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    posted a message on LanteaCraft
    Quote from hyperbird

    not funny noob...

    ... Take a joke, we've shown you all the pictures we have. Also, calling the person in charge of the mod... not the fastest way to get along.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LanteaCraft
    Quote from hyperbird

    can i see some more IRIS pictures plz

    Sure thing:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LanteaCraft
    Quote from Technus

    My bad that is true. But the power you are talking about is not related to gate type but rather the distance.

    After what I saw here (the atl. gates) , I need to call you Shol'va! for not giving us dev builds... ;]

    Dev builds would be a horrible idea. I'll just leave it at that. *I* don't even like playing with our builds ATM :P
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LanteaCraft
    The entire fuel system is being changed soon anyway, so not a huge issue, but thanks for reporting.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LanteaCraft
    The logic was it was close enough to the event horizon that it STOPPED the Unstable vortex from forming.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LanteaCraft
    Quote from NullMagic1

    While I was unaware of the part about the center of the gate being unobstructed, however in the movie it showed the fossilized remains of the troops sent through by Ra on the underside of the capstone, indicating that the gate was turned on after it was buried, yet if it was able to form a wormhole for troops to pass through then it shouldn't have been possible for the capstone to survive the flaring of the horizon. That inconsistency aside, the cavern that was created in the referenced episode was the result of the event horizon flaring and destroying the matter over the gate, while it's true they had no way to easily get through and they had to send someone in to dig their way out, that was more because they didn't have an easy way of removing the obstruction that didn't have a high risk factor than anything else. If you think about it they could have easily shot all manner of explosives through the gate, however this would have had at least one undesirable effect (forcing the gate on the other side to connect to a different gate being the only one I can think of at the moment). However assuming they had the highly powerful energy weapons of their enemy that really wouldn't be needed, as a directed energy beam would have been able to make short work of the obstruction with minimal risk.

    The iris closes after the wormhole is fully formed, because otherwise the flaring horizon would destroy it, the point of the Iris is that once covered the wormhole is unable to reconstruct whatever is coming through fully leading to the destruction of anything that tries to pass through.

    Eh the Series doesn't really follow the movie at all. So ignore discrepancies there. As for the iris, there have been a number of times a connection was established with the iris closed. The in series explanation for this is that the iris is placed less then 3 micrometers from the event horizon, far enough away the gate can connect, but close enough that *nothing* can form, including the unstable vortex.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LanteaCraft
    Quote from Aeraesoria

    Mmm peachy, small question about the naquadah ore spawns... it's a bit well rare to find.

    naquadah {

    basically what is the % of that? How often does it spawn I mean. I've covered a good distance in my world and have yet to find the stuff so I can fuel stargates to run.

    Theoretically yes. Mind you we didn't write that code, and it will be rewritten soon, I am sure.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LanteaCraft
    Quote from maxxion

    First: Nope, I can't understand Lua to save my life, it will jsut be there for looks at that point.

    Second: So far, the only one I'm positive on is Galacticraft.

    There *MAY* (don't hold your breath) be a VERY BASIC DHD program for CC included in the first release of the new builds of LanteaCraft.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LanteaCraft

    On build 82
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LanteaCraft
    Quote from neo_kun666

    As I see it, that would just take up time. But I can understand that those who have a slower computer might need that.

    It's not really a should we, or shouldn't we, but CAN we.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Greg's SG Craft
    Quote from henryheyhey123
    I'm not sure if you've noticed this but someone's used your code to make a similar mod called LanteaCraft: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2059956-164-forge-lanteacraft/
    Quote from HiddenIsme
    I found that too while looking for mods to compliment SGcraft and i was like thats bs but... because of his license below I left it alone "Licence This is free software. You are free to do whatever you want with it."

    Greg already knew about my fork, check pages 25-27. Also, our code has diverged greatly from the base mod, the next release will have very little in common code wise with SGCraft.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LanteaCraft
    Quote from maxxion

    Then why would I not jsut go work with his, if I have ot go dig it up anyways, considering it has any and all crafting designs and feature listings? You're not making a very good case for yourself.

    I mean really, if you say, made a movie, and you told someone "Oh no go watch that other movie first, because ours is just a modified version of that. But I'm not going to give you any information on all about it, JUST what we changed," they would turn and walk away.

    http://puu.sh/5xeyM.png which has been there for... awhile? Links to https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaCraft/wiki the CURRENT WIKI for the project?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LanteaCraft
    Quote from maxxion

    SO the big "This is SGcraft with tweaks" with no link to SGCraft, that's 'this is the official and only thread'?

    Except, we're not affiliated with the original mod, and I see no point in linking to his thread when you can Google it. So yes, this is THIS MOD'S One, Only, Official thread.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LanteaCraft
    Quote from CassusSRN
    Lol, so you guys expect everyone to magically know what your mod is all about. i guess a mod about magic then :D
    Quote from maxxion
    This came out al ittle rude, but in essence he's right. We have no idea what you changed, waht you added, how anything works, how ComputerCraft interacts with this, you guys don't even have a link to the other thread. You guys need ot give some information.
    Quote from Aeraesoria
    I hate to admit it but yeah there is next to no information about what's changed with the mod and the site its linked with it's own wiki, especially the wiki has no information what so ever.
    Quote from maxxion
    That owuld be something worth noting in the original post, that is awesome. Makes me wish I could learn Lua.

    I really have no idea what you are talking about. The first post has a change log, has a list of ComputerCraft methods and how to call them/parameters. What other thread anyway? THIS is the official, and only thread for this mod. Also, yes, the Wiki doesn't have anything currently, but I've been working 14 hour days, and AfterLifeLochie has been rewriting HUGE chunks of code.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LanteaCraft
    Quote from kev12east

    would it be possible to make it so that you can send rednet messages through a stargate?

    No. The gates can only do entities.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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