here is a model made by Florgenstein, In this case the player would craft the chair with green wool. No idea how Florgenstein made them but good work. Thumbs up to that man.

Here is another model made by Mister_Person

NEW!: Thrones (Same act like chairs and the sofa)
How do they look like? Well, I made a model of what people have suggested

As you can see, The throne is made out of gold and got red "puffs" made out of wool.
Can we change the wool color like on the chairs? Yes, the same way as you do it on the chairs, you just change the color of the wool in the crafting grid. If you want red "Puffs" (Like in the pic) you can use red wool and so on
Can we make a diamond throne? Yes, the same way as you make the gold one but you just change the gold blocks and gold ingot with diamond and diamond blocks
How should we craft them? Like this...

How big should the throne be? Well, in my opinion it should be 1x2x1 blocks. Wide*height*lengt like you can see on the picture.
You can support my suggestion by putting this line
[b]Support his suggestion guys :biggrin.gif:[/b] [url="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/641646-majatakas-sit-able-chair-and-sofa-suggestion/"][IMG]http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad253/Majataka/SupportMeSig.png[/IMG][/url]
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into your "Signature" (You can acces that page by clicking this) line.
New support banner by Starport592
It will look like this

Let's make our lovely Minecraft creators to see this lovely suggestion so we can lovely sit and make roleplaying cooler.
You're not very good at trust, are you?
Just buy the freaking game. Over 4000000 people have bought the game and do trust them. Why shouldn't you?
I think that you can't spell at all. Also that the only vote in the poll is by you. Not all guys who watch MLP are gay. That's like saying that everyone on the Minecraft forums is intelligent. Which is obviously untrue, because you are here.
Can you even speak english? Because it sounded like you just spewed a bunch of gibberish that is of no utter importance to anything. Also, you don't know me. You have never seen me. Also you can't spell to save your life. I hope your mom reads this post and makes sure that you get yelled at and grounded or whatever.