I have to say, it feels a little strange having the closest thing to the Official Forum for Minecraft being controlled by Amazon when Microsoft owns Minecraft. I'm surprised MS didn't try to work something out in regards to buying just this forum when the MCF>Twitch deal was going through.
After all, they spent 2.5 Billion on just buying Mojang so they could have easily afforded a little bit to roll this forum into some division of theirs, like XBox.
* It would have actually been a very smart move on their part because: They could have had everyone create a free XBox Live account for the forum, which is what we would all need anyway in order to play REALMS with a username and such with Minecraft Bedrock edition (Android, iOS, win10, etc). Many more Minecraft Java players would then have a Minecraft: Bedrock username which would increase the likelihood of them buying one of those editions and playing it (which is defintiely what MS wants).
So going through this ordeal would have actually had a direct correlation to Minecraft and benefited everyone.
Of course. Everyone who hosts an MC server should host a Cubic Chunks server!
But then I'm a bit biased.
Cubic Chunks Discord:
Fantastic! This mod is the perfect thing to use just before jumping down that waterfall into a 2000 block deep abyss in a Cubic Chunks Skylands map.
Thanks again for your support of the Open Cubic Chunks Mod and for continuing to expand the possibilities for fun with it.
The following link is to a post of mine from 2011 describing how to do what you are asking for. Every version of Minecraft can then reside in it's own completely separate folder and you can have a customized short-cut for each one to directly launch whichever one you want.
Now, this was originally done with the old launchers in mind and also before the Forge auto-installers so you might have to adapt it a little. As such you might need to do the manual Forge install for each one. The benefit though would be permanent installs of mods for whichever version you have each one set up for. Currently, as you know, Forge only has one mods folder for some reason...
The other caveat is I have never tried this .bat method with windows 10 so I can't say if it would have any issues.
* Also; I'm not saying this is the only or even best current method available, just that it has been a very useful one for me (especially for older versions).
Hello. My name is MineCrak and I was once a Minecraft n00b.
Back towards the end of 2010 I started playing Minecraft Alpha, the final alpha as it turned out. Well, I was very conscientious and wanted to make certain I kept a copy of every version of Minecraft. As such I made sure to Label each Minecraft .jar I downloaded with it's version number and archive it.
It was several versions before I discovered that what I was archiving was only the launcher and NOT the game...
Double-Cobble Generator [No Redstone]
The Core is 3x3x3 but you will need 5x5x4 to have boundaries for the flowing water.
This has been my favorite simple Cobble-Generator for years now and still works perfectly in modern Minecraft 6 or 7 years after it was originally designed. I recently discovered that the original video that this design came from no longer exists on youtube for some reason, so I'm doing my part to help keep this design alive and available for all the Minecrafters who hadn't even heard of Minecraft back when this was first created.
- This is a design created by AvidyaZen back in 2011 or earlier and shared in a video of his, which unfortunately is no longer on youtube. But thankfully slackathor posted a text Cobble Generator review in 2011 where he showed this Cobble Generator Design in a Text/Smiley "Pictogram" format.
-- Below is a fixed/clearer and newer version that I made of slackathor's original template:
= Cobble
= Smooth Stone or anything that won't burn
= Water source
= Flowing water
= Lava source
= Empty space
(Layer 1 - The Bottom Layer)
(Layer 2)
(Layer 3)
Original Version: (I changed this above to have a solid ceiling in the lower left corner of the diagram. This is because back when this was made there was no auto-climb so when you walked up to the edge you stayed where you needed to be, but now with the old design you climb up onto the edge every time and can no longer mine, it's very annoying. So the old design below should be considered deprecated.
(Layer 3)
* After it is built just start breaking the 2 Cobbles with a pick-axe and they will keep regenerating.
This generator is pretty quick to build. The spot where you hack away at the cobble is safe, and you can just hold down the mouse button and drift from one block to the other. For those of you who have mastered the art of drift mining, this might be the generator for you. Yield: 108/ stone pick. (132 possible)
Below is the Double-Cobble Generator Template Diagram put into a single picture, in case the forum software changes again which could destroy the original pictograms.
I have just become aware that this mod is even more awesome than I originally thought it was.
I had assumed that you were randomly distributing a set of completely pre-made buildings, but what you are doing is on a whole 'nother level of random customization! This method will make far more unique worlds. My hat is off to you.
This is the sort of mod that makes Minecraft fun to play again if someone is feeling burned out on it.
Excellent job with them! I was thinking that that was what she was asking about. If you were auto-generating the building designs too then I would have been desperately wanting to become your new disciple, heh heh.
[EDIT] Wait, I just realized you said "Floor-parts". So is each building randomly constructed out of floor-parts?
I can't answer that, but if you are running Windows 10 it wouldn't hurt to give the Win10 Store version a try for comparison. It should run far smoother and will later this year also have a major shader pack for it.
You didn't design the individual buildings? Even their design is auto-generated?
Great Work! Please do keep working on this project and ones like it.
I thought that was what Prison Servers were for, to keep all the kids caged up and out of the way while the adults play in the secret-zone, heh heh.
Nice Logo's! Another version based on that image and idea could look similar to this:
This version is crude and not spaced or sized correctly but I had to do it really really fast as I'm late for bed. But I feel it is enough to show you what I am thinking of better than me trying to explain it with words. Your friend who made the originals should be able to do it properly and clean especially since he has the original images etc. Just an idea. No matter what you go with it looks like you are on the right track!
Wow.. You are really making great use of all that extra height, I guess I should say depth. That is really great design work too, good use of colored glass and materials and in how each level looks different.
Being able to create custom procedural worlds with this much variety and freedom is the kind of thing I've always wanted from Minecraft. Thank you for contributing to that dream for everyone.
And thanks to Barteks2x, Cuchaz and Robinton for working to give us the space in Minecraft worlds to make such things possible.
Ha! That is great news.
Wonderful idea! And yes, a Cubic Chunks enabled world is the perfect place for something of this scale. Procedural generation for something like this can be a wonderful way to add variety to a world.
Please do keep working on this.