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    posted a message on Can AND gates randomly activate command blocks they're tied to?
    Quote from munin295

    That is a weird AND gate. You've got one inverted input (the lower torch) acting as an additional input to the upper input. The only thing keeping this from blinking on and off with the clock is that the output torch shouldn't respond to a 1-tick off-pulse. However, that rule isn't completely understood yet (to my knowledge) because it doesn't explain rapid pulsars still working.

    I would rebuild the AND gate so that the inputs aren't interacting except at the OR dust controlling the output torch, and see if that helps.

    My first that was I can't use the regular and gate...

    It's amazing how you get stuck in your (my) thinking at times. When I originally came up with the design it had a requirement of being one block wide, as it was going under a one block wide sorter. But then realized with the remote selection capability the block can be anywhere. Like under the world (which I haven't tested yet), with an access point for the mine carts. So I made it a 4 block wide module I could replicate everywhere. The AND gate I used was part of that one block wide design. Guess I can put in the 3 block wide AND gate now.

    I'll try it out and post the results here.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Can AND gates randomly activate command blocks they're tied to?
    I've got this remote item selection/sorter thing going here. It basically works by having a room of buttons connected to command blocks. When pushed it sets the score for the item say "PurpleWool" to 20. Then as the items are dispensed it decreases the selection by 1.

    What I'm showing here is the AND gate connected to a clock and the command block detecting if the "PurpleWool" score is greater than 0.

    What I see happening is randomly through out the day the counter keeps decreasing, but no blocks are dropped.

    It's as if the AND gate is sending enough of a signal to activate the command block with the clock tick, and the second input being false.

    Is this possible or did I screw up the and gate?

    It seems to work ok when other wise. I only get the items when requested... just get annoyed with the command blocks activating at random.

    From the other angle:

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Reliable x minute timer in Minecraft, that doesn't require hundreds of repeaters.
    Quote from CBA222

    I actually just built one of these for a point capture system. Here's how it works:

    Put one item into one of the hoppers.

    First type this command into the console:

    /scoreboard objectives add timer dummy

    Command block on the left:

    /scoreboard players set @a[score_timer_min=100] timer 0

    Change 100 to control duration. To calculate how long the timer will last, do x*0.8. eg. 100*0.8 = 80 seconds.

    Command block on the right:

    /scoreboard players add @a timer 1

    You're good to go!

    All it needed was a spark. Once you had me on hoppers for timers I started to think of using multiple items... and thought someone had to have already done this. (found a youtube video) So came up with this design. The more items the slower the clock. (and the order of the hoppers is important... took me a few minutes to realize that)

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Reliable x minute timer in Minecraft, that doesn't require hundreds of repeaters.
    I have this idea of using the score board. Have a command block somewhere (anywhere) and have it count up. Than have another command block reset to 0 when it reaches the target number.

    Then anywhere I need the clock have a command block check the value > x. (or have it do some multiplication) Haven't looked into making it work yet but the theory sounds good.

    So is there any other redstone compact solution that's small and doesn't require falling mindcarts/items or other things a mod could interfere with? Or using a few hundred repeaters going miles out.

    And if anyone is wondering why I need this. I have a minecart pick up/off station. But I hit a snag when the minecart became full. So I want to have this return the minecard after 2-5 minutes regardless if the chest/hopper above is full of items. That way it keeps the cart moving.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Auto-door closer (but doesn't open)
    Quote from munin295

    There's no reason to think this will break in the next update. Been around a long time.

    Doors can be opened by powering them by redstone, and close when the power turns off. Thus, the "natural" state for an unpowered door is to be closed.

    But doors can also be opened by right-clicking them. This puts them into a state where they are open even when they are unpowered and thus should be closed.

    When redstone dust changes its power level, it "updates" other redstone components (including doors) within two neighbors of it. When an open door gets such a redstone update, it realizes that it's unpowered and thus should be closed and "fixes" itself.

    As Crafterguy3x3 said, a common way to have doors auto-close is to put a stone pressure plate on one side or both sides (both sides for safe interior doors, and usually only on the inside for exterior doors so mobs can't wander in). Stepping on the pressure plate will open the door, and the pressure plate stays activated after you step off long enough for you to get through before it closes.

    Thanks for the explanation. It was exactly what I was looking for.

    I have pressure places and buttons in many places. Recently I started playing around with command blocks so I can control them without buttons or plates (and add funky things like user names to it, or authorization codes via the scoreboard)

    Pressure places are annoying as I've had many cases where mob's open the doors... (like I had an animal get in and let a pile of creepers in the back door. Then there's the things like fence gates people forget to close. I don't want fence gates on any type of pressure plate, especially since both sides are technically exterior.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Auto-door closer (but doesn't open)
    Found this by accident. Seems if the block diagonal is powered it closes the door but doesn't open it.

    Why does this work? Is this a glitch? I've been looking for a way to have doors auto-close. This opens some ideas but wouldn't want it to break in the next upgrade.

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Redstone elevator/escalator: how to make 1 block wide?
    Quote from Versepelles

    I had another thought on this subject that only incorporates three command blocks. It would require that the player stay on the moving sidewalk, but it would be pretty easy to build: Use one command block to set a score for 'OnSidewalk' to 1, and another to set it to 0. Place these at opposite ends of the track, triggered by pressure plates (or you could use autodetection). Then have a clocked command block which only moves the player if they are 'OnSidewalk'. The command would be:

    /scoreboard players set @p OnSidewalk 1

    /scoreboard players set @p OnSidewalk 0

    /tp @a[score_OnSidewalk_min=1] ~1 ~0 ~0

    Just took a while to realize I needed to do /scoreboard objectives add OnSidewalk dummy

    This works great. Thanks!
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Guest Accounts/Offline Mode?
    Thank you for the reply. I'm trying to work with-in the confides of Vanilla Minecraft so this explains a bit.

    I don't mind paying for the the product so I'm not looking for a free ride, but still would like to have a testing account. (Similar to the view as functionality of facebook)... but I guess the correct course of action is to contact the game makers directly. See if there's a non-hacking way of accomplishing my task.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Guest Accounts/Offline Mode?
    Quote from koper072

    is it external server (server.jar or server.exe) or is it ingame one(open to lan) if it is first one you can edit config file to allow offline mode if second one i do not think there is a way

    First one. So if I set "online-mode=false" what does that fully do? How do you log into Minecraft launcher without the internet? Any way to manage a local database of usernames/passwords?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Guest Accounts/Offline Mode?
    I've got two issues (somewhat related)

    I've got a minecraft server running for my daughter and I to use on our local LAN. With the recent minecraft account issue I've been locked out of my own server.

    Any way to setup an offline mode or a way to switch to local accounts if there's no internet access? Any way to setup "Guest" accounts? I realize the company behind minecraft wants everyone's money so they would probably not want "Guest" accounts. But it's really annoying if I want to demo something to a family member or test something as a normal use (and have to pay a full account subscription).

    If I create a dummy account on the minecraft site, the demo account doesn't have access to multi-player modes.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Visually seeing command block radius, and changing to cube?
    Some what related to http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1983102-redstone-elevatorescalator-how-to-make-1-block-wide/#entry24409448 but thought I'd do this as a separate topic, since I have other applications in mind here.

    Is there any way to visually see a radius where a command block is active? (Easier to see if you got the right x/y/z co-ordinates. (can MCEdit visually see them?)

    I'm assuming the radius is a sphere, any way to switch it to be a cube?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Redstone elevator/escalator: how to make 1 block wide?
    It's not the construction of the clock I need 1 block. It's the /tp command

    If you use r=10 it works in a cube around the source point. So if I want to make the walk way zone 10 blocks long... it also becomes 10 blocks high, deep and wide.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Redstone elevator/escalator: how to make 1 block wide?
    I've recently discovered the wonderful world of command blocks.

    I'm trying to make a moving side walk (possibly elevator later)

    The command I'm using is:

    /tp @p[r=8,x=0-64,y=4,z=-657] ~0 ~0 ~-1

    Works great except for one issue. It's 8 blocks wide as well as long. How do I limit it to one block wide? Or have the player only move on a specific stone?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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