- Made the coordinates customizable
- Fixed bug where XRay was disabling itself on 1.8 when loaded via launchwrapper
- Reinfrastructured internal code
So, XRay should now work fine with LiteLoader and voxelmap (and any other LiteLoader mod).
I would recommend installing LiteLoader as you normally would. Then install voxelmap. Finally, install XRay and select the LiteLoader profile when doing so. Everything should work together without any need to modify any files.
Also, the coordinates are now customizable. The config file is located at: .minecraft/config/XRay/Coords.txt
XRay reads this file and uses it to figure out how to display the coordinates. So by default, it looks like this:
XYZ: {X} / {Y} / {Z} {Fly}The {X}, {Y}, {Z}, and {Fly} are replaced by in-game information. i.e. it will look like the coords on the debug screen.
For the old-school coords, you could change the file to this:
X: {X} Y: {Y} Z: {Z} {Fly}Other options available are: {ChunkX}, {ChunkY}, {ChunkZ}, {ChunkPosX}, {ChunkPosY}, and {ChunkPosZ}
So you could do something like this if you wanted:
XYZ: {X} / {Y} / {Z} Chunk: {ChunkPosX} {ChunkPosY} {ChunkPosZ} in {ChunkX} {ChunkY} {ChunkZ} {Fly}
As always - let me know if you have any problems!
The main thing I use the XRay mod for is to look behind walls to watch redstone work... so I can figure out where I screwed up.
Something that would be useful is if you could display "powered blocks". Not sure if it's even possible but watching blocks appear and disappear when powered would help determine when you've put circuits too close together.
Like the new GUI by the way... first time seeing it.
I realize this isn't the purpose of this mod but on the co-ordinates display... village information would be nice.
/testforblock -11 78 -296 minecraft:furnace 4 {Items:[0:{Slot:0b,id:"minecraft:golden_sword",Count:1b},{Slot:1b,id:"minecraft:coal",Count:2b}]}
Yes I'm making a "de-smelting" device... other command block is:
/blockdata -11 78 -296 {Items:[0:{Slot:2b,id:"minecraft:gold_nugget",Count:11b}]}
Hence why I want to make sure Slot 2 is empty.
I'm getting the dreaded...
[Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 3544ms behind, skipping 70 tick(s)
Even when no one is logged into the world at times. I've got a mega farm (just large no real automation) near spawn. Only started noticing it when I added the rabbit farm and hoppers to transport food to the pens. I think it's the large number of mobs in the area slowing things down. But the odd thing is it's acting as if something is waking up every few minutes. The lag isn't consent or consistently reproducible.
The symptom: I'll be farming trees above the mob farms and all of a sudden what I cut has no drop for a few seconds. Then it drops a few seconds later with the warning above. Or I get this very creepy situation where all mobs stop for a second or two then resume moving. It doesn't happen all the time... most of the time everything's working fine. I'd say it comes up every few minutes or so. Even my frame rate stays above +85 fps.
CPU never seems to be above 70% (and watching the jconsole everything seems pretty idle)
Here's the startup settings: java -d64 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -Xmx4G -Xms1G -jar ...
I've moved the HD area round so now it's sitting on a Raid5 mount point with btrfs. I've ionice with level 1 priority and nice -19. There are other things running on the machine but nothing really taxing the machine happens even at 80% idle.
Any ideas to tracking this down? Is there a way to have it dump tick activity at the moment of a problem? (so I can at least see what's causing the lag)