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hello i have a bad computer here are the specs
Windows 10 home
Processer: AMD A6-5200 APU with Radoen(TM) HD Graphics 2.00 GHz
System type : 64 bit
computer type: HP Laptop
tell me which shaders are compatible with these specs is a disneyland server but its not finished yet but u can join
what the hell
mod didnt load in minecraft here is the stuff i did i use forge 1.8 and put the 3 things into a file but when i launch minecraft and press mods it does not show up
hello i have a bad computer here are the specs
Windows 10 home
Processer: AMD A6-5200 APU with Radoen(TM) HD Graphics 2.00 GHz
System type : 64 bit
computer type: HP Laptop
tell me which shaders are compatible with these specs
0 is a disneyland server but its not finished yet but u can join
what the hell
mod didnt load in minecraft here is the stuff i did i use forge 1.8 and put the 3 things into a file but when i launch minecraft and press mods it does not show up