I noticed that most of the textures look cool but Atlantis DHD seems to miss the glyphs, so i thought i just post a link http://stargate-sgc....
just in case. (yes I know it is WIP but still...)
About that crash it has something to do with galacticraft spacestations, yet i cannot replicate it.
Build 82 has proper textures on the DHD. If you're not seeing textures then I'm really confused...
[Edit] Wait.. the Atlantis DHD? Yeaaah that's a ways off still. Also the current version of the mod really doesn't like Galacticraft, this will hopefully change when we reimplement the important stuff.
What kind of power will the naquada generator use? Will it be compatible with buildcraft or universal electricity? Having two type of energy that have little to no way of exchanging is anoying to the player having even more can only get worst if it's not compatible or can't exchanged.
These ring look sweet can they be put so they take under them like gauld ships have been doing
I'm shooting for IC2/BuildCraft. UE MIGHT be added.. it depends on how much I hate their API. We will NOT be implementing our own power network.
Don't worry the DHD is still there you have to use computer craft to run the gate, I was just testing out code in the computer craft program so I can make a map like the tv series cos they don't have a DHD on the earth stargate as the Egyptians destroyed it and buried the stargate to try and stop RA from coming back even tho he could have come back with more ships and destroyed them all but thankfully he din't lol ;-)
Actually, Both of Earths DHDs were intact. To quote the wiki
The Giza DHD had not been destroyed, however, merely lost. Nazi Germany removed it from Egypt during World War II, and the Soviet Union subsequently captured it at the end of the war. It passed into the possession of the Russian Federation after the Soviet Union's fall. After the Russians recovered the American primary Stargate from the Pacific Ocean when it was lost in the crash of Thor's starship Biliskner, they set up their own Stargate exploration program using the DHD to secretly "override" the backup Stargate the SGC was using whenever Russian SG teams were scheduled to dial back to Earth. (SG1: "Watergate")
The American Stargate program eventually suffered a mishap that their makeshift dialing interface was unable to correct, when Teal'c became "trapped" in their Stargate's data buffer after the wormhole connection was severed when a ship destroyed the DHD which was supplying power to the gate that was connected to the Earth Stargate. At this time, Dr. Rodney McKay also states that the SGC's dialing computer ignores 220 of the 400 feedback signals the Stargate can emit during any given dialing sequence. The Americans eventually made a bargain to exchange some of the information their more-successful Stargate program had gained for the Russian DHD, which was able to retrieve Teal'c alive. The DHD was destroyed in the process, however, leaving Earth with no remaining known DHDs. (SG1: "48 Hours")
And the Original Stargate and DHD were found in Antarctica, but the DHD lost power, also quoting the wiki:
Earth's Alpha Gate was missing its DHD when first discovered, requiring the United States Air Force to develop the Dialing computer as a replacement. This resulted in Stargate misbehaviour from time to time, since most of its detailed interfaces and safety features could not be reverse-engineered.
When SG-1 was forced to return to Earth under fire, a freak accident caused the wormhole to shift to the second Stargate on Earth in Antarctica. This "second" gate — the Beta Gate — was Earth's original Stargate, used by the Ancients before the Goa'uld had even discovered the planet. This Stargate's DHD was still with it when it was discovered, and was used briefly by National Intelligence Department operatives to conduct covert technology raids through the backup Stargate. However, it has since run out of power and ceased to function. The Antarctic gate and DHD are thought to have been the oldest known, possibly among the earliest that were constructed by the Ancients. (SG1: "Solitudes", "Touchstone", "Frozen")
very interesting I'll have to download this at some point and try it out. Big Stargate fan not gonna read through the whole thread to find out nor did I see any info but the possibility of mobs of the factions from the series down the road?
Um... No. Matter of fact build 82 includes the proper texture for the DHD... you know the device you use to dial? You CAN use ComputerCraft to control the gate without a DHD, but nothing REQUIRES it. Please try stuff before you flip out.
And incoming wormhole interrupts dialing, And control trough PC (CC) should work the same although there should be fast dialing option while using CC which ofc uses 2-4 times more fules but dials faster.
Also option with CC to disable KaWOOOSSh and dial instantly should be there also, but then it should drain even more power.
(just like asgard dialing system , that worked wirelessly but meh that would be too OP to do WI-FI)
No, if you don't want a unstable vortex, then use a iris when we add them.
This looks like it's just pandering to people who wanted an early release.
Ok... so we've officially released 2 builds since our "freeze". One was to fix a issue with CC integration causing errors, and one was to add the texture to the DHD that has been missing since build.. 32 (old build 32, numbers reset @ 39). I'm not really sure how that is pandering to people who wanted an early release.
There's nothing new PLAYABLE in the mod yet. I never said you weren't contributing.Except there are hardly any PLAYABLE changes at all between the "new" and old builds besides a name change.
Show me something since 0.5.0 of SGCraft that is a new playable feature? And that was the 1.5.2 build.
Also, yes, new builds ARE titled as LanteaCraft (We're sticking with it by the way :P) BUT they are STILL fully compatible with "Delta SGCraft-Reloaded" We WILL announce when we release a build that will break this.
wait SGCraft-Reloaded and LanteaCraft are diffrent mods ? i thought thay were both the same but just renamed
LanteaCraft IS technically the same mod, but since we are breaking further away from Greg's code we are also going to have to break backwards compatibility. Moving away with Greg's original code we are able to do MUCH more with the mod then if we had to maintain compatibility. The good news is, you WILL be able to run both mods together, both SGCraft, and SGCraft-Reloaded, will work just fine along with LanteaCraft, but neither will connect to the new mods gates.
Hey guys I know you intend to break backward compatibility if you intend to do so can you make it so I can have my current version and the new version on the same game ? this would allow me to rebuild the gate network I built on my server without to much trouble during the transition
We just refactored the entire mod, so when we release new builds you WILL be able to use both versions of the mod together, you WILL NOT be able to connect a SGCraft-Reloaded gate to a LanteaCraft gate however.
A lot of my work is currently `behind the scenes` and out of the main codebase. There's an entire `afterlifelochie-is-breaking-stuff` branch where I'm rewriting stuff; in the off chance we do need to fix a server-crash-level bug, we can still do so using the main branch code.
Build 82 has proper textures on the DHD. If you're not seeing textures then I'm really confused...
[Edit] Wait.. the Atlantis DHD? Yeaaah that's a ways off still. Also the current version of the mod really doesn't like Galacticraft, this will hopefully change when we reimplement the important stuff.
Nothing to see here....
I'm shooting for IC2/BuildCraft. UE MIGHT be added.. it depends on how much I hate their API. We will NOT be implementing our own power network.
Actually, Both of Earths DHDs were intact. To quote the wiki
And the Original Stargate and DHD were found in Antarctica, but the DHD lost power, also quoting the wiki:
More mobs are planned.
Um... No. Matter of fact build 82 includes the proper texture for the DHD... you know the device you use to dial? You CAN use ComputerCraft to control the gate without a DHD, but nothing REQUIRES it. Please try stuff before you flip out.
No sorry, we're keeping backspaceing.
We're looking into this already.
No, No, and No.
No, if you don't want a unstable vortex, then use a iris when we add them.
Ok... so we've officially released 2 builds since our "freeze". One was to fix a issue with CC integration causing errors, and one was to add the texture to the DHD that has been missing since build.. 32 (old build 32, numbers reset @ 39). I'm not really sure how that is pandering to people who wanted an early release.
Show me something since 0.5.0 of SGCraft that is a new playable feature? And that was the 1.5.2 build.
Delta-SGCraft IS this mod currently.
LanteaCraft IS technically the same mod, but since we are breaking further away from Greg's code we are also going to have to break backwards compatibility. Moving away with Greg's original code we are able to do MUCH more with the mod then if we had to maintain compatibility. The good news is, you WILL be able to run both mods together, both SGCraft, and SGCraft-Reloaded, will work just fine along with LanteaCraft, but neither will connect to the new mods gates.
We just refactored the entire mod, so when we release new builds you WILL be able to use both versions of the mod together, you WILL NOT be able to connect a SGCraft-Reloaded gate to a LanteaCraft gate however.
He's not kidding Right from the github.