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    posted a message on Single-Pulse Emitting Testfor Command Block Circuit
    I was using the redstone torch on the side of the command block, and feeding into the side of the comparator... Then staggering them a few blocks above/below. But I was getting some bleed in effect. (not to mention the room it takes.

    This design does the trick very well. Thank you!
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Making boats unbreakable or at least stonger?
    Any datatag to make this work?


    /give @p boat 1 0 {Unbreakable:1,Invulnerable:1,Health:1000,display:{Name:"RMS Titanic"}}

    But like the titanic sunk when it hit an iceberg
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Command block to only fire if no players are in range...
    Thanks for all the great ideas. They sparked one of my own.

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Command block to only fire if no players are in range...
    Quote from ppb6

    You could try /testfor @e[type=!player,rm=10]. it only works in the snapshot tho.

    Have to wait for 1.8 for that one.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Command block to only fire if no players are in range...
    Ok I'm trying to do this without and AND gate.

    I would have thought that:

    /testfor @a[rm=10] would activate the command block if all players are minimum radius is 10 blocks. But in 1.7.5 it seems that condition is ANY not ALL players. My mob trap works great if only one person is on. But if multiple players are on it becomes a player trap too.

    Basically what I have:

    trip wire -> command block /testfor @a[rm=10] -> comparator -> trap.

    What I'm trying to do is have it so if a mob activates the trip wire the trap falls. But if a player activates it the trap is untouched. That way bait (player) can run past the falling floor but the mobs following activate the trap.

    Anyone know how I can do this?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Removing effect circles?
    Quote from Whezolor

    So you want to give an effect in a certain radius? Easy. Just hook up a command block to a clock and use this syntax:

    effect @p[r=#] # # 

    Here's an example:
    effect @p[r=3] 1 1

    That part I got. now how do you remove the floating circles around the persons head?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Removing effect circles?
    I remember seeing some where that you can add a tag to turn off the effect circles. But I can't remember, nor find, if it can be applied to /effect, or if it was only a summon/give command thing.

    Basically I want to create a "Beacon" type system but using command blocks giving effects to people only within a specific range or criteria.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on [1.7.4] Calling Command Block via Chat?
    Ok here's an interesting puzzle. I want to have a TP menu in place using /tellraw in Vanilla Minecraft. My present method was to put command block/buttons in strategic locations around my world. (which was a fail when I realized all users need OP access to use it)

    But what would be idea is to have it so I could just type something in chat and have it come up.

    I realize I could overwrite a potion (but that's no good if I want to use the effect). I could also use score boards to display the message if score X is > 1. Then reduce once the menu has been displayed.

    But then I have to remember the entire scoreboard command.

    So any other ways I could do this? Also anyone know how to write the tell raw so that it tp's me and any players within my radius. Tried @p[r=10] but that didn't work.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Options to pre-load Minecraft world?
    So the method I have now. Load up the server. /setworldspawn $x 150 $z, /save-all, /stop. Increment the x and z variables and repeat.

    Any one know a way of doing this without doing the shutdown?

    Here's the script so far if anyone is interested (and I realize I could have just check for the pid rather than sleeping on shutdown... was just getting lazy)

    for z in {-3000..3000..190}
    for x in {-5000..4000..190}
    	 cd /mnt/bt_store_02/minecraft
    	 echo "Starting..."
    	 screen -dmS minecraft-metazoa java -Xmx3G -Xms3G -jar /u2/Common-Projects/CF_Applications/minecraft/minecraft_server.1.7.4.jar nogui
    	 sleep 20
    	 export cmd="setworldspawn $x 150 $z"
    	 echo $cmd
    	 screen -S minecraft-metazoa -X stuff "${cmd}"`echo -ne '\015'`
    	 screen -S minecraft-metazoa -X stuff 'save-all'`echo -ne '\015'`
    	 sleep 10
    	 screen -S minecraft-metazoa -X stuff 'stop'`echo -ne '\015'`
    	 echo "Waiting..."
    	 sleep 60
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Suppress single commandblock output?
    I know about /gamerule commandblockoutput false. But that doesn't stop them from showing up in the server log.

    I'm setting up a clock with the setblock command. Problem is it's going to generate millions of "Block Placed" lines in the logs. How do I turn off the output for a single command block?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on [1.7.2] Hopper/Redstone glitches
    Ended up logging a bug. https://mojang.atlassian.net/browse/MC-41401

    Although useless for clock circuits, great for getting more diamonds. Just place one diamond in the hopper clock, log in/out several times and/or go to neither and you'll have +64 diamonds in no time.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on [1.7.2] Hopper/Redstone glitches
    I'm having a small nightmare with hopper and redstone clocks in 1.7.2 server.

    If I have a hopper clock passing 1 item back and forth. After logging in/out over a few hours or so there can be 2 or more items (same item) in the hopper effectively halting the circuit after a while.

    The second thing is redstone clocks freezing. Only way to get them working is to put a button/lever on the unlit side.

    Any one else having similar problems (with solution) or have a more reliable clock in 1.7.2? I didn't have these issues in 1.6.4.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Python scripts to read scoreboard?
    I was more looking to read the data files similar to what mcedit does with the pymclevel. mcstatus doesn't seem to access the scoreboard.

    The basic data I'm trying to get at is the /scoreboard players list <username>
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Redstone and chunk loading.
    To compound my problem turns out that if you login/out and items are in the right place it duplicates them. Thus screwing up my clocks in 1.7.2. I'm changing them to redstone. At least you can use a button to reset redstone if needed. *grin*
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Redstone and chunk loading.
    I put in a command block to change spawn point when the system was running but it didn't work, which had me looking for a flaw in my design. I found the flaw. It had to do with timing. Never tested when items had gaps in the the hoppers.

    I had a situation where there was a miss-fire and I just kept trying to jam bullets into the barrel.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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