I just wanted to do one more post before I dissolve into the shadows once again.
I wanted to thank those who regularly visited the thread in hopes that I'd deliver the news that we'd be going through with the project. Going back through the posts made me realise that we'd attracted quite a few decent people. I also wanted to thank those who kept it running smoothly and keeping people as informed as possible while I was gone.
My apologies if I missed anyone, these are just the people who stood out to me to be the most community and team based people.
Also, my apologies if I messed with anyone's feels when I said the server was dead. Hopefully, like a phoenix, this server will rise out of it's ashes sooner or later, and be bigger and better than ever.
I hope you can come back. it was an honor to be here with you guys, I also hope one day we can rise again as a brotherhood.
Wow, good to see we have some dedicated people. Sorry for the me pretty much being dead for a year (ever tried to do three different syllabuses at once?). I've either been studying or sleeping. Having a quick look, it seems like Jayden has taken up running a similar server, someone want to point me in the right direction?
Update, if this ever gets seen: I'll pay for some of the server that Jayden runs probably. Not sure how much yet, but I'll probably pay for some. Hopefully there aren't too many bad feelings for dying without warning, got swamped with stuff to do.
[color=#000000]IGN[/color][color=#666600]: Piripitiflautic[/color]
[color=#660066]Timezone[/color][color=#666600]: GMT -7:00[/color]
[color=#660066]Why[/color][color=#000000] you want to help[/color][color=#666600]: Because I think this server has a great future, also because I know it will be fun.[/color]
[color=#660066]Things[/color][color=#000000] you[/color][color=#008800]'ve built/screenshots: an apartment , a german base helped to build the st.basil catheral , and lot more stuff
Additional Notes/Info: I am nice to people and I like to be communicated skype: yunologin[/color]
[color=#008800]I also wanted to be added to the rosted please, Battle number 2.[/color]
Why Us?: Because is really awesome that someone brings up a great idea of doing a server about FALLOUT
How Have You Found About Us?: My brother told me about this topic and I like Fallout
RolePlaying Experiance?: Not too much , but I have been in 2 or 3 RP servers
In Character:
Name: Pavel Andreovich Chekov (I see what I did there)
Personality: nice , helpful
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):
Chekov was born in July 20 , 2259 (if it is 2277 , like in Fallout 3 ) in the Vault 120 , he was one of the few who really was healthy, but he was interested in tech , and specially planes and all that stuff. He was so happy in the Vault and his life was going so well , but a day changed all his way of life... When he was 16, some people started a riot because the Overseer was mean and hateful with them so Chekov join them. Some part of the riot was killed , another part was arrested , but again , he was one of the few who could escape. The sad thing was that Chekov didnt wanted to escape! He only wanted to HELP the riot's injured. He started his travel through the Russian Wasteland as a scared , nerd , Wastelander... A few hours later , he found a small gun , some ammunition and a bag with some resources.
And the nigth was just knockin the door. He tried to find shelter , but he wasnt that lucky. He was so tired thet he fell asleep in a destroyed house. Suddenly , he wake up and noticed... his things were missing! So he , so depressed , started to search for food. While he was passing by a village, he found a paper talkin about a type of brotherhood , but not a normal gang or tribe, it was the Brothrhood of Steel... and his story continues from here with nothing but the feeling of Adventure...
Note: Hi
Note 2: Chekov doesnt like that American stupidness called "Kentucky Fried Chicken", he loves "Bolchevik Fried Bear"
InGameName: Piripitiflautic Age: 13 Creations: I dont like to do creations.. just trenches, bunkers, etc. Experience as Moderator: I was in charge of a farm in a desert, and I organizated so well , they promoted me to moderator. How will you contribute as a moderator: I will be honest and I will help with anything.
guys, i will give u 2 gun names, m4/m16 for EPU. AK47 rebels
may be subject to change
I know I havent been in the server forum too much, anyone can give me a report of what is happening in here ?
and... I love you guys , who have been checking this forum since you applied... you are the real Minecraft players
I hope you can come back.
1st Prussian Foot Guard
Oh man , good to see you finally!
[color=#000000]IGN[/color][color=#666600]: Piripitiflautic[/color]
[color=#660066]Timezone[/color][color=#666600]: GMT -7:00[/color]
[color=#660066]Why[/color][color=#000000] you want to help[/color][color=#666600]: Because I think this server has a great future, also because I know it will be fun.[/color]
[color=#660066]Things[/color][color=#000000] you[/color][color=#008800]'ve built/screenshots: an apartment , a german base helped to build the st.basil catheral , and lot more stuff
Additional Notes/Info: I am nice to people and I like to be communicated skype: yunologin[/color]
[color=#008800]I also wanted to be added to the rosted please, Battle number 2.[/color]
Thanks in advance
Age: 13
Creations: I dont like to do creations.. just trenches, bunkers, etc.
Experience as Moderator: I was in charge of a farm in a desert, and I organizated so well , they promoted me to moderator.
How will you contribute as a moderator: I will be honest and I will help with anything.
I know I havent been in the server forum too much, anyone can give me a report of what is happening in here ?
and... I love you guys , who have been checking this forum since you applied... you are the real Minecraft players
R.I.P for those who died that day. Condolences from Mexico.