So I have a 1.9.4 world. If I upgrade to 1.10... will it screw up the existing world? Will I get the solid wall effect if chucks from 1.9.4 are loaded beside 1.10 chunks? Also I'm guessing the new blocks, and fossils don't show up unless the chucks are respawned?
/testforblock -11 78 -296 minecraft:furnace 4 {Items:[0:{Slot:0b,id:"minecraft:golden_sword",Count:1b},{Slot:1b,id:"minecraft:coal",Count:2b}]}
Yes I'm making a "de-smelting" device... other command block is:
/blockdata -11 78 -296 {Items:[0:{Slot:2b,id:"minecraft:gold_nugget",Count:11b}]}
Hence why I want to make sure Slot 2 is empty.
yep that's the thing. Much more useful for laying out command block co-ordinates than the spot your standing on. Especially when flying.
Not so useful when your using /tp command... as you end up inside the block
Two thoughts.
Having Coords-1.txt, Coords-2.txt so a user could have multiple scroll options for different tasks. (eg I only need the chunks when laying out chunk loaders most of the time don't need it)
Another thought. I like the feature in the debug screen where it shows the coordinates of the block in the cross-hairs. Any chance of getting the same? It's useful when you can actually stand on the block your trying to get the coordinates of.
[09:21:48] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 4776ms behind, skipping 95 tick(s)
I just completely farmed my mega far and all the crops are regrowing so I'm sure between that and the few 100 rabbits it's causing the problems. Wish you could multi-thread on the ticks.
[09:21:36] [Server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.Asgard.tick.entities.regular' took aprox 113.666139 ms
[09:21:36] [Server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.Asgard.tick.entities' took aprox 125.373421 ms
[09:21:36] [Server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.Asgard.tick' took aprox 131.485061 ms
[09:21:36] [Server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.Asgard' took aprox 132.134825 ms
[09:21:36] [Server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels' took aprox 132.299706 ms
Anyways the real question... anyone know the definition of what's behind: tick.entities.regular? Is there a page out there explaining all the things that come up here?
[10:47:20] [Server thread/INFO]: *** left the game
[10:47:20] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 3399ms behind, skipping 67 tick(s)
[17:09:05] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 5984ms behind, skipping 119 tick(s)
[06:00:06] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 3651ms behind, skipping 73 tick(s)
Absolutely no one on-line and still shows problems. I'll keep playing with the GC settings and keep my fingers crossed 1.8.1 fixes the problem.
I'm getting the dreaded...
[Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 3544ms behind, skipping 70 tick(s)
Even when no one is logged into the world at times. I've got a mega farm (just large no real automation) near spawn. Only started noticing it when I added the rabbit farm and hoppers to transport food to the pens. I think it's the large number of mobs in the area slowing things down. But the odd thing is it's acting as if something is waking up every few minutes. The lag isn't consent or consistently reproducible.
The symptom: I'll be farming trees above the mob farms and all of a sudden what I cut has no drop for a few seconds. Then it drops a few seconds later with the warning above. Or I get this very creepy situation where all mobs stop for a second or two then resume moving. It doesn't happen all the time... most of the time everything's working fine. I'd say it comes up every few minutes or so. Even my frame rate stays above +85 fps.
CPU never seems to be above 70% (and watching the jconsole everything seems pretty idle)
Here's the startup settings: java -d64 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -Xmx4G -Xms1G -jar ...
I've moved the HD area round so now it's sitting on a Raid5 mount point with btrfs. I've ionice with level 1 priority and nice -19. There are other things running on the machine but nothing really taxing the machine happens even at 80% idle.
Any ideas to tracking this down? Is there a way to have it dump tick activity at the moment of a problem? (so I can at least see what's causing the lag)
/testfor @p {Inventory:[{id:"minecraft:log",Damage:2,Count:64b}]}
Tried various combinations of damage/Damage nothing seems to work. What have they changed it to?
Make a four hopper hopper clock pointing in a circular pattern. drop one item in it to have it go round and around.
Log out/in several times over the next week.
at some point that 1 item turns in to 200+ items.
Also have another sort of half baked idea. I typically use X-Ray for two purposes.
1. Watching red-stone circuits work when debugging.
2. Finding structure borders when laying stuff out. (eg: looking down to see if I extended the chunk loader far enough)
Instead of having a r and x what about a rolling pre-configuration. Essentially redstone, cave finder, and x-ray are all themes of the same thing. They have different block configurations for what to hide and what not to.
Granted I only every use the two modes myself, so wouldn't really need it much, but just an idea to throw out there.
Another option which would be a bit of a help. When laying out chunk loaders you need to know where the chunks begin and end. That little number (0-15) would be helpful as an option that can be turned on/off. Not needed very often but I'm sure people have tried to play around with the chunk boarders.
Would have been a big help to track down if the fps was toggle with the co-ordinates. The full debug was distracting. (and I know it's a rare use thing so fully understand if this feature is a 12 thumbs down
/give @p skull 1 3 {SkullOwner: @r}
/give @p skull 1 3 {SkullOwner: @p}
or even
/give @p skull 1 3 {SkullOwner: @e}
Once in jail I wanted to have some puzzle they needed to figure out to get out. (rotating items in frames might be interesting) But if they have their inventory, they can just break through any wall with the right equipment. So looks like the best is to make the walls out of bedrock. Just have to be smart about the puzzle. Putting the command_block to TP them out of jail too close would be dumb. Then they could put a button on the wall and leave.
Thanks for the ideas... like the killing over hoppers. Also give an idea that the way out could be like a maze. The puzzle could tp them around a labyrinth.
I have a jail. I want it so if players are sent to the jail all their items are stored in a chest outside the jail. That way they can't make levers and such to open doors.
I have a few ideas for some manual ways, but would prefer an auto way. Also will be taking 1.8 as soon as it comes out so it can be 1.8 tech.
It needed the id:373,count:15,Damage:16385,tag:[ ... custom potions ]