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    posted a message on Python scripts to read scoreboard?
    Anyone have any scripts to read the scoreboard? I want to read them to display on a web page. Python is preferred (just for consistency of all my mcedit scripts), but is not required.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Redstone and chunk loading.
    I have this big remote counting system. Items come in via hoppers and the system checks the items using the testforblock command.

    However after a while the system starts acting funny. I think I know the cause just want to see if I can confirm my suspicions.

    The checking system is about 40 blocks deep, which puts it into a few chunks. The hopper line is on line 46. If the hopper triggers the first chunk to load and the hopper triggers redstone to activate the command blocks. Would the redstone trigger the rest of the chunks to load to the back of the system? Or does the redstone stop working once it hits an unloaded chunk?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Have item placed in or out send a redstone pulse?
    I have a dropper that has a command block attached to it via a comparator. It's sensing the item placed in. which works great. But the command block doesn't sense when the item is removed because it needs a pulse.

    Rather than using a clock I want to use the adding/removing of the item to trigger the pulse.

    So how do I send a pulse when the circuit changes states? Mostly I just need to know what to look up as my brain has gone to mush :blink: Never fails. I search for hours or days on a problem. I ask the question in the forums and I find my own answer with in a few minutes of hitting "post".

    What I need is a dual edge detector. Thanks anyways.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Command block and relative centre?
    I'm trying to make a small 4 block draw bridge. I don't want to have any connecting blocks from both sides.

    So my idea was to use command blocks to test if there is a player with-in a r=2. But is there any way to shift the centre by reference. eg: x=~-2,y=~2 sort of thing?

    Other idea is just to use the score board to set a boolean value on a switch... just wanted to try proximity first.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Sharing the stupidity...
    Quote from ThatOneGaijin

    I make so many stupid mistakes when tinkering with a new build. Good attitude though, laugh it off.

    I'm assuming those droppers go up considering you're at bedrock. If I'm correct how high does it go? If I'm mistaken, how low does it go o.O?

    The bedrock is my anti-grieving housing. It's 16 blocks high then the additional 4 blocks up to the selection sub-station. It's not the only tower, which is the pain when I have to go finding an item. Other towers are +40 high, depends on where the station is it's sending too.

    This is the project I'm working on http://www.planetmin...lection-system/

    Idea being that the sorting/selection system is self contained 16 blocks above bedrock layer. That way any mining that's sending items all end up going down hill. It's the selection system sending requested items back that needs the towers.

    In hindsight guess I should have put the sub-station high up. (like a water tower) Then I would have only needed one dropper tower like 100+ blocks high. Oh well this works too.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Firewall ports on Open to LAN?
    So far I've figured out the discovery port is on 4445/udp

    As soon as it starts scanning for servers it opens up 4445/udp plus a few random ports.

    $ lsof -i -P | grep -e `pgrep java -d' -e '`
    java	  11429 user   50u  IPv4 16526152	  0t0  UDP *:4445
    java	  11429 user   53u  IPv4 16552754	  0t0  UDP *:50159
    java	  11429 user   55u  IPv4 16551718	  0t0  UDP *:37068
    $ lsof -i -P | grep -e `pgrep java -d' -e '`
    java	  11429 user   53u  IPv4 16552754	  0t0  UDP *:50159
    java	  11429 user   54u  IPv4 16554434	  0t0  UDP *:4445
    java	  11429 user   55u  IPv4 16551718	  0t0  UDP *:37068
    java	  11429 user   56u  IPv4 16557099	  0t0  UDP *:52487
    java	  11429 user   58u  IPv4 16555237	  0t0  UDP *:43756

    When you click start on lan it picks a random port, plus a second UDP opens up.

    $ lsof -i -P | grep -e `pgrep java -d' -e '`
    java	  11429 user   51u  IPv4 16557333	  0t0  TCP *:44098 (LISTEN)
    java	  11429 user   52u  IPv4 16557334	  0t0  UDP *:48724

    How do you even begin to program a firewall with random ports opening up all over... *grin*
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Sharing the stupidity...
    I swear I do this to myself at least once every project I start.

    For the past few hours I've been chasing a problem. I select 20 items from my selection system. 18 show up, and 2 from the previous selection. I thought it was lag in my dropper tower but I just couldn't find the two missing items.

    Eventually I started checking every hopper, of the something like 300 hoppers....

    Any one see the flaw....

    Anyone.... for those who don't see it. I ran the hopper line over a lit redstone torch. Thus powering the one hoper in the line and trapping the blocks every time the dropper tower powers up.

    If I had a nickel for every time I've run a hopper line over a powered torch without realizing it...

    Guess that's part of the fun in minecraft... fixing your own dumb mistakes. :steve_sillyface:
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Firewall ports on Open to LAN?
    Any one know the firewall ports that need to be open for the Open to LAN to work?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Single player, does redstone/minecart stop if player is too far away?
    I was testing out a remote delivery system. The empty minecart just wasn't returning.

    If in single player mode do distant redstone and/or minecarts stop working until the player is in range? If so what's the range?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Villagers Lure and Repel?
    Quote from Zaberz

    Kill the villagers or move them,place an iron door or block the room off and there you go!

    That was the problem. I had an iron door there. As soon as I opened it they all ran into the room.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Villagers Lure and Repel?
    Quote from Zaberz

    Try to push them out..or just give your self weakness 5 /effect <name> <effect id> 5 <time(seconds)> and punch them

    I like... but then again I could just open the world with MCEdit and move them... my question is more how do I keep them out.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Villagers Lure and Repel?
    I think I've found my answer on the lure part. They can't be lured. Any way to repel them?

    I built this structure and they all seem to want to be in the control room. As soon as I opened the door six villagers all crammed in before the door shut and they won't leave.

    I realize if a spawn a zombie in there they spawn or die real quick.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on MCEdit Filter Scripts
    Quote from MikeyCarter
    I feel like I'm taking stabs in the dark so thought I'd just ask. I've got a template schematic file. I want to write a filter which reads the schematic file, then changes the text in the command blocks (in a find and replace fashion) I think I can muddle my way through the find and replace looking at other filters. But how do I load the schematic file? and is there a api doc somewhere of all the functions on MCEdit or is it a case of looking through the source code?
    Quote from Lazini
    There isn't a way to import schematics through filters (for now, at least). Tomsik68 has written a filter called "Schematic2script" which makes the selection box into code. Search for that on GitHub. MCEdit's files are on GitHub. You will mostly use the pymclevel for reading the functions and all that stuff, everything you need is there. Here is a link to that.

    Managed to get some traction on this (thanks for the help, you pointed me in the right general direction). Just wanted to post my findings:

    def perform(level, box, options):
      cl = mclevel.fromFile("ItemSorter-CL.schematic")
      cc = mclevel.fromFile(ItemSorter-CC.schematic")
      cr = mclevel.fromFile("ItemSorter-CR.schematic")
      schematic_cl = cl.extractSchematic(cl.bounds)
      schematic_cc = cc.extractSchematic(cc.bounds)
      schematic_cr = cr.extractSchematic(cr.bounds)
      level.copyBlocksFrom(schematic_cl, schematic_cl.bounds, box.origin+(0,3,0), create=True);
      level.copyBlocksFrom(schematic_cc, schematic_cc.bounds, box.origin+(0,3,cl.Length), create=True);
      level.copyBlocksFrom(schematic_cr, schematic_cr.bounds, box.origin+(0,3,cl.Length+cc.Length), create=True);

    it doesn't display the object properly until saved... but I'm getting there. At least I have it loading and pasting the schematic files.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Can AND gates randomly activate command blocks they're tied to?
    Just closing the loop on this. The regular AND gate solved the issue. Thanks for the feedback.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on MCEdit Filter Scripts
    I feel like I'm taking stabs in the dark so thought I'd just ask.

    I've got a template schematic file. I want to write a filter which reads the schematic file, then changes the text in the command blocks (in a find and replace fashion)

    I think I can muddle my way through the find and replace looking at other filters. But how do I load the schematic file? and is there a api doc somewhere of all the functions on MCEdit or is it a case of looking through the source code?
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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