-Minecraft Skills
Mostly Redstone, Average Builder
-About you
I play a lot of video games, but also play some sports in my free time
-Why should we accept you?
I love playing on servers with a strong community. I'm willing to help with spawn or any other community work.
Accepted, Owner will add you ASAP!
Quote from undefined »
-IGN Berend_L
-Skype berend_l
-Age(16+) I'm 17 years old
-Minecraft Skills I'm pretty good at pvp and building
-About you I'm from the Netherlands, and I play a lot of sports. Almost all my freetime I use to play videogames (mostly minecraft). I like to talk, and I'm always active in chat :).
-Why should we accept you? I'm a mature and skilled player, I'm always active and I like to build for the community
-Are you going to make youtube series?(Optional) I might, I have everything that's needed to record.
Youtube channel?(Optional) nothing on my channel yet
Thanks for reading my application! (a bit short Because I made it on my phone :3)
After Reviewing you, We noticed you seem to need to jump from server to server a lot, We suspect perhaps bans, Or you just like looking around, But regardless of that, we are looking for active, Dedicated player's, So sadly, We are going to haft to decline your app, Sorry!
So I downloaded the latest FTB Unleashed and added this to the pack. Playing single player on a freshly made world.
I keep getting:
"[WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?"
When moving in and out of Dimensions. Is that normal, or do I have some problem with my PC or something?
Means your computer, Or the server is having troubles running the game/server, You need to add more RAM to the game or close some other programs to release some CPU %.
I got excited from all the positive feedback in this thread, but ended up losing 5-10 fps (forge optifine and about 8 other mods) I'm glad it's working for some though.
This mod is mainly for those who desperately need FPS, Aswell if you have a mod conflicting with this one that may be your issue. Specifically like ones that edit the jar... aswell it helps to place optifine in the mods folder if you got forge installed.
Is there any version of this that doesn't use Forge?
No idea, but if your installing this, might aswell install forge... theres a one click installer, literally if you want to do this, might aswell install forge as it WILL/has some performance fix's, only issue with forge is it will slow down your launch time by like 0.5-5 seconds.
Could you be more specific? I'm pretty sure there is already a setting for that...
Like... A setting in the configurations that will set an amount of doors per so and so chunks, similar to natura in there configs where if you put 250 for the giant redwoods, it only spawns every 500-2000+ blocks give or take. not sure if its in the mod already, haven't used it in over 3 versions now xD, Just making sure tho. Because in hexxit, found 3 doors around a village and looted majority of 2 of them >.<, Got loads of diamonds faster than getting iron and mining...
Sorry. Can you tell me what this means? "THEN add these Start up parameters "-Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true"
When you launch minecraft, in the new launcher, in the bottem left of your screen, theres "Edit profile", Click edit profile, Then go to JVM Arguements[Or similar, im not on a PC With the launcher installed], Check the box, and replace the -XNG1G[Or similar] with those parameters, then click save and launch, don't forget to delete META-INF!
dragon is not alloud to rip anything out unless notch has a final say on it, additions are to jeb but if jeb rips out what notch spent a week on, im pretty sure there could be issues.
Accepted, Owner will add you ASAP!
After Reviewing you, We noticed you seem to need to jump from server to server a lot, We suspect perhaps bans, Or you just like looking around, But regardless of that, we are looking for active, Dedicated player's, So sadly, We are going to haft to decline your app, Sorry!
Still accepting applications tho!
-Age(16+): 18
-Minecraft Skills: Building/Redsotne
-About you: EDITTED OUT
-Why should we accept you?: Well i don't really have a reason why you should accept me, Just another player looking to play.
-Are you going to make youtube series?(Optional): N/A
-Youtube channel?(Optional): N/A
^ Optifine has this fix but its for 1.7.4/1.7.5 not 1.7.2 D:
Means your computer, Or the server is having troubles running the game/server, You need to add more RAM to the game or close some other programs to release some CPU %.
This mod is mainly for those who desperately need FPS, Aswell if you have a mod conflicting with this one that may be your issue. Specifically like ones that edit the jar... aswell it helps to place optifine in the mods folder if you got forge installed.
Did you put in the parameters?[Read the installation instructions, there is a special way to install]
Here: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/fpsplus-lagfixes/files/
download FpsPlus+
No idea, but if your installing this, might aswell install forge... theres a one click installer, literally if you want to do this, might aswell install forge as it WILL/has some performance fix's, only issue with forge is it will slow down your launch time by like 0.5-5 seconds.
Like... A setting in the configurations that will set an amount of doors per so and so chunks, similar to natura in there configs where if you put 250 for the giant redwoods, it only spawns every 500-2000+ blocks give or take. not sure if its in the mod already, haven't used it in over 3 versions now xD, Just making sure tho. Because in hexxit, found 3 doors around a village and looted majority of 2 of them >.<, Got loads of diamonds faster than getting iron and mining...
When you launch minecraft, in the new launcher, in the bottem left of your screen, theres "Edit profile", Click edit profile, Then go to JVM Arguements[Or similar, im not on a PC With the launcher installed], Check the box, and replace the -XNG1G[Or similar] with those parameters, then click save and launch, don't forget to delete META-INF!